Set Sail for War

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Down in the Netherealm, multiple boats sailed across the sea of blood as they all carried different armies. On one boat were the special forces, Jax, Johnny Cage, Kenshi and Takeda all led by the general: Sonya Blade. On the next boat, were meditating Shaolin monks all led by Kung Lao and Liu Kang.

The next boat across was filled with Edenian knights and Shokan warriors. Queen Sindel walked through the aisle way made for her as Queen Sheeva and Jade both gave her a nod of respect and admiration. Sindel then reached the front of the ship where Kitana was waiting. She then looked up to the top of the ship's sail and saw a cross-armed Riekhan who looked out into the sea's horizon and had determination written on his face while Ermac was floating above the boat and keeping up.

The ship leading the fleet was ferried by Kharon and didn't hold an army. Instead, Scorpion, Sub-Zero, Smoke, Sareena, Skarlet, and Li Mei were all on the ship's deck waiting to get to the Isle of Kronika. Fujin and Raiden stood behind Kharon while he sailed the ship.

"Kronika's Isle lies beyond the fog." Kharon informed the two earthrealm protectors.

In the distance though, Riekhan squinted his eyes as he could barely make out something coming out of the thick fog. Within seconds, however, a massive ship that dwarfed all of Kharon's ships approached the fleet. "Battleships! My ferries cannot fight a war." Kharon exclaimed.

"Worry not. This fleet is under our protection." Fujin assured Kharon as he turned to the group of warriors behind him and instructed them, "If Kharon falls, our fleet cannot sail. Protect him at all costs!"

Frost was at the head of the battleship as she was flanked by her cyber Lin Kuei army and Geras. She looked back and ordered, "Ramming speed!"

With that, the battleship sped up and Kharon had to steer the ship to the far left to avoid being hit. It was futile though, as the battleship scraped the side of his ship. It also scraped up against the other boats before stopping in the middle of the sea.

Before everyone knew it, Cyber Lin Kuei ninjas jumped down from the ship and attacked in droves. Everyone fought off the cyborgs for as long as they could as more and more hordes jumped down and attacked.

The Edenian ship watched on as the cyber Lin Kuei didn't attack them, to their surprise. However, they were still in the crosshairs of Geras, who jumped onto the front of the ship and caught everyone's attention. Sindel narrowed her eyes while all of those within the boat tensed up at Geras' arrival. The time construct looked between all of the warriors as the queen stepped forward and asked, "What are you here for, time construct? You are woefully outnumbered."

"Your army is not my concern." Geras said as he called out, "Where is Riekhan?!"

Everyone looked between each other and tried to scope out the half-Saiyan, but once they saw Sindel and Kitana look up to the sail, they saw Riekhan jump down and land at the back of the crowd. They all made an aisle way that led him straight to Geras. He walked towards the time construct and asked, "Finally grew a set and want to fight me?"

"Kronika has bestowed upon me the honor of killing you. I have promised her that I WILL exterminate the final remaining Saiyan." Geras informed the half Saiyan.

Riekhan made it to the front of the ship and stood a few feet from Geras as he replied, "Bold words. But I have to ask, are you going to make good on your master's mission and kill me...or will you just run away like you did last time we came face to face?"

"There is NOTHING that is stopping your demise now." Geras said as Riekhan replied, "Alright. But not here."

"Fearing for your allies' safety, half-breed?" Geras asked as Riekhan answered, "That, and...I don't want to embarrass you in front of everyone."

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