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Around six in the afternoon, Jungkook woke up from his nap. Jimin was still out like a light, sleeping peacefully in their room.

Hoseok was sleeping with Jimin, and Jungkook woke up alone. He felt jealous and stood up. He was drifting in and out of little space, so everything was fuzzy. He grabbed his bunny and went out to the living room. Jin was lying across Namjoon and Taehyung's lap, and Yoongi was sitting in a chair opposite of them.

"Oh hi, Jungkookie." Namjoon noticed first. The TV was on, playing some drama show. "You left me..." He mumbled, rubbing his eyes. Namjoon knew he had fucked up. "I'm sorry, bub," Namjoon gently moved Jin's head off of his thighs, and Jin cuddled with Taehyung. "You can lay with us." He reached out for him. Jungkook looked down to his stuffed animal and sat on Namjoon's lap. "Will you fix him?" Jungkook asked, handing it to Namjoon. "Of course, do you want to now?" The older one asked. Jungkook nodded, so the two ventured off to the kitchen for super glue.

After a little while, Jungkook's bunny rested in the kitchen, officially declared post-op. Jungkook gave Namjoon a big hug and then returned to the living room.

"They're still in little space. Should we be worried?" Hoseok was out there, now. "I don't think so. They should be back by tomorrow, hopefully." Yoongi spoke first. "Mmh, I don't wanna be with Jiminie." Jungkook mumbled to the others. "It's okay, they're still sleeping, bud." Jin pet Jungkook's head as they sat down next to him. "Okay. I don't want to leave them, but I'm also no longer tired." Hoseok explained the situation, giggling. "We can trade spots." Taehyung offered. "What if they get upset when they see I'm not there?" Hoseok asked. "I'm sure they'll be fine." Namjoon said. Hoseok nodded and traded places with Taehyung.

The next day, when the members were up and getting ready for dance practice, no one had checked in on Jimin. Jungkook wasn't little anymore. "Where's Jimin-ssi?" Taehyung asked suddenly, in the kitchen, getting coffee ready for Namjoon and Yoongi. "I'll go get them." Hoseok told him. Hoseok went into Jimin's room and found them still asleep.

"Jimin-ah," Hoseok gently rubbed Jimin's shoulder. Jimin whined and brought a blanket closer to them. Hoseok then realized that Jimin was still wearing yesterday's clothes. "Hey," Hoseok moved the covers off of Jimin. Jimin muttered syllables of a word, but it wasn't comprehensive. "It's time to get up." Hoseok added. After Jimin refused, Hoseok picked up the smaller one and placed them on the edge of the bed. "Are you still little?" He asked. Jimin didn't respond. They only rubbed their eyes tiredly. "Do you want help getting dressed?" Hoseok asked. There was no response.

Hoseok went into Jimin's closet and found a red hoodie. There were also shorts he picked up. "What about these?" He proposed, showing them to Jimin. They shook their head No. At least Hoseok was able to get a response.

Hoseok went out to the living room and caught Namjoon. "Jimin's still little and won't talk." He told him. Taehyung overheard. "PD-Nim wants to see all of us. They have to come." Namjoon sighed. "Plus, we're supposed to work on dance, and it'll be difficult without them."

"I know, but I don't know what we can do about them being small." Hoseok sighed. Suddenly, Jimin came walking down the hallway, their left hand on the wall for balance. Taehyung gently moved past Namjoon and Hoseok, and held Jimin at the waist. "We have to go out today, Bubba." Jimin whined and moved away from Taehyung. "I'm sorry you don't want to, but you can bring Jungkookie's doggie with you." Taehyung offered. Jimin mumbled something to him, and to Taehyung's adult mind, his eyes widened.

"Hey, buddy." Namjoon turned and ruffled Jimin's hair. "No." Jimin spoke, and everyone smiled widely. "Aw!" Hoseok squealed. "No, what?" Taehyung asked. Jimin pointed to the pink hoodie and even removed their arm from the sleeve to show it to Taehyung. "Do you want to change?" Taehyung asked. Jimin shook their head No.

Jungkook peeked over Namjoon's shoulder. He wondered if Jimin was upset about the gender label.

"Are you hungry?" Namjoon asked. Jimin whined and shook their head again, getting frustrated. "Do you not like being called bub, anymore?" Jungkook asked. Jimin hummed and pointed to Jungkook, looking at Taehyung. "Oh, okay -"  "I think they like princess." As soon as it left Jungkook's mouth, Jimin giggled happily and shyly hid their face in their small hands. "Yep, it's that." Namjoon stepped aside so Jimin could be with Jungkook. "How did you know?" Hoseok asked him. "When we were busy yesterday, they wanted to be called a girl. I just had a hunch." Jungkook shrugged. "Do you think they're switching?" Taehyung asked. Everyone shrugged.

"We have to go soon." Jin appeared around the corner. "Alright," Namjoon nodded to Jin. "Taehyung, try and get some pants on them." Taehyung nodded and held Jimin's hand. "Mmf!" Jimin jerked away and glared at Namjoon. Hoseok tapped his shoulder, and Namjoon met eyes with Jimin. "Oh... do you want 'she'?" Namjoon asked. Jimin smiled, nodded, and took Taehyung's hand. They all shared a glance for a moment, then split to get ready.

"What's up with Jimin?" Jin asked Hoseok. "It might be just for little space, but they're... still little, and want to use she/her pronouns- princess, too." Hoseok updated him. "Oh, interesting..."

Little Jimin opened her closet and reached for a see-through black shirt. "No, we can't wear that. We can do this, though." Taehyung handed Jimin a black, long-sleeve turtleneck. Jimin groaned and shook her head. "Okay, what about this one?" Taehyung got out a white sweater, and Jimin frantically nodded. Taehyung helped Jimin change, and he saw the hickeys all over Jimin's chest and one on her neck. He had to pull himself together and gently pulled the sweater over Jimin's torso. Jimin giggled and did a small twirl around.

Taehyung closed the closet and went over to her dresser. He dug through and found boxers, assuming they'd be more comfortable. "Are these alright?" He asked. Jimin shook her head and waddled over to Taehyung. She picked up a pastel pink pair of underwear and smiled. "Okay..." Taehyung tried not to think too much of it and was maybe a little too careful in helping Jimin change that piece of clothing. Jimin pulled up the pair a little more, letting them fit her waist better. Taehyung closed that drawer and got out a pair of relaxed shorts that Jimin would use for dancing sometimes. "Let's try these on." He said. Jimin surprisingly agreed and stepped into the pants. Taehyung pulled them up and tied the short strings, now wanting them to fall down too much. "We did it!" Taehyung celebrated, and Jimin giggled happily.

"Now let's go to the bathroom and get our hair and makeup done." Taehyung extended his hand, and Jimin held onto it, and they made their way into the bathroom. Jimin grunted as she tried to sit up on the counter, and Taehyung helped her up. "Do you want any eyeliner?" Taehyung asked. Jimin nodded, and Taehyung was a bit surprised she could understand him.

Taehyung hasn't done any in a while, but he did his best. He put foundation on Jimin's neck, easily covering the hickey there from Jungkook. After fixing her hair, Taehyung helped Jimin down from the counter. Now, she wanted to go out.

"Aw, they look so cute." Yoongi pet Jimin's head, and she smiled a little. "They want to use she/her pronouns right now. I don't know if it's just little space or not." Taehyung informed the older, and Jimin nodded. "Oh, okay." Yoongi nodded, a sign he understood.

Jimin brought Jungkook's stuffed dog with her on the way to BigHit, and she sat between Jungkook and Taehyung. Occasionally, she kicked her feet while Hoseok drove. Halfway there, she leaned on Jungkook and watched out the window. Jungkook put his arm around Jimin, wondering why they were still little. All the others could do was wait and see.

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