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"KITANAAAA!!!" Sindel screamed in aghast horror. Sindel's eyes welled up with tears before they started streaming down her face.

"E-empress...." Jade tried to say as she could already tell what her best friend's fate was.

"I-I can feel it.....Kitana...." Sindel said as she was interrupted by her own crying.

Riekhan heard what Sindel was trying to say, but just like Jade, he could already tell what Kitana's fate was.

Riekhan couldn't believe what Kitana had done for him. He tried to get up, but the intense pain his broken arm felt stopped him from getting back up. Jade noticed this and ran over to help the half Saiyan.

In the palace, Onaga saw the corpse of Kitana and thought that her power could be useful. He used his magic to revive her and brought her body back to the shape she was in previously. This time, her eyes glowed teal like all of Onaga's other servants and she kneeled before the dragon king to show her loyalty.

"Excellent." Onaga said as Baraka began to pick up a smell.

A smell that he could recognize anywhere. He followed the scent his nose was picking up, and it led him to the entrance of the dungeon. He walked down the steps and knew his nostrils had not deceived him.

"Mileena." Baraka said as Mileena was shocked to see Baraka here of all places. She knew there was a commotion going on in the palace, but she didn't expect this.

"Baraka? What are you doing here?!" Mileena asked as Baraka answered, "Sindel and her allies have been vanquished and no longer hold dominion here."

"H-how? Who could have brought down the likes of my mother and brother?" Mileena asked in genuine astonishment.

"The new emperor of Outworld. The TRUE emperor of Outworld. The dragon king: Onaga." Baraka answered as Mileena was unfamiliar with that name.

"Dragon king?" Mileena asked as Baraka got to the point and made an offer to Mileena.

"You have a choice Mileena. Either I could leave you in here to rot, or....you join in servitude to Onaga." Baraka offered as Mileena didn't hesitate to answer.

To her, anything was better than being stuck in this cell, so she agreed to Baraka's offer. The Tarkatan opened up the cell and let Mileena out. Once outside the cell she had spent over a month in, she took comfort in knowing she was finally free from this retched dungeon.

Sub-Zero woke up feeling restrained. He widened his eyes as he realized he was tied up. He was surrounded by a group of tarkatans that had captured him while he was unconscious.

One of the tarkatans noticed that their upcoming meal had woken up. He walked up to Sub-Zero and had his blade out. Kuai Liang acted quickly and froze the binds around him solid before breaking out and dodging the blade just in time.

Sub-Zero retaliated by freezing the tarkatans head and crushed it. The other tarkatans rushed towards him and tried to attack, but Sub-Zero was too powerful for them. He fought them all off and defeated them all at the end.

Sub-Zero didn't know where he was now, and he didn't know where Kenshi was either. He knew he couldn't leave Outworld and return to Earthrealm without Kenshi, so he began to travel around Outworld to find him.

After a short while, Sindel wiped away her tears and went from being sorrowful to being furious.

"Onaga....he took my daughter away from me." Sindel said through clenched teeth as she balled her fist tightly.

"He will suffer...." Sindel claimed as she tightened her fist up so hard, her nails began to dig into her skin and cut into her. Her fist had blood dripping down from it as Jade looked closer at the environment they were in.

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