Shaolin Monks

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The earthrealm forces were gathered at a military base as the news of Zirack's erasure and Kronika's plot reached everyone's ears. Fujin, Kenshi, Takeda, Sonya, Jax and Johnny were stunned to hear how Kronika had gotten rid of who someone who most of them knew was Earthrealm's ace in the hole. As much as they wanted to mourn him however, Raiden and Fujin had to move everyone's attention to the mission at hand: stopping Kronika.

"General Blade, you need to see this!" A soldier said as everyone turned to him and Sonya looked at a SAT feed on the computer.

"There's a Netherealm incursion at the Wu-Shi academy!" Sonya said as Liu Kang and Kung Lao's attention was caught with that.

"Netherealm? This must be Kronika's doing." Fujin deduced as Raiden agreed.

Liu Kang turned to Kung Lao and declared, "We must help our shaolin brothers."

"Why would the Netherealm want to bust up your alma mater, Liu Kang?" Jax asked.

"The dragon grotto. It's underneath the academy. Earthrealm's Jinsei energy bubbles up in its springs." Liu Kang explained as Kenshi didn't like the sound of that.

"That's no good. We've seen firsthand what occurs when the Netherealm gets its hands on Earthrealm's Jinsei." Kenshi said to the agreement of everyone else present.

"Don't worry, Liu Kang and I will make sure they get nothing." Kung Lao claimed as the two went off and made their way to the Wu-Shi academy.

Just as they left however, another alert went off. "What is it now?" Sonya asked as she took a look at the SAT feed and widened her eyes.

"Sub-Zero, you're not gonna like this..." Sonya cryptically said as the cryomancer asked, "What is it?"

"It's your temple. SAT feed shows activity from...cyber Lin Kuei." Sonya said to the shock of Kuai Liang.

"The cyber Lin Kuei were all destroyed over a year ago." Kuai said as Raiden replied, "They must be another relic from the past Kronika has brought back."

"Whatever allowed them to come back, it's obvious they're not at the temple for a nostalgia trip." Sonya said as Kuai Liang agreed.

"I must go." Kuai Liang said, turning to walk away. With Kuai leaving, Raiden and Fujin began to discuss with the rest of their allies on what else to do.

A few hours later, Liu Kang and Kung Lao reached the entrance of the Wu-Shi academy. As they looked up the tall stair steps leading into the temple, they saw the corpses of a few Shaolin warriors. Once they reached the top and entered the building, they were horrified to see even more of their brothers slaughtered.

"So many Shaolin...." Liu Kang said feeling sorrowful. "They died defending our sacred grounds. The Netherealm will pay!"

As they got further into the temple, they came across a hallway with swinging axes hanging vertically from the ceiling. After analyzing them thoroughly, Liu Kang came to a realization.

"Whoever came here knew how to disarm these traps." Liu Kang said as Kung Lao then asked, "Do you know how? The monks never taught me."

"More likely you didn't attend class." Liu Kang remarked, holding back a smirk. "Watch for the pattern. And pick your moment...."

Liu Kang timed his moment and ran to the swinging axes. He jumped through them within the split second where they left an opening in the hall. He flipped over on the other side and looked back at Kung Lao, who wasn't impressed. This was all because he had an easier way of getting through the trap. He smirked before tossing his bladed hat at the gears and stopped the trap in its tracks.

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