A New Mission

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Skarlet and Li-Mei were sparring at the same waterfall they attacked Zirack at a few weeks ago. Both were even when it came to power, but each of them got the upper hand for a few moments before the other retaliated. The both of them finished up their spar as a familiar voice reached both of their ears. "I see you two are using your time wisely." Zirack stated as he was crossed armed and leaning with his back against a tree.

"Zirack?!" Was the collective reaction from the both of them. Zirack walked forward to meet them as Li-Mei asked, "Where did you go?"

"How did you get back?" Skarlet asked as Zirack rapidly answered both questions, "Vaeternus. Portal back to Earth realm."

The two women were confused as Li-Mei asked, "What?"

Skarlet knew about Vaeternus when Fujin told her and Zirack about it, but she was just as confused as Li-Mei as Skarlet asked, "How were you in Vaeternus?"

"Perhaps you should explain the whole story." Li-Mei stated as Zirack remembered Fujin asking him the same thing. He decided to tell the both of them the story. Once he was done, the both of them better understood the timeline of events, but were still both confused on why a vampire would save Zirack's life. Zirack then went on to explain that he was saved so that he could help free the realm of Vaeternus. Li-Mei and Skarlet then understood as the both of them knew that was just in Zirack's nature to help people if he could.

"Regardless, I'm back now and want to know something." Zirack stated as he asked, "What happened after I was stabbed? I kinda blacked out after about a minute."

Since she was present, Li-Mei informed him of what took place. "After you were thrown off, Raiden returned and saw a revenant version of you being created by Quan Chi." Zirack was disgusted at the thought of being a mind controlled slave for Quan Chi. Li-Mei continued on with the story as she said, "Raiden used that spell he and Fujin came up with to restore your soul while I battled Quan Chi."

"You said that he was also responsible for what happened to your village. Did you kill him too?" Zirack asked as Li-Mei shook her head before admitting, "No. If I did, then you along with all of the other revenants would not be restored. However, I did make him suffer."

Skarlet asked, "How so?"

"Let's just say...if he does not have the ability to regrow body parts, then his manhood is forever lost to him." Li-Mei answered as Zirack was wide eyed and cringed from hearing what Li-Mei said. Even Skarlet was taken aback by what Li-Mei was implying. "I know that he probably deserved it...but....dear god. Remind me never to piss you off."

Zirack stated as Li-Mei gave a small smirk before returning to the story. "Once Quan Chi was dealt with, Raiden restored your soul and dispersed the growing revenant. From that explosion, was not only a release of your soul, but the souls of Sonya Blade, Sub-Zero and Scorpion. They were all returned to the land of the living and back here on Earth realm."

"So you guys managed to save them after all, good." Zirack said as he thought back to the others and stated, "l just wish we could have saved them all. But regardless, I think it's about time we continue you guy's training. I did say I was gonna teach you guys to unleash your auras." The two women were ready for their training as they agreed and Zirack began the lesson.

Over in Outworld, empress Sindel was sitting on the throne as her head was heavy with burdens. Not only was she in the midst of a civil war with Mileena, but after hearing what became of all of her victims back when she was bewitched, she was even more heartbroken. She decided to leave the throne and go try to clear her mind with a walk. Once she left the throne room, she came across her daughter who asked, "Mother, what's wrong?"

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