A Chance at Revival

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A week had passed and once again, all of earth realm's defenders were at the sky temple in a meeting. The topic of conversation was just the same as the last meeting the week previous. "So what's the plan?" Zirack asked as Raiden began, "We cannot take any chances and leave Earth realm defenseless. Therefore, only a select few of us will depart to the Netherealm while the others stay behind."

"Since there are seven of us, 3 will go to the Netherealm and the other 4 will stay and protect Earth realm." Fujin stated as Raiden added on, "Fujin has agreed to stay here in Earth realm with 3 of you while I will accompany 2 of you to the Netherealm." Everyone was understanding of the duo's plan as Kenshi asked, "Who have you chosen to be in each group?" Raiden answered by stating, "The decision of who stays and goes is mostly up to you, however; due to the amount of enemies we will come across we will be easily outnumbered. Zirack, your power will balance the scales and potentially even keep the tide in our favor. Can I ask you to join me?"

Zirack didn't hesitate as he answered, "Damn right I will. If there's any chance at all at bringing our friends back to life, then I'll be the first one on the frontline." Raiden appreciated Zirack's answer as he then asked, "Who else will join?"

"I will. I have not forgotten the part Quan Chi played in enslaving Sun Do. He will pay as Shang Tsung did." Li-Mei stated as Raiden urged her, "Defeat Quan Chi if you must, but do not kill him. He needs to live so that we can free all of the revenants."

"How can Quan Chi living help free all of the revenants?" Skarlet asked as Raiden answered, "By coupling Quan Chi's dark magics with my own. I am able to restore the souls of any revenants present."

"Only the ones present?" Kenshi asked as Fujin answered, "Yes. Working together, Raiden and I can restore all of their souls wherever we are in the Netherealm, but with only one of us present, the process is only half as effective."

"Well, since Raiden, Li-Mei and I are going, I guess everyone else is staying put. So when do we leave?" Zirack asked as Raiden answered, "If you and Li-Mei are both ready, we will leave within the hour, but we must first travel to the Wu-Shi. A small contingent of Shaolin warriors will join us."

Once everyone had their roles defined in this plan, Raiden, Li-Mei and Zirack teleported over to the Wu-Shi. Raiden selected 5 of the best Shaolin warriors to aid them as he opened up a portal to Netherealm. The 5 Shaolin warriors walked as Zirack and Li-Mei lingered for a bit before looking at eachother. "Never thought I'd be saying this but, 'let's go to hell.'" Zirack said as Li-Mei raised both her eye brows before the two walked in together. "Safe travels, brother." Fujin stated as he and Raiden bowed to eachother before Raiden walked in and the portal closed.

A portal opened in Kuatan as Mavado once again walked through and made his way towards Reiko. He was not alone as he had a black market surgeon in tow with him. "Welcome, Mavado. I see you've brought the surgeon." Reiko said as Mavado replied, "Of course. It's not everyday that our services are needed under the guise of surgery." Reiko leaned in to whisper a question to Mavado asking, "Did you also bring the device?" Mavado only nodded before opening the inside of his black coat and revealing an electronic implant. Reiko smiled as he let the surgeon into the tent with Riekhan and Mileena.

"Emperor Riekhan, this is the surgeon who will reattach your tail." Reiko informed as Riekhan got a look at the surgeon before asking, "How long will this process take?" The surgeon answered, "The surgery itself should take no more than an hour, but the recovery should take a week, potentially two." Riekhan did not like hearing that he would have to spend two weeks recovering, but he eventually let up and agreed to the surgery.

"Now my empress, the surgeon will need quiet and privacy for this operation. It is advised that we let him work uninterrupted and alone." Reiko informed as Mileena was not willing to leave the tent but was eventually convinced to leave. Everyone other than Riekhan, the surgeon and Mavado left the tent as Mavado put the device in his coat in the surgeon's pocket. Riekhan laid down on a bed in the tent as the surgeon gave him a strong dose of anesthesia to make Riekhan go to sleep while he got to work.

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