Tournament Conclusion

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Jade and Skarlet were exhilarated as they were flying through the air. The wind was blowing in their faces, their hair waved back like a flag, and they could see all that was below them. Zirack was flying at a speed that was quick, but also not too fast as to not harm the two ninjas. If he were to unleash his aura and fly at breakneck speeds, then the two would have a difficult time during their flight.

"So, this is the kind of view you always get?" Jade asked as Zirack nodded. The flight was amazing, but it didn't last long, unfortunately, as they reached the coliseum after a minute. He stopped at the back entrance where he left through earlier before meeting Jade. The trio walked through the halls as they entered through the earth realm entrance. Once they entered, Skarlet kept out of sight as she watched from behind the entrance wall. She and Jade, however; found a shocking sight.

There Shao Kahn was, barely able to stand. He was beaten as a mostly damaged Liu Kang stood in front of him. He put up a fist that began to catch fire as he stated, "For Kung Lao, the Shaolin and Earthrealm!" Time seemed to slow down as Liu Kang reared his flaming fist back and punched Shao Kahn so hard, his fist burned through the emperor's body. Shao Kahn's back now had a gaping hole in it with Liu Kang's fist stuck through. He pulled his arm out and let the former emperor fall to his knees and then face first into the sand.

All of the outworlders were shocked as the Earthrealmers were also astonished. Skarlet's eyes threatened to bulge out of her head as she finally saw the unbeatable emperor toppled. The sight of Shao Kahn choking on his own blood was something Jade never would have thought to happen in any lifetime. Liu Kang walked over to Kitana and freed her as a golden light came from the sky to signify the mortal Kombat winner. The Outworlders left the coliseum as Shang Tsung gave them a signal to leave. Liu Kang walked over to the body of Kung Lao as Kitana was right behind him and they both kneeled to mourn him.

Li-Mei noticed the crowd Zirack was with as she asked him, "Why are these 2 with you?" There was a tad bit of venom in her question as Zirack explained everything to her. About Skarlet, about Jade and about them joining Earthrealm. Li-Mei was a little taken aback by everything she heard, but she could understand that much like her, there was nothing left in Outworld for them except misery. The earthrealmers all took their leave as they placed the bodies of Kung Lao and Stryker into chests. They used them as coffins and Raiden summoned the portal to leave once they were out of the coliseum.

Kenshi, Nightwolf, Smoke, Li-Mei and Johnny Cage all walked through. Raiden saw that two groups were going to ask the same question. Liu Kang was no doubt going to ask for Kitana to come with him and Zirack was going to vouch for Skarlet and Jade. Raiden waved them off before anybody could say a word and said to the 5 of them, "All are free to take refuge in Earthrealm." They all walked through as the three former assassins all hesitated at first, as this had been there home for pretty much all of their lives, but they realized that they would have a new home, a better home, so they all walked through as the portal closed.

Once they walked through, they were all back at the Wu-Shi academy where they originally were before they left. Nightwolf, Kenshi, Smoke and Johnny all went their separate ways as the Shaolin were given the body of Kung Lao and they would bury him the next morning. Liu Kang helped as he and Kitana walked through the academy leaving Zirack, Jade, Skarlet and Raiden.

Zirack turned towards another chest as he asked Raiden to do him a favor. "Raiden, can you tell me where Kurtis Stryker's family is?" Raiden knew why he asked and answered his question.

He thanked Raiden and tried to go and grab the chest, but Raiden stopped him and advised him saying, "You should visit the Jinsei chamber first. Heal your wounds and broken bones. Then inform Kurtis Stryker's family of his passing."

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