Kombat Island

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1- Happy New Year! 2023 was a pretty damn good year for me and hopefully for all of you, so here's to 2024 being even better.

2-One of the reasons last year was great for me is because 1 year ago today, I started my fan-fiction writing with this story. I did it for fun at first but over time I found myself going all in. Because of that I'd like to think I've done a good job writing my own spin on the Mk Universe... I'd like to say thank you to everyone who gives my stories a read, comments, votes, and follows.

3- Speaking of followers. I'm almost at my goal of 100, so whoever doesn't follow but still reads, help a brother out and give a follow. Enjoy the chapter.

After being rescued at the last second, Shao Kahn was safe and sound in...the Netherealm?

"Greetings, emperor." Quan Chi said as Shao Kahn turned to him and asked, "Quan Chi? What happened?"

"I saved you of course." Quan Chi answered as Shao Kahn looked at him scrutinizingly and then asked, "Why? Did Kronika order it?"

Quan Chi chuckled and he answered, "No. Had I not stepped in and aided you, Kronika would have let you die."

"She wouldn't." Shao Kahn said, not believing in the Warlock's accusations.

"If that is so, then why did she not save your wife?" Quan Chi asked as Shao Kahn grew angry when reminded of Dark Sindel's grim fate. Quan Chi then informed the emperor, "Kronika's plans boil down to her beginning a new timeline. Her new 'era'. But as you and I know, the basis of that new era is a timeline without Zirack. And without him, Riekhan would cease to exist as well."

"I'm aware, warlock. What's your point?" Shao Kahn asked, losing some of his patience.

"My point is that not much would change, emperor. Regardless of Zirack's power and victories, you were also bested by Liu Kang. In the new era, how much would truly change under Kronika?" Quan Chi questioned as the emperor scowled at the mention of his embarrassing loss to Liu Kang during the Outworld tournament. Regardless, Quan Chi brought up some good points to Shao Kahn. The warlock finally concluded, "Kronika will not make good on her word, emperor."

"What brought you to this conclusion?" Shao Kahn asked as Quan Chi answered, "She promises you the right to rule and conquer while also promising the likes of Ashrah; one of my servants who betrayed me, a life of redemption, one where she won't exist as a demon again, all the while requesting her working alongside me once more. Her 'promises' have far too many strings attached and are fictitious."

As Quan Chi's reasoning began to resonate in Shao Kahn's mind, he started to realize that the warlock may be right. The fact that Kronika did nothing to stop his wife, or him for that matter, from being killed by Sindel and Riekhan was the main catalyst for his change in opinion. "Her lies have been revealed..." Shao Kahn said as he began to stir with rage.

"There IS a way for you to get ahead, emperor." Quan Chi said as Shao Kahn raised an eyebrow and asked, "And how would I do that?"

"With her crown." Quan Chi answered as he explained, "Kronika cannot restart history without her crown. Legends say that anyone who puts it on will be imbued with the power necessary to use the hourglass as they see fit."

"You mean to say that taking the crown will make anyone as powerful as her?" Shao Kahn asked, not believing in what he was hearing.

"Precisely, emperor." Quan Chi answered as Shao Kahn was in disbelief. The warlock then said, "Think of what you could do if you had that kind of power in your hands. You would rule over all realms with ease. Crafting history and the universe as you see fit. Nobody could stand against your power. Not Raiden. Not Liu Kang. And certainly not Kronika."

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