Broken Ties

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"So what do we do once Kitana, Jade and Ermac return?" Riekhan asked as he was hanging around the great hall with Sindel, who was sitting up on her throne.

"It depends on the information they bring us." Sindel answered as Riekhan replied, "I don't really think it matters."

"Excuse me?" Sindel asked as Riekhan replied, "Whatever information they find on Shao Kahn's army, it really doesn't matter. It's not like you'll ever allow me to face him. If you did, we wouldn't be worrying about Shao Kahn or Outworld at all."

"Riekhan, it's not that simple." Sindel argued as the half Saiyan replied, "No, it is. As a matter of fact, you wanted to take him down when he showed up here in Edenia."

"Yes, Riekhan. But he's not here now. Killing him here was the plan, but it cannot be executed now, can it?" Sindel asked.

"It could've if you would just let me fight him. Instead, you tasked me with destroying the Outworld army. I don't know, it's like you're protecting him, mother." Riekhan said as Sindel almost jumped out of her throne and surprisingly shushed the half saiyan.

"Shhh. Keep your voice down." Sindel said as Riekhan raised an eyebrow and was heavily confused. Sindel took a look around and was thankful the great hall was completely empty and only had the two of them present.

Sindel gave a sigh and admitted, "I'm sorry, Riekhan. But...I don't think it's wise for you to address me as 'mother' anymore."

"What?" Riekhan asked, not knowing what Sindel was implying. "Are you...disowning me? Again?!"

"No! Not at all." Sindel quickly assured the half Saiyan as he then asked, "Then what the hell are you talking about? Why shouldn't I address you as exactly what you are to me?"

"The royal house and Edenia itself views you as its protector. They feel safe now, but the people are still curious about you. To them, you came out of nowhere and people are making up their own theories about you. One day, your true identity will have to be revealed." Sindel explained as Riekhan didn't see what the big deal was and he said, "Yeah, as your son."

"ADOPTED SON." Sindel emphasized. "But your blood is of Shao Kahn's."

"So? It's not like anybody can figure out my relation to that bastard. I mean look at me. I may have his dna, but based on my looks, voice and powers, it's obvious who I truly take after." Riekhan argued to which Sindel replied, "You may not take after Shao Kahn, but none of that matters the moment anybody curious enough gets ahold of your dna. Do not be fooled, Riekhan. Edenia is just as capable of dna testing as anywhere else. And if anybody finds out you are Shao Kahn's could be catastrophic."

"And why is that? The people of Edenia know I fight for them." Riekhan said as Sindel shook her head.

"That doesn't matter to them, Riekhan. Just the mere fact that you are related to him, could destroy your reputation with the people of Edenia. Not only your reputation...but ours as well." She informed him as she the explained, "If word spread that you are Shao Kahn's son, as well as everyone seeing how close you seem to be with me, everyone would believe you are the product of a union between he and I."

"But that dna test would say otherwise...." Riekhan said as Sindel nodded.

"Exactly. The people would lose faith in you, and lose faith in me as well. This could be a scandal that brings the royal family down." Sindel said as Riekhan realized what was going on.

"So it's politics. That's what this entire situation boils down to?" Riekhan asked as Sindel answered, "A very simple way to put it, but....yes."

"That's pathetic." Riekhan said as Sindel stammered, "Riekhan, you don't understand-."

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