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The others finished up their wonderful, tasteful breakfast made by Hoseok, mostly unaware of the fucking happening just down the hallway.

"Hyung, since you made the food I'll do the dishes." Jimin offered, placing his dishes on the wooden counter next to the sink. "As much as that would be nice, I don't want you ruining your new clothes." Hoseok gently hit him with his hip, out of the way. "Nah, it's fine, I'll help." Jimin shrugged and grabbed a hand towel. "I can dry them, at least." He told him, and Hoseok agreed.

"Here, hyung-ah! I'm going to go get Namjoon and Jin hyung, so we can leave for work." Taehyung gave Hoseok a smile, and as he was leaving he gave a playful tap to Jimin's ass. "Yah!" Jimin shrieked in surprise, cheeks blushing as Taehyung giggled away in to the darkness. "That was cute~" Hoseok giggled, and he began washing the dishes in the sink. "Ah, I'm still trying to get used to this, you know?" Jimin sighed, watching Hoseok's hands work. "Yeah, I do, actually. It's one thing unexpectedly falling in love, yet with the same gender, then also having it public. It's a lot sometimes." Hoseok told him in a calm tone, focusing on the dishes. The water was warm, not too hot.

"Hey, so..." Jimin shifted his weight as he started to dry the dishes. "Did Jungkookie tell you, that he likes me? He told me, and he said he's had it for a while." He told Hoseok, turning to him. Hoseok didn't turn angry, infact he smiled. "Yeah, he's told hyung and I. It's cute." Hoseok nodded, scrubbing away at the dishes. Jimin bit on his lip. "Oh, okay...I feel bad for not wanting to date him- because to me, it's like he's already taken, so it's hard to- you know?" He sighed.

Hoseok giggled, and looked into Jimin's eyes. "He's taken, yeah, but his partners are fine with him being taken by someone else~" He teased, and only giggled more when Jimin's cheeks got pink. "I don't know...well, I mean- I've already seen you guys practically naked, what's worse than that?" He shrugged his shoulders, and Jimin shook his head with a grin.

"I know what's worse than seeing them practically naked: seeing Namjoon and Jin hyung fully naked!" Taehyung interrupted the conversation, with a pout on his flustered face. "Well, Taehyungie," Jimin turned around and leaned against the kitchen counter. Hoseok was practically bent over the sink, laughing. "When two people love each other very much, and they spend a lot of time together-" "Oh shut it!" Taehyung playfully yelled at him, and Jimin laughed louder. "I'm just saying!" Jimin hit him with a kitchen towel, and they continued play fighting.

Taehyung gave a booty-bump to Jimin and he hit Hoseok in the side, and instant regret washed over him. "Jimin-ah, do you want to drown in the sink?!" Hoseok nudged him back, and both of the ninety-five liners laughed. "Hey, maybe I do." Jimin told him, but at the same time making sure Taehyung wasn't going to launch at him again. Taehyung glared at him from across the small kitchen.

"What are we yelling for?" Jungkook poked his head into the kitchen, from around the corner, scaring Taehyung. "Nothing~" Taehyung gave two head-pats to Jungkook, and smiled widely. Jungkook smiled and hugged him.

Jimin smirked at the slight panic in Taehyung's eyes, then he relaxed and hugged Jungkook back. He hid his face in his neck and playfully started to kiss all over the skin. "Don't!" Jungkook giggled loudly, covering up the sounds of his squirming. "Neck kisses make me feel tiny!" He told Taehyung. He tried escaping out from under his arms, but Taehyung pulled him back up and kissed his lips instead. Jimin and Jungkook's eyes widened spontaneously.

Jungkook had started kissing back when Taehyung pulled away. "Sorry, you're just way too cute to handle. Cuteness overload!" Taehyung tackled him, giving him more kisses on his neck and shoulders, and Jungkook almost collapsed to the floor in being so ticklish and sensitive. "Stop it!" Jungkook flung his hand out to Taehyung's arm, but it just barely tapped him as his body grew weak. "Never!" Taehyung let go of Jungkook, crouched down and picked him up under the thighs.

"WAHH!" Jungkook screamed in surprise, but Taehyung gave no interest as he put the boy over his shoulder, and then on the counter next to Jimin. Taehyung went to pin his arms down to tickle him more, but Jimin was surprised as Jungkook's reflex's stopped him, his own hands grasping on to Taehyung's.

"Hey, now it's getting hot. No more." Jungkook chuckled and let go of Taehyung's hands, hearing Hoseok giggle next to him. "I'm fine with that, I just want to cuddle with you." Taehyung pouted between Jungkook's spread legs. Jungkook opened his mouth to protest, but no sound came out and everyone giggled more at him, only making him more flustered. "I...you know what, fine. But if you give me twenty more neck kisses, I'm going to little space and you're watching over me- hey!" Taehyung dove back to Jungkook's neck and attacked him with kisses mid-sentence. Jungkook instinctively kicked Taehyung a little, but it didn't stop Taehyung in making the younger one happy.

"TaeTae stob iwt! Tickles!" Jungkook yelled loudly, giving little pushes to Taehyung's shoulders. Yoongi was creeping around the corner, and squeezed between Taehyung and Jungkook. "Mine!" Yoongi grabbed Jungkook around the waist and pulled him off of the counter. "Noo!" Taehyung chased after Yoongi around the kitchen, with a squealing Jungkook in his arms.

Jimin jumped up on the kitchen counter next to Hoseok, grabbing a towel again. "I love you, hyungie." He gave a smile to Hoseok, and he smiled back. Jimin looked down at his thighs, and smirked at his fishnets- he felt so pretty, like the counter was a throne and he was royalty.

Princess didn't feel right, and while Prince was cute, it didn't feel right either, as well as male and female. Gender envy was closer to him than anything, and it wasn't his choice.

"You're beautiful, Jimin, always remember it..."

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