Strike First

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Onaga was pleased that all of his servants now knew their place. Liu Kang was the first to speak up as he asked, "Emperor Onaga, how can we serve you?"

"You will all help me to destroy the elder gods, but first, I need something. For me to bring the universe to its knees, I need the amulet of Shinnok." Onaga said as he planned out how he would retrieve the amulet.

At the Lin Kuei temple, Sub-Zero was in a sparring session with Sareena and Frost. Sareena was doing very well against the cryomancer, but something about his power always kept her on her toes. It didn't help that every time she went for an attack that should land, Frost would get in the way. After getting knocked away, both Sareena and Frost were beaten by Sub-Zero.

"Sareena, Frost, you two are capable fighters on your own, but your teamwork isn't up to par." Kuai said.

"You can blame your newest protege for that." Frost said as she shifted the blame over to Sareena.

"Me? Frost, I was trying to work with you but you insisted on fighting Sub-Zero alone." Sareena argued.

"That's because I don't need your help!" Frost stated as Sub-Zero calmed the both of them down. Frost quickly stormed off and left the two.

"What is her problem with me?" Sareena asked as Sub-Zero shook his head in disappointment.

"For all of the talent Frost has, she lacks in discipline. No matter how hard I try to teach her, she just rejects my teachings." Sub-Zero admitted.

"Her talent for fighting can't be so great that you must ignore the headache of a person that she is." Sareena said as Sub-Zero knew she was right. He's put up with Frost's lack of discipline for so long and has justified it solely because of how great of a kombatant she is.

Sareena walked away as Sub-Zero was left alone. He spent some time in the study, up until he came across an ancient book containing information about a region in Outworld that caught his attention.

"Arctika?" Sub-Zero asked himself as he read through the book and was shocked at what he just found out. He continued to read the book throughout the night as he learned more about this Outworld region.

At the sky temple, Shujinko was sitting at a table and was drinking some hot tea as he awaited Fujin to return. Once he did, Shujinko asked, "What have the elder gods foretold?"

"They said that Onaga has grown powerful with all of the Kamidogu at his side, however, he still misses an important piece before he can bring the universe to its knees." Fujin stated as Shujinko asked, "What is that piece?"

"The amulet of Shinnok. Fortunately, the amulet is held within the elder god's discretion. The dragon king cannot get to it without going past them." Fujin said as Shujinko was put at ease a little.

"That puts my worries at ease, but, Onaga is still out in the realms somewhere." Shujinko said as Fujin quickly reassured him.

"Worry not, Shujinko. Onaga's strength was never up to par with Shinnok, and you may not believe this, but a mortal living in this realm was able to defeat him." Fujin said as Shujinko was shocked.

"A mortal...was able to defeat....Shinnok?" Shujinko asked as Fujin nodded and answered, "Yes. That mortal has dedicated his life to Earthrealm's protection along with many other warriors. So with them on our side and the elder gods making sure Shinnok's amulet is kept safe, Onaga will not run rampant for long. We will make sure of that."

"I trust you, Lord Fujin." Shujinko said as Fujin replied, "I'll go and warn our warriors of Onaga's existence. You're welcome to stay in the sky temple if you wish, Shujinko."

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