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For the first two days, no one really saw Jimin too much. Namjoon continuously tried to talk to him, but Jimin kept his door locked and didn't respond. He came out to eat but he ate alone. He was showering and working out, but ignoring his members.

Jimin found himself in the same position he was a few days ago. He was standing completely naked in front of a full-body mirror. His doctor had told him it would help raise his self-esteem by looking at himself in the mirror every day. It has started to help until three days ago.

And again, all Jimin could feel was uncomfortable. He felt like he hasn't showered in a year, but he had just a few hours ago. He felt like he needed to scratch all of his skin off so he wouldn't be able to feel encased, stuck, and so suffocated in his own body.

Jimin's hands went up to his face and a low groan rose in his throat. He dug his nails in to his cheek and looked in the mirror at his face.

"AGH!" He screamed and punched the mirror, the glass shattering and slicing Jimin's palms and knuckles. Jimin's legs gave out and he fell to the floor, breathing shakily as he watched thick streams of blood race down his forearm and drip on to his thighs and stomach. The only thing he could feel in his hand was pain. The entire mirror hadn't broken, but where he had punched was completely out of the frame. The bottom section of the mirror, where he could see his trembling body, was cracked and none of the images of himself lined up. It's exactly how he felt on the inside.

"Jimin?" Hoseok knocked loudly on the door when he heard a scream, then glass breaking. There wasn't a response. Yoongi appeared behind him. "Jimin, open up." He requested, both of them standing and waiting for the door to open. "Jimi-" The brown door opened, revealing Jimin in a gray hoodie and black shorts.

"I've got it!" Jimin smiled at Yoongi and gently pushed past the two older members to get his shoes. Hoseok looked inside of Jimin's room, and saw blood and glass on the carpet. His mind instantly traced back to his boyfriend and he panicked. "Jimin, why is there blood on your carpet?" He asked, immediately following Jimin. "It's fine, I promise- listen, I found it! I found the perfect title for my solo song." Jimin told Hoseok, sitting down on the floor as he grabbed black boots.

"Woah Jimin, your hand is bleeding!" Yoongi scolded and stopped Jimin, lifting his hand to look at it. "It's fine-" "No, that's a shit ton of blood! What happened?" Yoongi demanded an answer from him, holding his wrist that had trails of dried blood on it.

"Hyung, I'm okay. I punched my mirror- but I'm fine, I've got to get to the industry." Jimin took his arm back and zipped up his boots. Yoongi looked at Hoseok for reinforcements but Hoseok was biting his lip and keeping his gaze on Jimin's smooth thighs.

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Why did you punch your mirror? There could be glass in your hand." He asked. "No, there isn't. I'll wash it off and send your pictures when I get to the industry. Then, when I'm done with my solo song for Wings, you can be the first one to hear it." Jimin gently tapped Yoongi's nose and giggled, grabbing his car keys and escaping the dorm.

"He isn't okay, is he?" Hoseok put his hands on his hips. "I don't think so..." Yoongi watched Jimin drive off, then went over to Hoseok. "I don't know what to do, I tried talking to him just like everyone else but he doesn't listen." He sighed. "Hey, you tried, and that's all that matters. When he's ready, he'll talk to us." Hoseok assured him and placed his arms on Yoongi's waist. "I know...I just don't want anyone to end up like a bag of shit like I did-" "You are a pretty little butterfly, I don't know what you're talking about." Hoseok interrupted. Yoongi gave him a boxy smile. Hoseok kissed his cheek before asking how long he has been clean for. "Four weeks, I think. I'm pretty sure, anyway." He answered, awkwardly keeping his arms to his side. "A month! That's amazing, Yoongi hyung!" Hoseok celebrated and pampered Yoongi's face in kisses, jumping up and down on his heels.

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