Chapter 65

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After the midterm exam in October, Luojin Middle School organized a charity event for voluntary registration. The content of the activity is to work as a volunteer teaching assistant for two days in a primary school in a poor mountainous area that Luojin Middle School is designated to assist.

This activity was led by many teachers. We went there in the morning on the first day and returned in the evening on the second day. Although the location was relatively remote, safety could be guaranteed.

The head teacher Jian Hongying informed about this in the self-study class, and then gave everyone a certain amount of time to think, and asked the monitor to compile the list of people who wanted to go in three days.

That primary school is called Majiagou Fanxing Primary School, located in Yunqing County outside Luojin City.

Although Yunqing County is adjacent to a prosperous city, it has crisscrossed ravines and backward transportation. Twenty years ago, when roads were not built on the mountain, children in the village would have to walk dozens of miles down the mountain every day, and would have to go out to school in the town at midnight every day.

At that time, there were only a handful of one or two children in the whole village who could afford to study. Most of them had to work in the fields to help their families when they reached that age.

After nine years of compulsory education were stipulated by law, and with the help of charitable activities from all walks of life, a road was finally built on the mountain, and Majiagou Fanxing Primary School was officially completed.

Some people are born in Rome, and some are born in the mire. They cannot choose their birth, but with the help of education, there are always some tough-minded people who can stand out from the hardships and become one of the many shining stars in the sky.

This is also the original intention of many people's teachers who go to impoverished mountainous areas to support education and willingly take root in remote education.

Luojin Middle School is one of the best middle schools in Luojin City, and its students are often among the best in the country, both in terms of students' family background and individual intelligence level.

For such a group of young people who are destined to become the social elite in the future, it is particularly important to teach them to respect the weak, know how to be grateful, and have the courage to take on the mission of social development.

After all, the school does not want to cultivate a large number of "high-class people" who are indifferent, selfish, refined and self-interested, and only care about satisfying their own selfish desires under the best educational conditions.

The original intention of the activity was good, but not many people in the class wanted to go. Some people even made sarcastic remarks, thinking that this kind of charity activity was just a formality, and ridiculed that the people who signed up were self-righteous charities just to satisfy their own "thoughts". It's just the vanity of kindness.

Shi Tiantian was so angry that she had a big fight with the boy.

In the end, without any prior discussion, all five of them signed up for this charity event.

Shi Tiantian was very touched, and the same three views undoubtedly strengthened their friendship once again.

This charity event is scheduled for the Thursday and Friday of the last week of October.

At six o'clock in the morning, they got on the school bus and headed to Majiagou Village, Yunqing County.

This event was also carried out in batches, and they were the first batch. There were a total of twenty-five students and six teachers on the bus. The leading teacher was named Fang Tong, who happened to be the politics teacher of Class 7.

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