Chapter 129

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Four months later, Fu Hechuan, Jiang Bowen, and Luo Pingxia were all sentenced to death and executed immediately.

Three other people were arrested together with Luo Pingxia, named Wu Qiangyu, Yang Yongwei, and Zhou Tao.

They were the last three people to kidnap Chi Xu in the original book.

The kidnapping case was indeed a play carefully arranged by Fu Hechuan and deliberately performed for Chi Xu.

After the death sentence was pronounced and executed immediately, countless people clapped their hands and praised him, both online and offline.

A full seven years have passed since the Minghe case, and a full twenty years have passed since Shi Xinyue and others were brutally murdered. No matter how you look at it, this justice has come too late.

But it came anyway.

On the day when Fu Hechuan and others were executed, Pei Jinxiu, Chi Xu, and many kind-hearted people in the society spontaneously came to the cemetery to offer the freshest tribute to the innocent victims of the Minghe case. bouquet.

Zhou Lan even cried so hard in front of the tombstones of Shi Xinyue and Shi Jianxiong that she was extremely sad.

But even though she was sad, she couldn't help but be moved by the endless love from society.

Zhou Lan once heard a saying that people die twice, one is when they stop breathing, and the other is when they are forgotten.

So as long as there are still people who remember, although the body is dead, the soul and spirit will live on in the world forever.

Whether it is seven years, seventeen years, or seventy years, there will always be people who will remember how much endless pain, bitterness, blood and tears of the lower class and ordinary families have been buried on the road of fighting injustice and pursuing justice.

His face was pressed against the cold tombstone, and tears fell down the tombstone. Suddenly, the wind picked up and the leaves swayed.

The gentle breeze blew across my cheeks, bringing with it a shimmering heat, gentle and warm.

It was as if someone was gently wiping away her tears across time and space.

Wipe away all the pain, love and hatred.

From now on, it will be a complete rebirth.

At the end of December, the end of the year, heavy snow came as expected.

On a very ordinary day, after returning home from work, Pei Jinxiu and Chi Xu took a shower and sat on the sofa to watch variety shows leisurely.

It's ice and snow outside, and the lights inside are bright.

Chi Xu was wearing a set of clean, soft and white pajamas. His black hair was like a waterfall, hanging down smoothly. A strand of it was casually separated in front of him. His black hair was like ink, which made his skin as white as jade. Under the warm wall lamp, his whole body made him look like a candle. The light below is hazy and soft, gentle and bright.

After they graduated, Pei Jinxiu was the first to grow his hair long.

Pei Jinxiu's hair is of very good quality, with three thousand blue silk hairs like brocade and satin, dark and shiny. Chi Xu liked Pei Jinxiu's long hair very much. For this reason, he specially installed a shampoo chair in the villa and came back every night to personally help Pei Jinxiu with shampoo, care and blow-drying.

The purple jade hairpin he brought back from country F to Pei Jinxiu when he was in junior high school finally came in use.

With the hairpin on the hairpin, Pei Jinxiu immediately gained a different aura.

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