24 Years Later

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*Shao Kahn Saga Begins*

24 years later and the final Mortal Kombat tournament to decide Earthrealm's fate was only a week away and one warrior was particularly prepared and excited for the day. Zirack was at the Shaolin temple training with the monks even though at this point, given his Saiyan power and speed he was much stronger and faster than the monks. The only person who could really give Zirack a true fight also happened to be his best friend since childhood: Liu Kang.

By the time he was 10 years old, Raiden had decided to take Zirack to the Shaolin temple, mostly as a way of learning from multiple different masters and when he came across a 12 year old Liu Kang, he immediately challenged him to a fight. The monks were taken aback by this as they had no idea about Zirack's Saiyan heritage and his constant lust for battle. Raiden had managed to turn a once feral 2 year old Zirack a little more docile by using his power to delve into his mind and seeing what made him so aggressive and violent.

Raiden found out that it was just apart of his Saiyan nature and decided to lower his aggression and violence so that he would be easier to raise. However, he could only lower it a little bit so that Zirack could still call upon his aggression when he needed it. After-all, 9 Mortal Kombat tournaments against Outworld had proved that not showing and using aggression was gonna lead to another Earth realm loss.

He once made the dire mistake of letting Zirack out during a full moon, but when he turned into a Giant ape and started to tear the mountains apart with punches and mouth beams, Raiden was in for a rude awakening when it came to Saiyans. Raiden realized the only way to take Great Ape Zirack down, so he formed thunder blades on his hands and managed to get behind the ape and slice it's tail off. Next thing he knew, a naked young Saiyan fell from the sky and Raiden had to catch him and bring him back to the Jinsei temple to heal his wounds. After that experience, Raiden had realized that at this point, it was time to tell Zirack about everything. When Zirack had finally turned 12, Raiden sat him down in the middle of the mountains and talked to him about his past.

When Zirack found out about where he came from, he was shocked to say the least. He found out about everything that his father left behind for him as Raiden showed him the space pod he found him in 11 years ago. When Zirack found the note his father had given him, it brought the boy to tears. Turles admitted to all of the atrocities that Frieza had the Saiyans commit and told him of how Frieza was going to destroy their planet and home as a thanks. He found out that his mother was also killed by the tyrant's henchmen. The note also told him of everything he brought with him to earth and checked the compartment underneath the seat. In it, was a chest that opened up to show him and Raiden, Zirack's Saiyan armor and clothes along with instructions on how to use his Saiyan power and ki. Once he was done with the pod, the note and the memorabilia, he closed up the pod and was re-invigorated to train hard and become strong. "I promise you: mom, dad and the rest of the Saiyans, I will get much stronger and I will beat Frieza once and for all!" Zirack was ready to continue his training with Raiden and the Shaolin monks.

Over the years, Zirack had learned many different fighting styles and techniques from the monks, but the most important things he learned were patience and discipline. By the time Zirack was 14, Raiden and him had spent years attempting to bring out his ki and little by little each day he was improving. After months of rigorous training and discipline, Zirack was able to form and fire his first ki blast. Unfortunately, the blast hit the wall of the Sky temple and blasted out of the building and into the mountains causing a small explosion off into the distance. Zirack went from jovial to an expression that screamed 'I just got caught with my hand in the cookie jar' as Raiden watched and had a 'Are you kidding me?' face. After they patched up the hole in the temple, Zirack would spend the night meditating just like how the monks taught him and he spent every night after training with meditation.

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