The Empress' Return

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^*battle ost*

Zirack began the battle with a flying kick to Sindel as she blocked it and countered with a banshee scream that sent Zirack flying into a building. He quickly shot out of the building like a rocket with his fist cocked back and flew towards the empress. She was ready for the attack, but she wasn't ready for Zirack to snap vanish behind her and hit a sledgehammer on her to send her through the building and into the ground.

Sindel got back up as she only saw a blue ki blast speeding it's way down towards her. She used a powerful banshee scream to disperse the blast as Zirack snap vanished right in front of her and laid into her with a gut punch that doubled the empress over. He then hit her with a downward elbow strike to her neck to knock her down again. She used her hair to wrap around Zirack's body and threw him from the building and into the street as she finally had some breathing room. She flew out of the building to attack Zirack once more with a ki blast from her mouth.

The blast hit Zirack as he tried to block it but it was pushing him back. With a testament to his will, he managed to deflect the ki blast up into the air, but he left himself open to Sindel as she quickly flew to him and kicked him hard in the gut. The kick sent him through a few buildings as Sindel flew behind him and met him halfway with a high raised leg that she dropped on his head to send him careening down into the ground. She dropped down onto a rooftop as she was taking solace in her current victory.

"This is what the great Zirack is capable of?" She rhetorically asked while failing to stave off a laugh as he got back up and was not amused. He then unleashed some more of his power as a silver aura erupted around him as Sindel did the same and a purple aura surrounded her. Zirack bursted into the air at Sindel as she flew towards him as well and the two clashed in mid-air with their forearms to create a shockwave that destroyed the windows on some of the buildings around them.

The two slipped away from each other as they each tried to land a punch, but the other blocked with their forearms. The two then went into a flurry of punches and kicks as Zirack gained the upper hand and landed an axe kick to her neck to send her down to the ground. Grey energy shrouded him as his hands began to glow and blue ki blasts both came to light. He shot the two as he then shot more and more and more and more. Zirack rained down ki blasts onto Sindel as she was struck with every single one of them.

Luckily for Sindel, her resiliency increased with Riekhan's power and she got back up after the rain of blasts. Her aura bursted as she flew towards Zirack and he did the same as they once again clashed into a massive flurry of attacks. They both landed strike after strike on each other as they both were sent back by each others attack. They both caught themselves as they flew right back at break neck speeds towards one another with their fists ready. All that could be seen was an explosion in the air as both Zirack and Sindel clashed and landed their own separate punches on each other as Zirack's fist was pressed against Sindel's cheek and Sindel's fist was pressed against Zirack's.

Raiden and Liu Kang made it back to earthrealm after realizing that the Elder Gods would not help until Shao Kahn actually tried to merge Outworld with Earthrealm. When they saw all of the dead bodies, they were both confused and angry. Liu Kang managed to find Kitana as she was tending to Kenshi's wound. She explained everything to the duo as Raiden used his powers to heal Kenshi. Jade, Li-Mei and Skarlet all finally woke up by this point as they wondered where Sindel was. Kitana was going to say something, but she couldn't as the sound of a building crumbling was heard.

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