1 Year Later

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A year has passed on Earth Realm as things have managed to stay peaceful in the world. Zirack was now 26 years old and was meditating near a waterfall. No sounds were heard by him other than birds chirping, the water fall next to him and...a kunai heading straight for his head. He quickly dodged it as he got into a fighting stance and was ready to face his attacker.


Out from the shadows came 4 more kunais as Zirack dodged them all, but was immediately grabbed from behind by a blood tendril and thrown into the side of the waterfall. He crashed into the waterfall as he quickly got his bearings and got back up only to be met with a blood whip that wrapped tightly around his throat. He grabbed the whip as he tried to pry it off of his neck. It was working, but soon enough, he was about to be cut in half by a sword. He dodged the blade slice as he then used some of his power to quickly grab the whip and pull the holder forward.

The holder of the whip was a maskless Skarlet who came rushing forward despite her protests. Li-Mei was the other attacker who once again tried to go for a stab at Zirack's abdomen with her Kunlun Dao. He quickly snap vanished before the blade could come close to piercing him as Li-Mei grew frustrated. Her frustration was immediately replaced with shock as Skarlet came crashing into her and the two collided. Zirack snap vanished a few feet away from the two as he smirked and got back into his fighting stance. Li-Mei and Skarlet both got up as they shook off the damage and looked at each-other before nodding at one another.

Skarlet blood-ported away and showed up far behind Zirack. The two women surrounded the Saiyan as they quickly began their attack. Skarlet tried to attack Zirack with a blood spear that she chucked at the Saiyan, only for him to catch it. He was going to try and throw it back at her, but the hardened blood immediately remoistened and Zirack ended up throwing a few drops of blood while the rest of the former spear dropped to the ground and splattered on his clothes. Li-Mei took advantage of Zirack's confusion and ran up to the Saiyan. She jumped into the air and managed to connect with a powerful kick to the side of Zirack's head.

The Saiyan was disoriented a little by the kick as he did not expect Li-Mei's attack to hit that hard. But he refocused his attention as the two women kept up their attack. Skarlet and Li-Mei decided to take the fight up close as Skarlet opened up a puddle of blood underneath Zirack's feet. The Saiyan was held in place as Li-Mei once again rushed up to the Saiyan and tried to land two punches across his face. The Saiyan blocked both strikes as he countered with a chop to the side of her neck. The attack stunned Li-Mei for a moment as Zirack then had to fight off Skarlet who teleported right behind him.

Zirack quickly pushed Li-Mei back with a palm strike to her chest that sent her back a few feet as Skarlet went for a a few slices from her dagger across the Saiyan's chest. He dodged 2 slices before catching her arm and elbowing Skarlet in the face and kneeing her in the stomach. Li-Mei was already back up as she landed another kick to the Saiyan's sternum this time. Zirack was pushed back again as he was met with a spinning kick to his spine by Skarlet.

The blood mage quickly followed up by wrapping the Saiyan in a tight blood tendril hold and keeping him still. Li-Mei took advantage of the opportunity and started to punch the Saiyan over and over again across the face. Left hooks and right hooks connected and Li-Mei followed up with another strong kick straight to the defenseless Saiyan's jaw. 'What is up with her kicks?!' Zirack thought to himself as he had enough and booted her away before turning his attention towards the blood mage. He powered out of the tendril hold and rushed up to Skarlet before burying his knee in her stomach.

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