Getting the wrong kind of attention

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Once the tournament rolled around the next day, Earth-realm and Outworld began to lose some of it's fighters.

Cyrax had beaten Johnny Cage to eliminate him from Earth Realm's team and he refused to kill the actor after Shang Tsung order him to "Finish Him!"

Sonya Blade beat Li Mei to eliminate her from Outworld's team while Skarlet took joy in watching the 'traitor' , in her eyes, get beat.

Sonya immediately lost her next fight to Skarlet who was still recovering from her 'battle' with Zirack the night previous.

Jax tried to take over and get a victory for Earth realm, but after a hard fight, Skarlet eventually defeated him too.

Kenshi then stepped in as he and Skarlet had their fight, and the blood mage was finally taken down.

Sheeva stepped in next to fight the swordsman as he managed to gain the upper hand at first, but over time, the female shokon warrior proved to be too much for him. She managed to defeat him and eliminate him from Earth realm's team.

Stryker was next to take on the challenge, but he lost to her after just 30 seconds. Zirack was pretty disappointed as he thought that the cop had something special going for him. She was going to try to kill him as Zirack yelled out and got everyone's attention.

"HEY! Can't you see he's already beaten! You don't have to kill him!" Liu Kang tried to calm him down as he could see his friend's anger rising. "Ah, since you would like to save your teammate, why don't you fight Sheeva?" Shang Tsung asked Zirack as he added on a catch: "but know this, when Sheeva beats you, she will kill you and your ally." Shang Tsung stated as Sheeva looked towards her new opponent. Before Zirack left, Raiden had to warn him to be weary of the shokon and told him to stay on guard. After last night's experience, Zirack definitely did not need to be told to keep his guard up.

Zirack stepped forward and got into his battle stance. "Fight!" Shang Tsung yelled out.

Sheeva jumped up into the air and tried to land on Zirack, but what she didn't expect was for him to dodge and in a split second, catch one of her legs. He then used his strength to smash her body into the floor. All of the spectators were stunned that he was able to manhandle one of the strongest Shokon warriors like this. Sheeva managed to pick herself up and tried to attack Zirack, once more as she used all 4 of her arms in an assault. Punches and elbow strikes were thrown as Zirack used his speed to dodge most of the attacks, but she managed to finally land a punch right across the side of his face. Zirack did not respond as Sheeva continued to hit right hook after left hook on the respective side of the Saiyan's face. Everyone watched on as the Outworlders had cheered sheeva on and the earthrealmers were starting to lose hope. After all, Zirack and Liu Kang were the only fighters they had left. Li-Mei was starting to wonder why Zirack was not using any of the power he showed her before, and this same question was also wondered by Skarlet as well. She could not understand why the Saiyan had not used the same power as the night previous.

Sheeva hit blow after blow, but then reared back with all of her might and landed one last punch on Zirack's face. The punch had made him face the opposite direction as her fist was pressed up against his right cheek. But then, his head and neck began to overpower her fist as he moved back to face her. It was a surprise to everyone to see that all Sheeva managed to do to him was scratch him up a little. Even the Shokon female was surprised when she looked down at her shorter opponent as he wiped a small drop of blood off his lip with his white glove and asked: "All of that, for a drop of blood?" Sheeva was wide eyed as nobody had taken that many attacks from her like that and only got a drop of blood from it. She had no time to respond as Zirack brought up his right arm and placed two fingers on her abdomen. His face expression was one of conviction as he brought the two fingers back, and with only 1 inch of space, delivered a powerful punch to her stomach. This was the hardest that Sheeva had ever been hit as she began to gasp for air and fell to her knees while clutching her stomach in pain. After a few seconds of struggling, Sheeva landed face first on the ground and was knocked completely unconscious. All of the outworlders were in stunned silence, as well as some of Zirack's Earth realm teammates. Zirack broke the silence by saying, "She can't fight anymore." After everyone was able to subside their shock, Shang Tsung hesitantly named Zirack as the winner.

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