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"I'll be inside in a minute, hyung-ah." Jimin told Yoongi as he opened the door to the practice room. Yoongi nodded and went inside, while Jimin went to his manager's office.

He knocked on the door, seven times. "Manager-nim, it's Jimin. I would like to speak with you-" "Yes?" There were hands on his shoulder that made Jimin jump six feet in the air. "O-oh, I didn't know you weren't in there." Jimin's cheeks blushed red, his nervous laughter making his manager smile. "It's okay. What's up?" His manager asked. "Um...I know my group is about to have a comeback, and all of that, b-but I came here because I had just gotten sick an hour or so ago, and, was wondering if you'd be okay if I-" "Take as many days off as you need, Jimin-ssi." His manager cut him off. "Your health matters more. Get well soon, okay? Get plenty of rest and drink lots of water, it'll help." He smiled at him, pretending to fix the wrinkles on Jimin's shoulders. "Thank you, sir." Jimin bowed once, then twice. It made his stomach turn but he couldn't not bow. "Of course, Jiminie, any time. Don't worry about practice or getting behind, I got you covered. Go on home now and get some rest." His manager told him, taking his hands away. "I will, sir, thank you again." Jimin gave a shy smile, bowing once more before walking off respectfully. Luckily the dorm wasn't very far.

Two Days Later

"Aish Jungkook-ah, I said no!" "But, you said you wou-" "No means no, alright?! Go away, I'm tired."

Jungkook held back his tears and closed his notebook. "Okay. I'll...see you tomorrow, then." He swallowed a whimper and gave a quick bow before he scurried out of Taehyung's room. "Oh, Jungkook-ah!" Jin yelled happily for the maknae. "Y-yeah?" Jungkook hoped Jin didn't hear him stutter. "Would you mind helping me in the kitchen for a bit?" Jin asked. "Yeah." Jungkook placed down his notebook on the counter island, and washed his hands in the small sink to help Jin with dinner.

Suddenly the door bursted open, revealing Yoongi carrying milk in one hand, bags of groceries in the other, and Namjoon carrying many more in both hands. "We got the groceries- Kookie, I'm sorry but they didn't have any strawberry milk." Namjoon announced as he set the groceries on the island. "It's fine, do you need help, Yoongi hyu-" "Nope, I got it." Yoongi said through a strained voice, as he lifted the shopping bags on to the counter with a grunt. Jungkook yelped when there was a loud beep from the microwave, he practically jumped out of his skin.

"It's alright, just the seven-hundredth time I've microwaved this butter." Jin sighed as he took a bowl out from the microwave in the corner, barely accessible from the other miscellaneous items surrounding it. "O-oh, a-al-alright." Jungkook gulped and looked at Namjoon, who was looking at him with a raised eyebrow. "J-just surprised, is all..." He looked away with a blush covering his chubby cheeks, and his hands quickly got back to work in mixing in the rest of the ingredients.

"Alright-" "SHIT!" Yoongi yelled rather loudly, catching the attention of Hoseok and the rest of the members in the kitchen. "What happe-" "Goodness, hyung-!" "Shit, shit, shit." Yoongi cursed over and over, dropping his keys on the floor. "What did you do?" Jin wiped his hands on his apron as he turned around, and saw yellow juice spilled all over the floor, dripping from the kitchen island. The smaller jug was laid sideways on the counter, no mercy given on the mysterious notebook that was now un-savable.

"Hyung-" "Just get me a towel, or something, I'll get it!" Yoongi squeezed past Jin and grabbed a roll of paper towels, while Hoseok rushed to the bathroom for towels. "Damn- what is this?" He lifted the notebook, orange juice dripping from between the pages.

Jungkook's heart dropped in his chest, but he was too scared to say anything with how irritated Yoongi looked at the moment. "Aish, I hope it wasn't Jimin or Taehyung-ah's." Yoongi quickly tossed it in the trashcan after he heard no answers to his question. "I got a towel, Yoongi hyung." Hoseok entered the kitchen and handed Yoongi a blue towel.

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