Bloody Pathways

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"Stand down, Hasashi! Havik is a man of god and guest of the Shaolin. He poses no threat to anyone..." Kai stated as Scorpion had his fist on fire.

"You've been deceived, Kai. This 'Havik' is an agent of the blood demon." Scorpion argued as Havik politely stated, "If you are familiar with my teachings, Hanzo, you'd know that I am nobody's agent but my own."

"This is a serious accusation, Hanzo. Have you any proof?" Kai asked as Scorpion growled. "Have you?" Kai once again asked as Hanzo admitted, "....No. But his's too familiar."

Havik smiled as he said, "There you have it. This is all a misunderstanding. Master Kai, would you allow me to speak in private with grandmaster Hasashi?" Havik asked.

"Yes. I think a peaceful discussion would be more constructive than a brawl." Kai said as he then looked towards the other two and said, "Nightwolf, young Takeda. Why don't you both come with me?"

"Master Hanzo, are you sure?" Takeda asked as Hanzo answered, " Go with him." Kai took Nightwolf and Takeda up the stairs as Hanzo and Havik were alone.

"Just the two of us! I get why you're fired up, Hanzo. You trekked all the way here on Raiden's behalf only to find out you're working for the enemy." Havik said as a cross-armed Hanzo stated, "Raiden's a lot of things. But a traitor isn't one."

"If I must spell it out for claim a 'demon' seeks to unleash the true power of the Kamidogu...power that can only be accessed by uniting them. Ergo, the daggers must be collected first. And what has Raiden been doing? Collecting them." Havik said with undeterred confidence.

"I asked for evidence and you give me slander. We're done here. The Kamidogu is coming with me." Hanzo said as he was tired of Havik's lies. He went to go and grab the order realm Kamidogu dagger, but when he touched it, his hand went through as if it was a hologram. "A decoy..." Hanzo said in annoyance.

"You don't think grandmaster Kai would keep a powerful weapon like the Kamidogu on display, do you?" Havik asked as he had a condescending smirk on his face.

"Tell me where it is or...." Hanzo angrily stated as Havik quickly tried to calm him down. "Please, I don't have the dagger, I swear! But I'll tell you the truth about Raiden...everything!" Havik frantically said.

"Spit it out!" Hanzo ordered as Havik put his hands across his face.

"He's utterly corrupt....I know this because...." Havik said as he then horrifyingly tore the skin and flesh surrounding his mouth and nose off.


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"...I'm the one who corrupted him. Who corrupted all of them. All it took was a few drops of blood. Who's next? You are! And this time, Takeda won't be around to save you." Havik stated.

Takeda was getting a tour of Kang temple as he then asked about the legacy of Liu Kang. Kai went on to explain that the temple they were in, was built in memory of Liu Kang's victory in the last mortal Kombat tournament that took place in Outworld. The topic of conversation then moved on to Kenshi as Kai explained to Takeda that his father visited this temple shortly after he left Takeda with Hanzo. Takeda was surprised to hear this, but was then informed of who it was Kenshi was running from.

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