Impending Return

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"Emperor, you've returned!" Baraka said as he, Rain and Ermac kneeled before Shao Kahn.

"Ahh, Ermac. I see you've used the ritual to return me to my empire. If that's the case, what has become of my daughter: Mileena?" Shao Kahn asked.

"Much has happened ever since your death, my emperor. Your wife, Sindel, has taken the throne of Outworld and has torn down your empire. Mileena tried to take her rightful place as your heir, and went to war against Sindel. The war has ravaged Outworld and taken the lives of many in your court." Ermac explained as Shao Kahn was already angered at what he was hearing but was curious.

"What has happened to all that were in my court?" Shao Kahn asked.

Ermac went on to explain everything that happened in the war. All of the deaths that befell Mileena's side and the destruction of Shao Kahn's empire at the hands of Sindel and Kitana. Shao Kahn was livid at hearing this. Everything he had built was destroyed by his 'wife' and 'daughter'. He was going to make those edenians pay.

"So my army now bends it's knee to an edenian?! How pathetic." Shao Kahn said as he shook his head in disappointment.

"The Tarkata is at your command, emperor." Baraka said.

"Be that as it may, the tarkatans alone are not enough to fight against Sindel and her army. I can fight her alone." Shao Kahn claimed.

"That may not be wise, emperor. Sindel has become much stronger ever since your passing. She has learned to control Riekhan's power and has become far more powerful and deadly as a result." Ermac said as Rain agreed and brought something else to Shao Kahn's attention.

"Not only did she control Riekhan's power, she even has Riekhan himself wrapped around her finger." Rain stated to the confusion of Shao Kahn.

"Riekhan? He was a corpse the last time I saw him." Shao Kahn stated as Rain went on to explain, "He was brought back to life 6 years ago. Reiko had the idea of resurrecting him so that he could aid Mileena's side in the war."

"Then how does my 'wife' have Riekhan at her beck and call?" Shao Kahn asked in genuine befuddlement.

"From what Mileena told us, he betrayed his sister in exchange for a lavish life under Sindel's rule." Rain said as Shao Kahn was even further angered.

'If Sindel has power and my army on her side, then I should play this on the safer side. I need numbers.' Shao Kahn thought to himself. At times like these, he knew he needed to strategize. Reclaiming his empire would not be easy, but he would never live with himself if he knew his empire was ruled by anyone other than him.

"Listen you three, I will reclaim my empire and destroy my 'wife'. But first I'll need to bring back some of the members of my court...." Shao Kahn said as he looked at the statue of him and felt something missing. Once Shao Kahn could realize what was missing, his eyes widened and he was immediately filled with disbelief.

" can't be!" Shao Kahn yelled as Rain asked, "Emperor, what troubles you?"

Shao Kahn angrily grabbed Rain by his collar and held him close to his angered face before asking, "Where is it?!"

"Where's what?" Baraka asked as Shao Kahn pointed his hammer at the statue and asked, "Where is the damn portal sphere?!"

"E-emperor, we don't know anything about a portal sphere!" Rain claimed.

"Don't you fools understand?! The portal sphere held the realm of Vaeternus in its clutches. Not only Vaeternus, but it was also tied to the realm of Edenia!" Shao Kahn yelled as Baraka asked, "But I thought Edenia was fully merged with Outworld."

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