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After only twenty minutes, Jungkook returned to the waiting room. He was crying a little, but didn't seem mad or disappointed. To Namjoon, it seemed as though he was crying just to cry. So, he stepped up and wrapped an arm around Jungkook's shoulders. “What happened, bub?” He asked. Jungkook sniffled and wiped his tears. They sat down together, away from the others.

“I'm so stupid, hyungie, I never should have done such a thing. Jimin hyung is suffering because of me…” Jungkook sniffled again, hiding his face in his hands. Namjoon should've said, ‘Yeah, it was an immature and irresponsible thing to do. You shouldn't have done it, even if both of you were infertile. There are risks of diseases and more negative consequences to unprotected sex.’ but he didn't. He couldn't pull himself to hurt Jungkook. He needed a better way to word it. He was too emotionally confused, and wasn't sure what he wanted at the moment; except for the fact that he didn't want to hurt any of his members any more than they were already. Sometimes, Namjoon forgot that they were all growing up together, not just Jungkook and Jimin and Taehyung. They were all going through it together as a chosen family.

Namjoon chose not to say anything. And it was for the better, because after just a few minutes, Yoongi made his way over next to them. Jin and Hoseok followed ten minutes later, being three minutes apart. Namjoon noticed that they were all together again after an hour of waiting. Jungkook was calmed down and busy thinking; it was obvious on his face. After a while, their new manager stood in front of the six.

“I understand I haven't gotten a chance to properly meet you all yet.” He spoke up, getting their attention. “I'm Soojun, and I'll be your new manager for a while. I'm already aware of the situation with Jimin-ssi, and I don't have a problem with anything. I'd like to be close to you all, not just professionally, because I feel as your manager I should also be someone you can talk freely to. However, I understand time will do its thing, and there's no need to rush. I know we'll make a great team together.” He gave a speech he felt was needed. Jungkook didn't pay much attention, because he was too busy in his own head. Namjoon said a few things with Hoseok, and that was the end of that interaction. It was still a blurred waiting room for Jungkook.

Hours passed. The six waited impatiently, all too nervous to ask to see Jimin.

Jungkook shifted in his seat, and leaned on Namjoon's left shoulder. He cuddled him like a small child: nervous and possibly a bit scared. A while of waiting later, a nurse approached the group. Jin noticed first. “Are you guys here for Park Jimin?” She asked, making a few of the other members sit up. “Yeah, how are they?” Jin asked first. “He's ready to be discharged. One of you may come up to assist.” She nodded. “I'll go up?” Yoongi suddenly volunteered. He said so a little uneasy, as if he were expecting someone to instantly shoot him down and yell at him. “Sure, we'll be ready.” Namjoon nodded back to Yoongi. The second eldest followed the nurse up to Jimin's room, while the others pulled the car around to the front of the Emergency Room.

When Yoongi saw Jimin, they were obviously in pain. They were sitting up in the hospital bed, with a nurse assisting. “Jimin-ah, be careful.” Yoongi went over and placed a hand on Jimin's. They were teary-eyed. “Hyung-ah, you're here…” Jimin seemed surprised to see him. “Yeah, I am. I'll take it from here.” Yoongi told the nurse, speaking softly. The nurse let go of Jimin's back. “Need a minute before you try to stand up?” Yoongi asked, looking carefully. Jimin's left hand was over their lower stomach. “No, I think I'm okay.” They denied. Yoongi placed his right arm across their waist, and his left arm held up Jimin's back, carefully and lightly.

He helped them up, and after they were stood up relatively straight, the pain began to subside. “I think I'm okay now.” Jimin moved their hand to Yoongi's on their waist, so Yoongi let go. They were already dressed in some clothes the hospital gave them: boxers, shorts, and a gray t-shirt that Yoongi assumed Jimin picked out. “Ready?” Yoongi asked. Jimin held on to Yoongi and nodded, then the two started making their way to the waiting room. The nurse had a bag of Jimin's clothes and other belongings. Taking the elevator down, they reached the waiting room in three minutes.

Hoseok and Taehyung were waiting with Soojun. Jimin sighed when they saw Taehyung, and Yoongi knew that they weren't excited to see him. “Need any help?” Taehyung asked once they all got closer. “Not from you.” Jimin hissed, ignoring his presence. Yoongi continued to hold Jimin up as they got to the van. The blood from earlier was cleaned off. With the help of Hoseok, Yoongi picked up Jimin and placed them in the van carefully. Taehyung got in the back, so Jimin would be sitting next to Yoongi.

And Jimin was not happy. They were confused on which emotion they needed to focus on first. Anger seemed the most important emotion to take care of, but Jimin was mostly disappointed in Taehyung, for breaking their promise on keeping quiet about it all. Also annoyed with Jungkook in his actions, and fed-up with doctors telling them every single little thing that needed changed or improved. Jimin knew something needed fixing, but they didn't want to do it now, especially since they couldn't pin exactly what needed fixed. Their head was a wandering mess, unable to focus. Sitting in the van was so quiet that Jimin forgot they weren't physically alone. They felt as though they might as well be.

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