Last Day

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The next day came fast as Zirack went back to training Sindel in getting a hold of her ki. She was making even faster progress today as she was starting to form bigger ki spheres and was able to hold them for longer periods of time. "At this rate, you should have control over your power within the next 2 days. We're actually a little ahead of schedule." Zirack told Sindel as she kept increasing her ki spheres' power and size. They continued to train throughout the next few days as Zirack's hunch was right, and Sindel finally got a hold of Riekhan's ki control after 3 days.

Sindel no longer had any spasms as she used Riekhan's power along with her own to stabilize herself. For the first time since she's been revived, Sindel was able to have a good night's sleep and without pain. On the last day of his Outworld stay, Zirack and Sindel had their final training session as Sindel easily formed ki blasts and launched them towards Zirack. He deflected them as they all shot off into the walls of the throne room. Zirack noticed this and immediately became apologetic to the empress.

"Oh crap! Sorry about that empress Sindel." He said as Sindel waved him off and said, "Worry not, those holes can easily be fixed." Zirack understood as he asked, "Now that you understand ki control, have you had any more spasms?"

"No. I haven't had any since yesterday. Not even small ones." She said as Zirack was glad to hear her not being in anymore pain.

"That's great to hear. I'm glad I could help you over this past week." Zirack said as Sindel felt a little forlorn and he caught this as he asked, "You just told me that the spasms were gone, so why are you sad empress?"

"It's not the spasms. I-I still feel horrible over what happened to your friends." She admitted as Zirack tried to reassure her, "Sindel, that wasn't your fault."

"How is it not? It was me who killed all of your friends, nobody else is to blame." She said as Zirack immediately cut in.

"No, Shao Kahn is to blame. You were an unwitting slave who didn't even know what was what. Hell, the first thing you remember since getting revived was seeing your daughter and all of us after I killed Shao Kahn. As far as I'm concerned, Shao Kahn killed all of my friends." Zirack stated as Sindel looked towards him and asked, "How can you be so forgiving towards me?"

"Because it's like I said, you were a slave. You had no control over yourself and the way I see it, you were just as much a victim as everyone else." Zirack said as Sindel replied, "I see. They were all victims of a slaughter I committed and I am a victim of the guilt that comes with it."

Zirack sighed as he reassured her, "Listen Sindel, I don't know exactly what you're going through or understand what you feel. I've never been where you are right now, but what I do know, is that you are not to blame for what happened. And I can understand your guilt, but that guilt will eat you up forever if you don't first seek forgiveness from the one person who you need it from most. Yourself."

Sindel heard Zirack's words as they resonated in her mind. "Your wisdom humbles me. Thank you Zirack, I don't know how I will forgive myself, but I now know that one day I can." She said as Zirack replied, "You're welcome. Anyway, I should give Raiden a call and let him know that I'm done here and I need a pickup."

The empress was curious and asked, "I wonder, what is your relationship with Lord Raiden if you are able to just call him by his name?"

"Raiden doesn't want to admit it, but he's pretty much my father." Zirack stated as Sindel was surprised and asked, "Are you of his blood, or did he raise you?"

"From what Raiden told me, he found me in a spaceship in the middle of the forest when I was a baby." He said as the empress' surprise was only increased as she was about to ask a question, but Zirack stopped her and asked, "I can tell that your confused, so do you want me to start from the beginning?"

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