Chapter 53

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The final scene of the "Zhiduoxing" Cup campus knowledge competition.

The two teams in the finals are already standing on the podium, namely Pei Jinxiu, Chi Xu, and Xu Yi from Class 17, and Zhou Shuyu, Yu Ze, and Zhang Wei from Class 20.

Before the game started, the school leaders were giving a speech.

In the audience, Huo Lingyu whispered to Shi Tiantian: "You know what? I'm so nervous. I was so nervous that I didn't sleep well all night last night."

Shi Tiantian asked incomprehensively: "It's not you on stage, why are you nervous?"

Huo Lingyu said anxiously: "I'm afraid they won't win the championship! It's the finals, wouldn't it be a pity to win second place!"

Shi Tiantian was on the other extreme. She looked at the three friends on the stage, raised her face and said with great confidence: "Don't worry! The three of them will be fine."

Under Shi Tiantian's influence, Huo Lingyu suddenly became more confident and less nervous.

He thought: Pei Jinxiu, Chi Xu, and Xu Yi are all among the smartest people he has ever met, just like his sister Huo Lingyun and cousin Chi Qianfeng. Since Huo Lingyun and Chi Qianfeng can win the campus competition championship, then Pei Jinxiu and the others It must be possible.

Class 7 must win!

After a brief speech by the school leaders, the finals of the 32nd "Zhiduoxing" Cup Campus Knowledge Competition officially began.

Players from both sides take the stage.

Children aged thirteen or fourteen are the most energetic and most concerned about collective honor. In their view, the two teams standing on the stage now not only represent Class 7 and Class 20 of junior high school, but also represent the entire first and second grade of junior high school.

This game is a war between two grades!

Therefore, as soon as the contestants came on stage, the audience was already fighting against each other from afar.

A boy suddenly shouted: "Zhou Shen is the best in the world!! Zhou Shen will win! The second grade student will win!!"

Not to be outdone, another boy said loudly: "Pei Shen must win! Chi Shen must win! Xu Shen must win! The first grader must win!!!"

He shouted so loudly that Chi Xuping, who was walking behind the clicker, staggered in fright. He was so embarrassed that his face turned red from his cheeks to his neck.

Xu Yi was also embarrassed, lowered her head and smiled sheepishly.

Among the three of them, only Pei Jinxiu remained calm, as if he hadn't heard anything, and was extremely calm.

The host Lei Xi smoothed things over and said: "As the saying goes, there is no first in literature and no second in martial arts. The original intention of the knowledge competition was to arouse everyone's interest in learning and to popularize knowledge better and more comprehensively. So, no matter now, The teams standing on the stage are still the players who were eliminated in the previous rounds. Everyone is actually the winner of knowledge.

"The competition is just a stage in a long life. The result of this competition is actually not important. What is more important is our future. I hope that everyone can continue to read, study hard, and be responsible and responsible in their future lives. Young people who are useful to society."

"Okay, now I announce that the finals of Luojin Middle School's 32nd "Zhiduoxing" Cup campus knowledge competition have officially begun!"

The audience roared with applause.

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