The Final Battle

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The city was turned into a massive war zone as bodies of Tarkatans were laid out across the streets. Some were lucky to just be unconscious, others were not so lucky as most were missing limbs and their heads. Raiden was embroiled in a battle with Shang Tsung while Nightwolf battled Baraka. Mileena tried to take her vengeance on Jade and Kitana, but was stopped by Liu Kang as he began his battle with the Tarkatan clone.

Kenshi was slicing apart Tarkatans with Sento and using his telekinesis to aid him against the horde. Jade used her staff to literally whack the life out of Tarkatan after Tarkatan and even used her razor-rang to stab and slice their heads off. She was joined by Kitana who used her fans to create a large blue tornado to pick up many tarkatans before throwing her fans out and controlling it like a helicopter to slice apart more of their enemies.

Skarlet was a one woman blood storm as she ran into a group of 50 tarkatans with her blades in hand. She jumped in and began to slit throats, decapitate heads, and cut through enemy after enemy as she absorbed their blood and became stronger by the victim. Li-Mei was fighting along side her as she brought out her sword and used it to kill more Tarkatans. She even used her powerful legs to kick heads off and break her foot into tarkatan chests.

Tanya joined the fray with her kobujutsu tonfas in hand as she tossed them right into 2 tarkatan's heads. She jumped over another and wrapped her thick legs around its head before snapping the tarkatan's neck. She jumped off of him as she shot a fire blast at a group of enemies to burn them to a crisp. She got another blast ready as a large group of over 20 enemies headed her way.

Tanya didn't get to blast them however as they were vaporized by a blue ki blast from Zirack. Zirack flew right into the center of another 70 Tarkatans as he brought his arms together in an X formation and quickly unleashed an omnidirectional dome of energy to turn them all to dust. Tanya was impressed at how he took the situation over by disposing of 90 enemies at once.

The earthrealm defenders kept fighting horde after horde of tarkatans as Raiden managed to knock back Shang Tsung before feeling something in the air. Shang Tsung felt it too as he laughed and informed Raiden, "He's here..."

*Shao Kahn entrance ost*

A massive portal opened up on a rooftop as Raiden knew who it was. Zirack sensed a massive power level even bigger than both Sindel and Riekhan's as he was utterly confused. Everyone stopped attacking one another on both sides as they looked towards the looming figure of Shao Kahn. The tarkatans all cheered as their emperor slowly made his way through the portal. He finally stepped through and for the first time ever, Shao Kahn set foot in Earth realm.

Zirack quickly flew up to the roof top as he stood face to face with Shao Kahn. He was then joined by a teleporting Raiden and Liu Kang. "Ah, a welcoming committee?" Shao Kahn mockingly asked as Raiden angrily stated, "You will pay for your invasion Shao Kahn!" Shao Kahn only laughed as he arrogantly asked, "Do you really think you can beat me Raiden?"

"I've beaten you before. I will beat you again." Liu Kang stated as he put up a flaming fist. Shao Kahn continued to laugh as he stated, "That was merely luck, boy. I am far more powerful now than I was last time. None of you can beat me now."

"He's right." Zirack stated as Raiden was weary and Liu Kang was just confused. "Are you serious?" Liu Kang asked as Zirack did not break his stare at Shao Kahn and only nodded to confirm. "H-how?!" Liu Kang asked as Shao Kahn explained. "The same way Sindel was strengthened. Shang Tsung transferred some of Riekhan's soul and power to her, but I took his power as well. In fact, I took most of his power for myself and have become the strongest I've ever been."

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