Demon on the Loose

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Scorpion woke up, but was still barely able to make out anything he was seeing. Takeda and Fox walked up to him as Takeda was horrified by what he was seeing. Hanzo was hanging upside down and was bound together by his own chain spear. He asked what Fox did to him as Fox admitted to drugging Hanzo.

Scorpion was having visions of his past. Visions of that dark day he lost everything. What he saw was his wife and infant son dead, frozen in a block of ice. "Harumi? Satoshi? No...." The block of ice was then broken apart to reveal Bi-Han, Sub-Zero. "Your family. Your clan. You have lost everything. How does that make you feel?" Bi-Han asked as Scorpion had a realization and said, "You've gone to such great lengths to recreate my darkest day...but Sub-Zero and I never talked about 'feelings'." The vision he was seeing was beginning to melt away as he stated, "None of this is real. Just a memory..." Scorpion's face was replaced with a flaming skull as he then stated, "...of tragedy and wrath."

Fox wanted Takeda to kill Hanzo while he had the chance. Takeda refused as Fox wanted to know why. Fox tried to argue that Hanzo was harder on Takeda than any of the other Shirai Ryu warriors. "If you thought Hanzo was a harsh master before, wait until you meet the real Scorpion." Fox said as he turned to look at Hanzo and was going to kill him himself. Takeda was not going to allow this as he grabbed a whip and wrapped it around Fox before kicking him. Fox retaliated with a red blast that struck Takeda in the chest and knocked him away.

At that point, Scorpion woke up and had fire bursting out of his eyes. He escaped from the bondage of his chain spear and dropped down to the floor. "This clan was my family. Whoever you are-..."Fox did not want to hear what Scorpion had to say as he interrupted and said, "Shut up and just do-..." Now it was Fox's turn to be interrupted as Scorpion grabbed him by the throat and held him up. He took the Kamidogu out of his hand as Scorpion began to breath a powerful burst of hellfire onto Fox. Scorpion then plunged the Kamidogu dagger into the heart of Fox as Fox....didn't feel anything. "Thank you." Was all Fox said before blasting Scorpion away.

"With every drop of blood, I grow more powerful. Raiden never told you about the dagger's true power did he. Maybe he may have told you about the blood magic, but he didn't tell you the horrors of what that blood magic was really for. Or it's connection to Quan Chi-..." Fox was once again interrupted as he felt pain radiate from his throat. Takeda stabbed Fox in the back of the neck with a sword as he quickly sliced up Fox's head and vertically split his neck and head in half.

Scorpion and Takeda shared a moment of silence as Hanzo put his hand on Takeda's shoulder. Within an hour, both were leaving the temple with snowsuits and large bags on their backs. "I just don't see how we honor them by leaving. We should rebuild." Takeda said as Hanzo replied, "We WILL rebuild, Takeda. But first we find the one who gave me this dagger...and I'll show you how to make a god beg for mercy."

The sky temple was raging with lightning strikes as Raiden and Fujin were in a room discussing matters. "That thing is tearing across the realm and my vision is too clouded to find it." Raiden said as he opened up the box containing the sky temple's Kamidogu. "But the price is too high, Raiden." Fujin rebutted as he knew what Raiden was thinking of doing. "What price? Among the is considered noble to give blood." Raiden said as he pulled out the red glowing Kamidogu dagger. Raiden pulled up one of his arm sleeves as he said, "The Kamidogu has enhanced my sight before, Fujin. With a few drops of blood, I will find this demon." Fujin was against the idea, but it was too late, Raiden had made a cut on his arm with the dagger.

Raiden was immediately fueled with immense power, and just as he said, his sight was greatly enhanced. He was able to see everything.

-He saw Hanzo and Takeda trekking through the cold and snowy mountains.
-Kuai Liang fighting the cyber Lin Kuei.
-Kano stabbing one of his black dragon members in the hand with his knife.
-General Reiko courting Mileena.
-Empress Sindel walking somewhere with Jade and Tanya.
-Skarlet and Li-Mei who were stabbing and slicing at Zirack.

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