Reiko's Blood Reigns

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"Enough." Havik said as Raiden followed his orders and stopped electrocuting everyone. "The ritual calls for mortal blood. And not just any mortals..... champions." Havik said as he looked at the now unconscious bodies of Mileena, Sindel, Riekhan, Kitana, Ermac and Sonya blade. "Reiko, if you're ready to fulfill your destiny, then let us make our way to the throne room. Red dragons, escort our guests to their seats in the throne room. And corral the soldiers, outworlders and Tarkata who came with them in the dungeon."

As the red dragon members carried everyone away, Li-Mei, Jade, Havik and Raiden all made their way to the throne room. Reiko was leaving as well, but then someone called out for him.

"" Skarlet weakly said as what was left of her legs were still bleeding out. Reiko saw the condition Skarlet was in and he knelt down next to her as he said, "I'm sorry, Skarlet. How exactly can I help you?"

"I-I don't have....enough.....blood magik to regenerate my legs. I need....the blood code's power." Skarlet said as Reiko understood and replied, "I see. Without enough blood magik, you'll eventually bleed out and die."

Skarlet pleaded for Reiko to give her the blood code's power so she could avoid death, but Reiko shocked her when he said, "Unfortunately Skarlet, I can't give you the blood code."

"Wh-what??" Skarlet said as Reiko explained, "I need all of the blood code's power for myself. I was willing to share its power with you and make you a blood goddess at first, but overtime I realized that I need to fulfill my destiny....alone. In all honesty, the situation you're in now is the best case scenario for me. You've lost your uses."

Skarlet was shocked at the casual betrayal Reiko just committed against her. "Mileena was betrayed me....." Skarlet said with a hint of anger as Reiko got up and replied, "All is fair in war, Skarlet. But try your best to cling onto your short life for as long as possible. You don't want to miss the debut of Reiko: The blood god." Reiko said while he walked away and went to the throne room as Skarlet was left alone and bleeding out on the beach.

Later in the throne room, Sonya Blade was stirring  awake and heard Havik say, "Observe. There are seven Kamidogu's in existence....all in our possession thanks to Lord Raiden. We also have our champions...Hey!" Havik said as he noticed Sonya Blade who was wide awake. Sonya was wide eyed once she realized the predicament she was in. "Look who's waking up!" Havik said as Sonya tried desperately to escape the bonds she was held in.

"Still fighting till the last breath. Or in this case, the last drop." Havik said as Sonya was further shocked at the sight of Sindel, Kitana, Mileena, Ermac and Riekhan all laying on platforms similar to hers. They were all gagged by duck tape over their mouths and had tubes connected from their wrists to a central blood fountain.

"What was I saying? Oh...the blood of champions is our sacrifice. Reiko is our vessel." Havik said as he stood right beside Reiko who was sitting on Shang Tsung's throne. "Today we unleash a god." Havik said as he went to grab a chalice and dipped it in the fountain of blood.

"Drink, Reiko. Fulfill your destiny." Havik said as he presented the chalice to Reiko. Reiko took the chalice and made a toast.

"To godliness." Reiko said as he drank the chalice filled with blood and some of the blood within the chalice flowed down his chest and abdomen. "I am ready." Reiko said as he handed the now empty chalice to Havik.

"Very well. Then let us declare..." Havik said as he along with Raiden, Jade and Li-Mei all stabbed the Kamidogu daggers into Reiko's body. ".....Reiko's blood reigns!!!" Havik finished as Reiko let the power of all seven Kamidogu daggers flow into him.

Sonya, Kitana, Sindel, Ermac, Riekhan and Mileena all watched on as energy around Reiko swirled red and powered him up. The energy was so intense that Reiko was sent flying back and into his throne. Havik tried to walk up to him, but Reiko grabbed Havik by the throat and said, "I've died enough today, thank you. But as the blood god rises...." Reiko said as he turned his attention towards the 6 guests looking at him and finished, ".....others are now due for sacrifice in the name of Reiko."

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