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Mileena had spent the past few hours in her cell, thing about the tense argument she had with Riekhan. But out of nowhere, Mileena heard footsteps coming down from the stairs. She came up to the bars as she immediately said, "Riekhan, I'm sorry ab-...."

Mileena stopped what she was saying as she was surprised by the person who showed up. "Wh-what are you doing here?" Mileena asked as the figure didn't answer and they instead took out a pair of keys to open up the cell to Mileena's further shock.

"Go. Now." The figure ordered as Mileena thought what was happening was too good to be true.

"Why would you free me?" Mileena asked as the figure answered, "Because I need to prove a go before I change my mind."

Mileena didn't argue and took the opportunity to quickly leave before anyone else could spot her. The figure shined a wicked smile as the first step of their plan was complete.

Down in the Netherealm, Sareena was fighting as best as she could against two of her former allies. Sub-Zero and Noob Saibot were evenly matched with the two switching the advantage between eachother. And Kung Lao finally got his rematch with Zirack after 9 years.

^*battle ost*

Kung Lao attacked Zirack with a fierce combination of punches that the Saiyan evaded before Zirack countered with a punch to the side of the ribs. Zirack followed up with a side kick to knock Kung Lao back a bit. With the space they had, Kung Lao once again tossed his bladed hat towards Zirack.

The Saiyan dodged the hat toss, but was not expecting for Kung Lao to teleport behind him and grab him before flipping over and slamming him onto the ground. Zirack quickly got back up and dodged a downward kick from Kung Lao before connecting with a sweep. Just like last time.

Kung Lao kipped back up and began to spin his body around and created a blue hurricane. The hurricane made its way over to Zirack and tried to pick him up, but Zirack held his ground. He snap vanished in front of Kung Lao as he kicked him in the side of the ribs and then kicked him square in the stomach with the same leg.

Kung Lao did not falter from Zirack's attack as he retaliated with a flurry of fast paced punches to the Saiyan's stomach. He then followed up with a back kick to Zirack's chest and knocked him back a bit, before he grabbed his hat and tossed it at the Saiyan's head.

Zirack once again caught the hat, but this time spun around and tossed it back towards Kung Lao. Kung Lao managed to grab his hat, but felt pain in his hand. He saw the cut his hand now had due to his hat. But he looked a little too long and didn't see Zirack snap vanish behind him and deliver a chop to the back of his neck to knock him out. "Deja Vu." Zirack said as he left to go and help the others.

Sareena kicked Kia away and blocked a strike from Jataaka with her elbow. But Jataaka struck Sareena across the face with a punch that sent her into another punch from Kia. Sareena slowly backed away from the two as she said, "It is possible to escape Quan Chi, Kia and Jataaka. I can aid you, as Bi-Han aided me."

"You think we are as feeble minded as you, Sareena?" Jataaka asked as Kia said, "You became too familiar with Bi-Han. Allowed emotion to corrupt you."

"Emotion freed me!" Sareena said as she hit Jataaka in the face with a punch to the nose. Kia sliced at Sareena with her boomerang blades, but Sareena flipped backwards and avoided every slice. Unfortunately, she didn't avoid the flying kick from Kia that knocked her down. Jataaka was back up as she stepped over Sareena and took her sword out.

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