The Balance

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2 months had passed, and for the past 2 months, Raiden and Fujin were stuck. The both of them were in the temple of elements and had all six Kamidogus before them.

"How can this be, Raiden? We've tried everything we possibly can and we still can't free the elder gods." Fujin said as the demigod duo had tried fruitlessly for the past 2 months to free the captive elder gods within the Kamidogu.

"What spell has Onaga cast to entrap the elder gods and keep them forever bound?" Raiden wondered.

"Onaga doesn't have magic powerful enough to keep them forever bound. Especially if he is now entrapped in the Netherealm." Fujin stated as he then wondered about another possibility.

"Could it be possible that an outside force is responsible?" Fujin asked.

"Doubtful. Who do we know has the power to keep the elder gods bound like this? Not Shinnok and certainly not Shao Kahn." Raiden said as he disagreed with the idea of an outside force keeping the elder gods trapped.

"Well, what else could be the cause of this?" Fujin asked as Raiden tried hard to think of answers. Just as he was thinking however, he heard laughter in his head.

'Utter fools.' Shinnok said to Raiden in the dark thunder god's thoughts.

"Excuse me, Fujin. I'll return shortly." Raiden said as he summoned his lightning and teleported away, leaving a confused and curious Fujin.

Raiden teleported over to the Netherealm and came face to face with Shinnok's apparition. "You. What do you know?" Raiden asked as Shinnok continued his dark chuckling.

Shinnok's laughter subsided as he cryptically answered, "Far more than you can imagine."

"Answer my question, Shinnok." Raiden demanded as his eyes crackled with electricity, showing how low his patience was for the fallen god.

"I don't think you're quite prepared for my answer, Raiden. Regardless, seeing your reaction to this news will fill me with nothing short of glee." Shinnok gloated as Raiden's patience was paper thin now.

"Damnit, Shinnok. Quit dancing around the subject and tell me!" Raiden demanded.

"The elder gods are never returning, Raiden." Shinnok said as Raiden replied, "More lies, Shinnok. I don't know what I expected from you."

Raiden began to turn around and make his exit before Shinnok stopped him and said, "I know they're never returning, because they aren't sealed away. No. They're dead!"

Raiden stopped himself and looked back at Shinnok. "You're lying. Nobody has the power to kill elder gods permanently." Raiden said as he didn't buy the idea that the elder gods were killed.

"You don't believe me? Very well, thunder god. Revel in your ignorance as long as you wish, for it won't last much longer. In fact, everything you, Fujin and so many others have worked for, will all come crashing down soon." Shinnok threatened.

Raiden paid the mad god no mind as he continued to walk away. "One way or another, Raiden, I WILL be free again. And this time, nothing can stop me. Not you. Not Fujin. Not your heroes. And certainly not Zirack!" Shinnok claimed as he began to laugh.

Shinnok knew the truth about what happened to the elder gods. He knew of what awaited soon enough and he was in a joyous mood. The fact that Raiden wasn't believing him and was doubling down on his own ignorance just made this all the better to the fallen elder god.

Over in Edenia, Jade went into the great hall and stood before Queen Sindel and Princess Kitana. "General, any news?" Sindel asked.

"Yes. One of the knight's was doing a patrol and came across this...." Jade said as she showed what appeared to be a holographic contact device.

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