Rise Again

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"Is it almost done?" Mileena asked as Riekhan's body was floating in the soul chamber. Ermac finally found a soul fitting for Riekhan as he shot that soul in the direction of the soul chamber and directly into Riekhan's decrepit body. "That should complete the process." Reiko said once Riekhan was given a soul by Ermac. Mileena was growing restless as Riekhan was still not waking up. But soon enough, Riekhan began to stir awake. Mileena saw this and her heart immediately stopped momentarily as she waited what felt like an eternity until...Riekhan's eyes opened.

Riekhan had no idea what was what as Mileena was over joyed at the sight of her brother returning to life. Riekhan stepped down from the soul chamber as he felt dazed but eventually got his bearings. "B-brother, are you..." Riekhan turned to the feminine voice as he remembered just who it belonged to. "Mileena?" He asked as she nodded her head and inched closer to her 'brother'. "I-I can't believe I'm alive." Riekhan said as he looked at his hands in wonder and amazement. "How is this possible?" He asked as Reiko answered, "Your sister wanted you to be resurrected. It's all thanks to her that you live again."

Riekhan was shocked as he looked towards Mileena and asked, "You really did that for me sister?" She nodded once as the two moved closer to each other before embracing each other in a hug. The moment was tender for the two as they held tight for awhile. "I missed you brother." Mileena admitted as the two let go of their embrace and Riekhan stated, "I missed you too sister. What happened since my death?" Riekhan asked as Reiko began to explain.

Reiko told Riekhan everything. From Shao Kahn's death and Sindel's rise to the throne. "Shao Kahn is dead?!" He had to reconfirm as Reiko nodded. What he said next was a shock to everyone as he stated, "Good." Everyone in the soul chamber looked at him as if he was crazy. "W-what did you say?!" Mileena asked as Riekhan revealed to everyone, "Father betrayed me, Mileena."

"Betrayed you? How?" She asked as Riekhan stated, "When Shang Tsung began to steal my soul and power, father did not help me. In fact, he betrayed me by joining in and stealing my soul and power from me." Riekhan's anger began to rise the further he told the story. "That's a lie! Father loved us!" Mileena said as she did not believe the story her brother was telling her. "How could it be a lie Mileena?! I saw it with my own eyes! Right before that, Mother gave me an earful about my loss to...him." He said as the memory of Zirack made his blood boil.

"Regardless of whether or not Shao Kahn has wronged you. He is dead, but you no longer are. And given your heritage to him, you have the most legitimate claim to the throne." Reiko stated to Riekhan as he tried to calm the tension down between brother and sister. "The throne? If Mileena holds no dominion over it, then who currently does?" Riekhan asked as Reiko answered, "Your mother, Sindel."

"M-mother?" Riekhan asked as all of his previous memories flooded his still dazed mind. "She goes against everything your father stood for. She even rules by using the power that rightfully belongs to you." Reiko stated as Riekhan asked, "She has my power?! That's where it went?" Reiko could see the frustration brewing in Riekhan as he answered, "Yes. Shang Tsung transferred the power he stole from you and gave it to Sindel."

Riekhan grew angry at this. So angry in fact, that he tried to take his anger out on a wall in the soul chamber. He punched the wall, but his hand threatened to break on impact. He held his hand in pain as he could see his knuckles beginning to bleed. But the most damning thing of all to him, was the fact that the wall was completely unscathed. "Aagghh!! M-my...power!!!" Riekhan furiously stated as the result of his outburst surprised some of the people in the soul chamber.

"This is all mother's fault. She has your power and strength all to herself and she will continue to use it to bolster her reign." Mileena said as Reiko informed them, "Its no matter. Riekhan has half of Zirack's Saiyan DNA. He can get stronger and regain all of his lost power." This caught the attention of Mileena as asked, "What are you talking about? Mother was given all of his power. He has none left."

"Not necessarily. Let's think back to the fight between Riekhan and Zirack. After he was beaten, when he was healed, Riekhan came back and was just the same as before. Even though he had used up all of his power. All we need to do is wait for his power to return, and when it does, he will defeat Sindel and claim the throne." Reiko answered as Mileena was beginning to agree and liked the sound of the idea. Everyone was starting to get onboard with the idea. Everyone except for one person.

"That won't work." Riekhan stated as he grabbed everyone's attention. "What do you mean it won't work?" Mileena asked as Riekhan began to explain. "I don't have my tail anymore. It was cut off in my battle with Zirack." Mileena asked, "What does your tail have to do with your power?"

"My tail helped to control my power. I don't know how, but once Zirack cut it off, I felt like all of my power was lost to me. I felt much weaker after Shang Tsung helped to heal my wounds." Riekhan admitted as Reiko perked up and asked, "Wait, are you saying your Saiyan power is connected to your tail?"

"I believe so." Riekhan said as Reiko's intrigue grew and he asked Riekhan, "During your fight with Zirack, did he ever bring his tail out?"

Riekhan thought back to their battle and answered, "No. he never brought it out." Reiko heard this answer and got to thinking. "Why do you ask?" Riekhan asked as Reiko presented his theory to everyone. "The fact that Zirack never brought out his tail during your fight, along with the story that Jade and Tanya told of him putting his tail away once they attacked him, begs the question. Why is the Saiyan so adamant on keeping his tail out of harms way?" Everyone was starting to understand where Reiko was going with this as Ermac asked, "Do you believe his power comes from his tail?"

"Perhaps. Once Riekhan's tail was cut off, he shrank back down out of that giant monkey form. If that's what the Saiyans ultimate form is, then it can be taken away from them by cutting off their tail." Reiko stated as Riekhan started to believe his words to be true. "So that's what happened. Am I able to do that giant monkey transformation again?" Riekhan asked as Reiko answered, "Not without your tail. However, if you want, we can send out the best scavengers in Outworld to go and find your lost tail. Once it's found, all we need to do is reattach it to you and make it part of your being once more."

Riekhan wanted his tail back as soon as possible so he told Reiko, "Get it done as soon as possible." Reiko agreed and informed the clone, "It will take a while to find your tail, but for now, enjoy your return to life...my emperor." Reiko said as Riekhan liked the sound of being called 'emperor'. Everyone left the soul chamber as Reiko informed Reptile, "Find me...the Kollecter. Tell him his services are required, by decree of the new emperor, the true emperor ." Reptile understood and made his way to where the Kollecter usually resides.

When Reiko was alone in his quarters in Kuatan, he opened up a device and a hologram came up of a figure. "Do you have their trust?" Reiko asked as the figure replied, "Yes. Empress Sindel trusts me and does not suspect anything of me." Reiko smiled as all of his plans continued to come together as he asked, "And does Sindel still believe that Mileena will eventually come to meet her?" Reiko wondered as the figure answered, "She does expect her presence eventually, but she will start to believe Mileena to give up her claims if she's not willing to come forth overtime."

"Good. We need Sindel to eventually forget about Mileena and her claims long enough for Riekhan's power to return to him." Reiko answered as the figure asked, "Was it wise to resurrect the clone?"

"He will be a most useful tool, especially with the information I can get from studying him." Reiko asnwered as the figure asked, "Study him?"

"By studying Riekhan's saiyan biology, I can find out what his strengths and weaknesses are. And if I find out what Riekhan's weaknesses are, then I will know just what Zirack's weaknesses are." Reiko stated as the figure understood exactly where the general was going. "A brilliant plan, but will Riekhan truly be the one to rule? Much like his 'sister', he is too unstable for the throne." The figure stated as Reiko's smile never faded and he replied, "All in due time. For now, we must focus our efforts on getting Riekhan's power back and using it to defeat Sindel and topple her regime." Reiko stated as the figure asked, "Is there anything else that needs to be done on my end?"

"Just bide your time and wait for my signal to strike." The figure understood the plan as they signed off the call. Reiko closed the device as his evil grin only grew and now, it was at its peak. There was nothing that was going to stop Reiko from fulfilling his destiny.

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