On the Warpath

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Edenian citizens ran for their lives as they all felt like they were reliving a nightmare. Luckily for them, Jade and Riekhan dropped in and quickly went to work. Jade was attacked by a group of tarkatans, but she fended them off. The first Tarkatan went for a blade swipe across her throat, but she ducked and stabbed into his gut with her glaive to kill him. The next two Tarkatans had their brains beaten in when Jade brought out her Bo staff and quickly struck the both of them in the skull.

While Jade took care of the invading tarkatans attacking her, Riekhan blasted many tarkatans away with ease. However, he had to keep himself in check due to not wanting to cause any harm to any remaining Edenian citizens or the buildings. Tarkatan bodies were being vaporized left and right by the half Saiyan as more of the Tarkatan horde came running towards him.

Riekhan had been around tarkatans long enough to realize that even in a situation like this, where they were being pulverized, they would still keep attacking. Whether it was out of savage fury or pure stupidity, they kept coming. But as they came running, the Edenian knights finally made it to the battlefield and helped fight off the invading army of tarkatans.

As the Edenian knights and the tarkatans were embroiled into a war, Riekhan was a bit confused. He asked himself, "If Outworld is invading, then why is it only the tarkatans? Where is Shao Kahn?"

It was at that moment that Riekhan sensed something at the other end of the city. He felt more tarkatans had shown up over there, but there were a lot less. Regardless of the smaller number of tarkatans, Riekhan still had a sense of urgency to him and quickly flew over to the location.

Baraka and a few other tarkatans attacked Edenian homes and families. A group of Tarkatans killed a man right in front of his family. The wife tried desperately to run away with her young daughter, but she tripped on a stone and fell face first onto the ground.

The little girl was crying her eyes out as her father had been killed right in front of her and now, she and her mother were next. She was frozen. Frozen in fear at the massive monster right in front of them. The tarkatan brought his arm blade out as he was about to stab right through her head and join her and her mother with her father. Just as he did though, his neck felt like it was being pulled up hard and before he knew it, his head came right off his body.

The little girl screamed in terror while the mother tried to cover her eyes at the brutality she was seeing before her as the tarkatan's headless corpse fell right in-front of her. The other tarkatans were on high alert, but they were all blasted by green energy beams and were quickly killed.

The mother was stunned at what she was seeing and she turned around to see who her savior was. It was weird. 'It'. She couldn't tell who or what was underneath all of that, but it looked like a combination of a ninja and a mummy. It's glowing green eyes stared at her as he floated down to the ground and said, "Run."

The mother was wide eyed as this being that had saved her and her daughter sounded as if he had many different voices speaking for him. Regardless, she made a run for it with her daughter and they got to safety while Ermac dealt with the tarkatans.

"You fight for Edenia now, Ermac?" Baraka asked as Ermac answered, "We fight for what is right, Baraka. You and your tarkatans will not take this realm once more."

Baraka signaled for his fellow tarkatans to attack the soul ninja as Ermac prepared himself. The tarkatans attacked, but Ermac used his telekinetic powers to pick up 8 of them and tossed them all into buildings. Ermac then turned his attention to Baraka as the two went into a fierce battle with one another.

The battle was short lived as Ermac brought Baraka to his knees and pushed the Tarkatan leader into a corner. Before he could finish Baraka off, a few more tarkatans ran up to Ermac and tried to attack, in a bid to defend Baraka. Ermac shot a soul blast through the chest of one of them while using his telekinesis to pick another one up. Ermac bounced the Tarkatan up and down off the ground multiple times before tossing him into the side of a very sturdy wall and splattering him.

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