Extra 3

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Autumn turns to winter, and the weather alternates between cold and hot. As the seasons change, the flu is always more frequent.

People around me are getting colds and fevers one after another, and the number of people asking for sick leave at the company has increased sharply. Chi Xu didn't take it too seriously, after all, it was like this every autumn and winter.

Every autumn and winter when people around him fell ill, he and Pei Jinxiu were safe and sound. He naturally thought that this year would be like previous years. Unexpectedly, this time the flu turned out to be so severe that even Pei Jinxiu was unfortunately infected.

At first, she just felt dizzy, headache and chilly during the afternoon meeting. Then she developed a high fever after get off work. Chi Xu originally planned to take Pei Jinxiu directly to the hospital, but Pei Jinxiu didn't want to go.

Everyone around him has already been sick. Pei Jinxiu is very familiar with the process of this flu. It is not serious. He takes medicine on time and sleeps for two or three days and is fine. He is not going to the hospital at all.

He insisted not to go to the hospital, so Chi Xu had no choice but to listen to him and drive home.

It was still half-dark when we left the park, but it was completely dark when we arrived at the door of our home. After parking the car, Chi Xu unbuckled his seat belt and looked to his side.

Pei Jinxiu frowned slightly, his expression was gloomy, his originally fair cheeks were burning red, and his lips were extremely dry. He closed his eyes tightly and leaned on the back of the chair. He was tired and haggard, and he didn't know whether he was awake or asleep.

"Poor little one." Pushing back his sweat-dampened hair, Chi Xu touched his hot cheek distressedly and asked in a low voice, "Are you awake? Can you still walk? If you don't speak, I will carry you home. "

"..." Pei Jinxiu chuckled, opened his eyes, held Chi Xu's wrist weakly, and said softly, "It's just a fever, why can't I walk."

Chi Xu: "I'm afraid you'll fall while walking."

Pei Jinxiu sat up and unbuckled his seat belt. He opened the car door with one hand and said as he got out of the car, "Don't worry, it won't fall."

The next second.

As soon as he got out of the car, he felt as if he had stepped on a ball of cotton when he stepped on the ground. His head was dizzy, the world was spinning, and his vision was dark. Fortunately, he reached out to hold the door in time, otherwise he might have accidentally fallen to the ground. .

On the other side of the car, Chi Xu ran over quickly. Without even asking, he picked up Pei Jinxiu and hugged him sideways.

He held her tightly and said as he walked, "You'll have to open the door later."

At the end of November, the temperature has dropped below zero, the wind is biting, but the embrace of my lover is exceptionally warm.

The moment he was picked up, Pei Jinxiu was still a little uncomfortable, but he was too cold. The high fever gave him a headache and pain all over his body. His brain was so greedy for the only source of heat that he couldn't even think about struggling. Not only did he cooperate very well He hugged Chi Xu's neck, and subconsciously turned his face in the opposite direction, completely burying himself in Chi Xu's arms to avoid all the biting cold wind.

It wasn't until he was about to open the door that Pei Jinxiu raised his hand to press the fingerprint lock. He took antipyretic medicine before getting in the car. The side effects of drowsiness and drowsiness took effect the moment he entered the house, and his memory after that was completely blurred.

Dressed as the affectionate bamboo horse in the crematorium novelΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα