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Soojun drove the van, and it was quiet for a while. Occasionally Jimin would shift uncomfortably, but nothing more.

“We're here.” Soojun announced once they returned to the dorm. It was getting dark outside. Taehyung waited for Jimin to get out first, with the help of Yoongi and Hoseok again. Jin and Jungkook met everyone in the kitchen, gathering ingredients to cook a warm meal. Hoseok sat with Jimin in the living room, only turning on a nearby lamp, keeping the area dim. Taehyung cuddled himself on the couch opposite of Hoseok and Jimin. “Hey…” Namjoon said as he entered, and sat next to Taehyung. Jimin looked at him, but didn't respond. There were tears camping in their brown eyes.

Jungkook entered the living room meekly. “What do you guys want to drink with dinner?” He asked. Only Namjoon and Hoseok responded. Jungkook could feel the pressure, and he was about to cave in. He was getting so confused that he felt lightheaded. He left to return to the kitchen, and came back with their drinks since dinner was almost ready to serve. Jungkook brought everyone else water.

“I don't feel like eating.” Jimin denied the plate a few minutes later. Jin placed it back in the kitchen, knowing they would eat later. For a while, they ate in an uncomfortable, heavy, deadly silence. They kept to themselves, so much so that no one offered to help when Hoseok choked a bit on the food.

Jungkook didn't eat much, but he was hungry from the long day full of emotion.

“We haven't even talked about it.” Yoongi suddenly, finally spoke up. Everyone turned towards him. Taehyung forgot what voices had sounded like for a moment, and was surprised. No one said anything in response, and Yoongi sighed. “I'm trying to have a conversation, because I know I'm not the only one who can't deal with this anymore. Taehyung-ssi had an attack earlier, dammit.” He loudly placed his utensils down, making the other six look back up. “It's not that big of a deal.” Taehyung dismissed it. “What would you like to talk about, Yoongi-ya?” Jin asked, sarcastically. “Um, the fucking elephant in the room? Firstly, we haven't even been able to properly express our feelings of breaking up, then Jimin-ssi had a medical emergency and they're sitting by themself, completely alone.” Yoongi responded quickly. “Then why don't you go fix that?” Jin told him. No one moved for a minute.

Then, Yoongi stood up, and slammed his plate of food on the ground, shattering the glass and the food getting in the brown carpet. “Yoongi hyung!” Namjoon shouted. Jungkook hadn't realized it until he opened his eyes, but he had his arms around Taehyung. He was closest to Yoongi, therefore at more risk of getting hurt. He locked eyes with Taehyung, but neither of them moved away.

“I have nowhere else to go.” Yoongi said, staring down at the broken plate of food on the floor. His voice wavered unsteady. “You all have families who will gladly welcome you back into their arms, who will hold y-you when you're upset. They'll tell you it's okay. I don't have anywhere else to go if this fails.” He announced, hands bawling into fists in his shirt because he didn't want to cry, but it just might happen. His heart was racing in his chest again. “They won't accept me back. I'll have no one. This can't not work for me. It has to work out.” Yoongi told them, finally looking up to Namjoon. “Even if it's just you and I as a duo, or just a few of us- please, this has to work for me, this band has to work out. I'm not going to quit just because you guys think we can't work without being in a relationship. For the first few years, we worked fine together. Sure we had fights but that's normal.” Yoongi's hands relaxed on his sides. “Please, can we please just talk it out? I don't know what I would do if we weren't a band anymore. Music was my first love and you guys were the second - dammit,” Yoongi hid his eyes in his hands, because he felt tears rolling down his pale cheeks.

Jin felt himself standing.

Namjoon too.

Yoongi thought they were coming to hold him, but that wasn't what he wanted. He stepped back away from the two and wiped his eyes again. “I don't want your sympathy, I just want to talk all of this out.” He shook his head. “Okay,” Namjoon nodded softly. “Then let's sit, and talk.” He made room for Yoongi to sit next to him on a nearby chair. Yoongi shook his head. “It's so uncomfortable,” He rubbed his upper arms as if he were cold. “I don't want to sit next to any of you. We're all at fault and I'm equally as upset with all of you, and myself a little too. I should've tried to say something earlier, I could've tried. But I can't be the only one trying here, it won't work.” He explained.

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