Blood Island

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"Isn't this special? All of us here together." Reiko mockingly said as he along with Skarlet, Jade, Li-Mei and the red dragon were on one side of the beach.

"Jade, please. Reiko is controlling you." Kitana said as on her side was Tanya, Sindel, Sonya and her soldiers and the Outworld army members.

"How many times must I tell you? Reiko is not controlling us. The blood code was our savior!" Jade said as she rushed towards Kitana and aimed a punch at her.

Everyone on both sides rushed into battle as the soldiers battled the red dragon. Sonya blade was kicked hard in the gut by Li-Mei, and was knocked back 30 feet as a result. A few red dragon members tried to attack Sindel and Tanya, but a banshee scream from Sindel turned most of them into skinless husks of flesh. The last two members had their skulls impaled by Tanya's tonfas.

"Still relying on the red dragon to fight your battles, Reiko?" Sindel asked as Reiko mockingly clapped at the display. "Your skill and power is truly a joy to watch. How proud Shao Kahn would be to see me destroy you....and how equally disappointed your pathetic husband would be. What was his name again? Jarek?" Reiko condescendingly asked.

"Reiko is mine." An unamused Sindel told Tanya. "I'll take Skarlet." Tanya said as she rushed over to the blood mage and left Sindel alone with Reiko.

Sindel took out her kwan-Dao as she immediately attacked Reiko with it. Reiko blocked her kwan-Dao strike with his gauntlet as the two went into an immediate stalemate. "I've heard great things about your power, Sindel. It was even able to beat a Saiyan." Reiko said.

"If you know of my power, then you shouldn't be so close to me." Sindel said as she then unleashed another banshee scream that stunned Reiko for a moment before she kicked him away. Sindel then jumped into the air and readied her kwan dao. She came down with force onto Reiko, but once again, he just caught the wooden part of the staff before the blade could touch him.

"Hehehaha." Reiko laughed as he said, "Your power may be great. But mine is greater, Sindel." Reiko said as he broke Sindel's kwan Dao in half and uppercutted her to knock her down. "I've absorbed the power of three Kamidogu daggers. Your power pails before mine." Reiko finished as he stepped on the downed Sindel's face.

"Empress!" Tanya yelled out as Skarlet interjected saying, "Excuse me, Tanya...." Skarlet then stabbed Tanya in the shoulder as she continued, "'re not finished bleeding."

Tanya screamed out in pain, but she quickly shot a fireball at Skarlet's leg and managed to hit her. Skarlet was momentarily stunned as she saw the burn mark on her leg. But while she was distracted, Tanya took out her tonfas and stabbed Skarlet in the gut with the both of them before dropkicking her away while pulling the tonfas out.

Reiko saw Tanya coming his way as he told Sindel, "Your champions are so loyal, Sindel." Tanya jumped into the air and had her tonfas out as she was going to dive at Reiko. "So quick to defend you." Reiko said as he went to grab at something on his side. "So ready to die!" Reiko yelled as he stabbed Tanya right through the gut with his spiked sword. Tanya dropped lifelessly to the floor as Reiko cleaned off his blade of her blood.

"" Sindel sorrowfully said as Reiko saw this display and stated, "You have a lot left to lose, Sindel. But you won't have to if you surrender. If you do so, I will spare you and your serve as my slaves."

"You may have taken Tanya. You may have corrupted Jade. But you will not take Kitana away from me." An angry Sindel said as Reiko found her threats to be futile.

Skarlet managed to pick herself back up as she had to use her blood magik to heal herself of the stab wounds given to her by Tanya. She saw Sindel and Reiko battling each-other once again, but then her attention was caught by the sounds of a battle ship arriving.

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