A New Day

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Hanzo Hasashi stood with his arms crossed right in front of his newest recruits at the Shirai Ryu temple. Suddenly, a red lightning bolt struck down from the sky right behind Hanzo, but the grandmaster didn't flinch. He didn't even turn around as he narrowed his eyes and told his-in awe recruits, "Keep training. Raiden and I will be done momentarily."

Hanzo walked through the aisle way made by the recruits with Raiden following behind him. The two went into Hanzo's quarters as the Shirai Ryu grandmaster started off by asking, "What are you here for, Raiden?"

"To discuss your part in releasing Shinnok." Raiden said as Hanzo tried to explain, "I kn-."

"You were told time and again that Quan Chi needed to live in order to bring the revenants back, but you didn't listen. You gave in to your lust for vengeance and killed him, helping him release Shinnok!" Raiden said as Hanzo had heard this spiel before. Not just from everyone else, but from himself as well.

"Believe me, Raiden. Nobody has blamed me for that error more than myself. So much so that I offered to perform Hara-Kiri right before Lord Fujin to atone for my actions." Hanzo explained.

"Yet Fujin had you and your Shirai Ryu members become guardians of the Jinsei, did he not?" Raiden asked. "He imbued you with Jinsei to make yourself stronger as well. Instead of punishing you, he rewards you!"

"Lord Fujin has more wisdom than I do. I don't know why he would offer me the chance he did, but he did. Now, my clan works tirelessly to make sure Earthrealm's Jinsei is protected." Hanzo defended.

"That doesn't change the fact that your actions almost destroyed earthrealm. They even claimed my life in the process." Raiden said as Hanzo narrowed his eyes and asked, "And was that such a bad thing?"

"Excuse me?!" Raiden asked as he grew furious from the question Hanzo so brazenly asked.

"Your death saved earthrealm. However, that corruption you took in, it revived you and changed you. You even went on record as to say it 'opened your eyes'. You may hate what happened that day, but you sure as hell don't hate what you've become. This darker persona? You didn't hesitate to embrace it wholeheartedly." Hanzo explained as Raiden narrowed his red eyes and knew that Hanzo had a point.

"And by the way, did you think I wouldn't notice?" Hanzo asked as Raiden was a bit confused and asked, "Notice what?"

"The stench of the Netherealm." Hanzo said as he could tell Raiden did something down there that he wasn't telling anybody else.

"Tread carefully, Hanzo." Raiden said as his eyes crackled with electricity. "Fujin may trust you to guard the Jinsei, but I have my reservations."

"Lord Fujin trusts me enough. My clan and I will protect the Jinsei with our lives. Whether you have reservations or not, Raiden, it's no concern of mine." Hanzo said as Raiden disagreed.

"No, Hanzo, it should concern you. From now on, I will tolerate no aggression from other realms or those who threaten earthrealm. Even earthrealmers themselves aren't immune from my judgment." Raiden said as he bore a hole through Hanzo and claimed, "Should you prove to be a threat to earthrealm, I won't hesitate to put you down, Hanzo."

"IS THAT A THREAT?" Scorpion asked as his body began to burn with hellfire and he was ready to defend himself.

"It is a promise." Raiden declared as he turned around and teleported away.

A few miles out from the temple, the members of the Shirai Ryu guarding the territory's border were ambushed. Now that they were taken care of, the attackers went further into the forest. Members of Hanzo's clan were dropping like flies as the attackers carefully made their way to the temple. Once they had finally reached the cliff overlooking the temple, one of them spoke into a communication device.

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