Prelude to War

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Skarlet was once again enjoying flying through the air as Zirack carried her through the skies. Her pony tail was flapping against the wind and she took the time to look down and see just how high up they were. "Have you ever gone up past the clouds?" Skarlet asked as Zirack answered, "I have but, not for long. The air gets thinner up there."

They continued to fly through the air as they reached the Himalayan mountains. They finally got to the sky temple as Zirack let Skarlet down and they both made their way to Fujin. Once they reached his chambers Fujin stopped his meditation and welcomed Zirack. "Zirack, welcome. I see you've brought a guest." Fujin said as Zirack looked at Skarlet and stated, "Skarlet, this is Fujin the god of wind. He's Raiden's brother and pretty much my uncle."

"I'm not your uncle, Zirack." Fujin smirked a little as he stated that. He got up and walked over to the pair. "Just because you say it, doesn't make it true." Zirack said as Fujin stood a few feet away from Skarlet. "Anyway, this is Skarlet. She's a ninja from Outworld who came to Earth Realm a few weeks ago and lives here now and helped with the fight with Shao Kahn. But she needs help, your help." He said as Fujin wanted to hear more.

"What is your problem Skarlet?" Fujin asked as Skarlet hesitated at first but Zirack assured her that Fujin could help. "Ever since I have been a young child, I have been a practitioner of blood magic." Just hearing the words 'blood magic' was enough to grab Fujin's attention. "As powerful as it has made me, it also requires me to sustain myself with the blood of others. Without it, I won't survive." Skarlet said as Fujin understood everything that she was telling him.

"I see. How did you learn blood magic in the first place Skarlet?" Fujin asked as Skarlet answered, "It was a gift from Shao Kahn."

"I'm sorry Skarlet, but that 'gift' Shao Kahn gave you, was a curse." Fujin stated as both were bewildered and Zirack asked, "What do you mean 'curse'?"

"Blood Magic can only be sustained by absorbing or devouring blood. To sustain herself, Skarlet would unfortunately have to kill at least 1 person every week and absorb all of their blood. If she doesn't, then she will start to lose strength over time and she would eventually grow terminally ill...and pass away." Fujin said as Zirack was wide eyed and Skarlet knew she was right.

"Really? There's nothing that can be done about that?" Zirack asked as Fujin thought about it and told them, "There is a way for Skarlet to sustain herself without harming anybody else."

"Sustain me for how long?" Skarlet asked as Fujin stated, "Forever." Skarlet and Zirack were in disbelief at Fujin's answer. "Forever? How? What could even cause that?" Zirack asked as Fujin snapped his fingers and a hologram of a vial with silver markings and inscriptions on it appeared. Skarlet was enamored with the vial as she could feel something special from it just by looking at it. "W-what is that?" She asked.

"This, is something ancient blood magic practitioners have used to sustain themselves for all of eternity. They created it as a way for blood magic users to have guaranteed immortality without the constant need to feed off the blood of others." Fujin stated as Skarlet believed this could be her answer to her bloodlust. Zirack believed it to be that as well when he asked, "What's it called?"

"The vial of INFINITE BLOOD." He stated as Skarlet asked, "Where can it be found?" Fujin let the hologram dissipate as his face grew sorrowful and he answered Skarlet's question. "Unfortunately, the vial of Infinite Blood can only be found in a realm that is lost."

"What do you mean a realm that is lost? Do you mean Edenia?" Zirack asked as Fujin shook his head and answered, "There is a reason why blood magic had not been taught to anyone other than Skarlet in over 50,000 years. Before Edenia, Shao Kahn conquered another realm outside of the 6 that existed at the time. A realm inhabited by vampiric warriors called, Vaeternus. The creators of the Vial sealed it within the realm, but because of it being merged with Outworld, the realm along with the vial are lost." Fujin stated as whatever hope Zirack and Skarlet had was quickly evaporated.

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