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"Taehyung, what happened?" "Are they okay?" "What's wrong?" "Where is Jimin-ah?"

Taehyung didn't feel like doing anything anymore. He wanted to fall to the floor and die, right there. He didn't want to stand, or walk, or breathe anymore. He was so tired of fighting, he had nothing left inside of himself anymore. He had fought too much.

"Woah, Tae," Jin quickly caught Taehyung when he started to collapse. When Taehyung felt hands on his sides, he stood himself up. "I want to go home," He started crying, again. "I don't - I can't do this anymore." He leaned in to Jin and sobbed against his chest. It worried all of the five members. "Taehyung, what happened?" Namjoon asked. Jin sat him down on a nearby chair. "Is Jimin hyung okay, V hyung?" Jungkook asked. Taehyung tried to catch his breath, wiping his face with the collar of his shirt as tears rolled down his face. "I can't say, I just want to go home." He got out between sobs. "Tae -" "No, get off of me!" Taehyung shoved Hoseok away. "I can't do this anymore, I can't," He leaned over and cried into his hands, not caring about his volume. "I'm going to go ask about Jimin." Jin told the others. They nodded, and Jin went for the front desk.

A few moments later, Jin returned. "They're letting me back, I'm going to go find out what's going on. I'll text you guys." Jin told them. They all agreed and tried to help Taehyung calm down.

Once Jin entered the room, Jimin was curled up on their side, crying into their hands. He rushed over to see what was happening. "Jimin-ah, it's Jin hyung." He sighed and sat down in front of Jimin, getting closer. "What happened?" He asked, reaching out to hold Jimin's hand. "Hyung," Jimin sniffled and held Jin's hand lightly. "That's right, I'm here. It's okay." Jin told them, softly rubbing their smaller hand with his thumb. "Hyung, t-this can't be happening." Jimin slowly grabbed the picture, and handed it to Jin. Jin held it carefully, seeing Jimin's shaking hand. "Woah, is this..." He trailed off. Who was the father? It couldn't be him, he hasn't done anything with anyone other than Namjoon. When did this happen? He pondered how it could've happened if Jimin couldn't carry.

"Do you know who's it is?" The eldest asked quietly. "He can't know, it can't be happening, Jin hyung!" Jimin cried out, and Jin got closer to hold Jimin close. "Hey, I'm here. You'll be okay. Focus on breathing." He advised, rubbing Jimin's shoulders and slightly rocking them both back and forth. Jimin hiccuped a couple of times, trying to calm down. Jin didn't say much, because he didn't want Jimin trying to talk while they were still crying.

Once they were calmed down, Jin held Jimin's hands. "Do you know who the father is?" He asked again. Half of him was curious, but the other half was wanting to know it was someone safe. "Was, Jin hyung. I lost it this morning." Jimin explained, wiping tears. "I didn't even know, how could I not have known?" They asked themself, hiding in their hands. "Don't blame yourself for this. As far as you knew, it couldn't have happened, so why would you look out for it? I'm sorry you lost it, though, I know how tough it can be." Jin tried to comfort them. "I don't know how I feel about it. I'm kind of glad, because I don't want to give up everything I have, like the band and my career. The father wouldn't be ready either, and I don't even know if I'd keep it after delivery. I fucked up so much, hyung..." Jimin explained, talking in to their hands because they felt so ashamed that they needed to hide away.

"It's okay, it's going to be okay. I'm sorry for asking twice, I just want to make sure you're safe." Jin told them, holding Jimin in his arms. Jimin found comfort. "I can't tell Jeongguk-ah, I don't even know what he'll say. He can't know, hyung. Please." They looked up to Jin with desperation present in their eyes. Jin was taken back, for sure. "Jeongguk-ssi? When?" He asked. "Before I found out I was a little. I just wanted to know what it would feel like, I was so stupid and never should have done it, it's so irresponsable..." Jimin looked back down, feeling Jin's stare.

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