Chapter 31

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There is a large conference room at the end of the twenty-seventh floor. In addition to Yan Luo, the chief human resources officer whom I met last time at Shenming Branch, there are more than a dozen people in the conference room, all of whom are senior management of Shenming.

After Pei Jianshen led the two children in, he led Pei Jinxiu to identify them one by one.

Chief Operating Officer Wei Hua, Chief Technology Officer Tao Xi, Chief Legal Officer Qiu Shuang, Chief Risk Officer Xiang Wenshi, Group Senior Vice President He Qi, Group Vice President Wei Qing...

There are many factions among the top management, with legal affairs and risks taking orders from Pei Jianwei, and departments involved in merchandise store sales taking orders from Pei Jianshen. The only people who truly belong to Pei Jianshen are Yan Luo, Wei Hua, Tao Xi, He Qi, and Wei Qing.

After recognizing the person, Pei Jianshen asked his assistant Zhao Song to bring two glasses of milk and a few story books. Then he leaned down and said to Pei Jinxiu: "Dad has a meeting that will be over in half an hour. You two sit here and read the stories." Is the book good?"

Pei Jinxiu nodded and sat on the sofa next to the conference room with Chi Xu.

He knew what Pei Jianshen wanted to do.

Pei Jianshen held a grand wedding for Shen Yun and specially brought him to the company. This was not only to show to the outside world that he attached great importance to his wife and son, but also to reassure Shen Yun and Pei Jinxiu.

The most important thing in a wealthy family is not money but power. As soon as Pei Jinxiu returned to Pei's house, Pei Jianshen took him to get to know the group executives, which shows that he valued him highly.

This meeting was a reflection report on the follow-up to the last branch incident. Pei Jianshen was so angry that many middle-level managers were dismissed. The HR person responsible for the recruitment of store managers was fired. There was also a large-scale dispute among senior management. transfer.

In order to prevent this kind of thing from happening again, Shenming re-divided the regional managers from the original five to ten, and required the regional managers to directly interface with the branch store managers, and go to the store from time to time to inspect the store manager's work, and report the inspection results. Included in assessment and linked to year-end evaluation.

Regional managers also need supervision. This position is the regional vice president. Everyone within the group knows that this position is very important. There is fierce competition among several parties, so that the candidate is still uncertain.

Yan Luo mentioned several people, but they were either biased and would inevitably favor some over others after taking office; or they were not capable enough and could not withstand the pressure. In short, they were all rejected one by one by Pei Jianshen.

Talents are rare, and Pei Jianshen was unwilling to give in, so he had to put the matter on hold for the time being.

At the end of the meeting, Yan Luo proposed an incentive plan for lower-level employees, including a loss bonus plan and a benefit-sharing plan for employees who have worked for a certain number of years, as well as preferential stock purchase policies, which shows his sincerity.

Pei Jianshen didn't like long speeches, so the meeting ended within half an hour.

After everyone left, he still sat at the front seat, frowning, and tapping his temples with his slender hands.

After a while, Pei Jianshen came out of his highly concentrated work state and remembered that he still had two children with him.

He looked sideways and saw that there were man-high fishtail sunflowers on both sides of the conference room, and the warm light fell through the gaps between the leaves and fell on the two children who were dependent on each other.

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