Blood Ties

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"Are you serious!?" Zirack asked as Fujin nodded in confirmation.

"How the hell did a demon from another realm get through here?" Zirack asked as Fujin explained, "When the Netherealm invasion occurred, the cosmic barrier between all realms was broken. With the right means, anyone is able to cross between all realms now."

Zirack was trying to wrap his mind around everything that he was hearing as he had his eyes closed and pressed his fingers to the side of his skull. "So this 'demon' is what got Raiden so on edge that he had to resort to invoking blood magic. As if being the Thunder god wasn't enough."

"Be careful how you speak about Raiden, Zirack." Fujin stated as Zirack sighed and said, "I'm sorry. Just hearing all of this about a demon, the Kamidogu and Raiden has now got ME on edge."

Fujin forgave Zirack as he could understand and said, "This entire ordeal weighs heavily on all of us. Believe me, I don't agree with Raiden using the Kamidogu's power either."

Zirack was curious as he asked, "Well where's Raiden now?" Fujin answered, "He has gone off to find Sonya Blade."

Sonya was walking through the halls of the military base along with Raiden as they passed into a corridor. In the corridor was a room that was sealed off and had protocols, passwords and extra security measures. Once Sonya put in all of the passwords, the door opened as she and Raiden walked in. "See, it's right here...." Sonya said as her eyes widened in shock. "The dagger. It's been taken!" Raiden stated as Sonya could not believe it. She had placed the dagger in a room that was completely impenetrable and had passwords only she knew. "Who could have taken it?" Raiden asked as Sonya had no answer.

"I-I don't know. Nobody could have gotten in to the room and all of the security passwords are only known by me." Sonya said as Raiden asked, "How can you be certain no one can get in?"

"When this room was made, the walls and doors were reinforced to impenetrable levels. I even had Zirack test it out, and it worked. Plus there were no signs of entry." Sonya answered as Raiden asked, "If this room cannot be broken into with brute force, then that only leaves the security. Are you sure you are the only one who knows the passcode?"

Sonya thought about it as she came to a realization. "If anybody else would know about the room's security it would be....the general." Sonya said as she grew angry.

"Your general has taken the Kamidogu for himself?!" Raiden said as he also grew frustrated with the thought.

Sonya pulled out her phone as she said, "If General Woodrow knew about the room, then he probably knew about the cameras. But luckily, I had other, less....visible cameras installed." Sonya played the video footage and showed it to Raiden as the both watched on.

Earlier in the day, General Woodrow put in all of the passcodes to the door as it opened and he walked in, along with a....guest. "H-here is what you wanted." Woodrow said as he brought down the shield holding the Netherealm Kamidogu dagger and handed it to the guest.

"Now a beauty. Ya know, this could make a man very powerful. The kind of power that makes a man think he can truly conquer the world. The kind of power that could....destroy the world." They smiled and nodded as they looked at the general before walking out.

"Wait! I gave you what you'll leave my family alone?" The general asked as the figure replied, "Of course I will. But ya see, you better not tell anyone about what happened here today. Other wise, when that whole thing about the world going to shit happens. You AND your family will be too dead to care." The guest said as Woodrow's eyes widened from fear. "So if ya don't want to come home one day and find your kids' or your pretty little wife's brains spilled all over the walls, keep your mouth shut, General." The figure said as they walked off with the dagger and General Woodrow left after collecting himself.

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