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"Where did Jimin-ah go?" Namjoon asked as he entered Hoseok's room. "He went to the studio. I don't know why." Hoseok shrugged. "Alright." Namjoon closed the door and went back to his own room with Jin.

"He's at the studio. Do you want to come with me?" Namjoon told Jin as he grabbed his wallet. "Yeah, I guess. I have to, you can't drive." Jin teased and walked out of the bathroom, shirtless. Namjoon gulped at his broad shoulders, and perfect waist. He looked so good. 'I don't care how wrong it is, I want to lick him.' Namjoon let the intrusive thought run through his head as he slipped his shoes on, trying not to be awkward.

"Hey~" He whined, watching Jin slip on a black shirt. "I'm just teasing~ Let's go." Jin giggled and walked out, Namjoon following. They left the dorm and arrived at the industry. As Jin went to his recording studio for his solo song, Namjoon went to check on Jimin.

When he knocked, he heard a "come in" so he didn't waste any time in opening the door and walking inside.

"Hi, Jiminie." Namjoon smiled, standing next to Jimin and glancing at his laptop. "Hi, I've come up with the perfect song for my solo song. I'm going to call it 'Lie'. What do you think?" Jimin told him, turning his laptop so Namjoon could glance over the lyrics.

After a moment, Namjoon hummed. "It's about you, isn't it?" He asked. "Yeah, it is." Jimin nodded. Namjoon wondered Jimin's sexuality, but he felt too nervous to ask. After all, it was the first time seeing him in a few days, he didn't want to bombard him in any way.

"Woah, what happened to your hand?" Namjoon asked and lifted Jimin's hand, looking at the dried blood. "Oh, it's fine. I fell in to my mirror but before I started working I cleaned it all up. It's okay." Jimin explained to him, using his left hand to continue typing ideas. "Oh, okay...I just wanted to check up on you." Namjoon tried to keep his eyes off of Jimin's thighs. But all he could think of when he looked at them, were what was hidden between them.

'You're such a pervert, Namjoon. Leave him alone, he probably wouldn't ever date you anyway.' Namjoon took in a deep breath. 'Woah, not that you'd want him to or anything.' He started to talk to himself in his head.

"Before I go, Jiminie," Namjoon heard himself speak. "I wanted to ask: what are your pronouns?"

More gender envy rose in Jimin's chest, he could feel it. He tried to push it away and forced a smile. "He and him are fine." He answered, tapping and clicking away on his computer. Namjoon was surprised Jimin had answered, and not gotten angry. "Okay. Well, if they change, tell me, yeah? I don't want to do anything that makes you uncomfy-" "Mhm, I will. See you." Jimin interrupted.

Namjoon knew he was focusing on his work, so he decided to leave. He made sure the door was fully closed as he left.

Jimin had been working on lyrics and ideas for his songs all day, so at nine o'clock he decided to go back to the dorm. He gathered his things carefully, being cautious of his wrapped hand. He called Taehyung on his way to his car.

"Hi, Tae." He said first, watching the elevator doors close. "Hi." Taehyung sounded frustrated, if not angry. "What's wrong, you sound upset." Jimin asked as he pressed the button for the ground floor. "Jungkook, he's just...being complicated- I don't know. I'll tell you in a bit. Where are you?" Taehyung sighed as he said Jungkook's name. "I'm just now leaving BigHit, you?" Jimin walked out of the elevator and bowed to the front desk before walking out of the doors. "At the dorm. Hey, I know you've kind of been distant recently-" "Yeah, I called to ask if everyone was there; at the dorm, because I wanted to talk about it..." Jimin accidentally interrupted. He unlocked his car and got in the driver's seat.

"I think everyone but Namjoon hyung is here. So, I know you've been stressed out, maybe- but I was wondering if you'd go to have a drink with me. Like, at a bar." Taehyung told him, sounding more nervous now.

"Tonight?" Jimin asked, turning on the engine and clicking his seatbelt. "Yeah, tonight...if you want to, we can do it tomorrow night, since you said you wanted to talk to everyone." Taehyung offered.

"Uh..." Jimin took a minute to think, sitting back in his seat, staring at the dash board. 'What if I get drunk and he tries to make a move? What are his intentions?' He thought, feeling his heart speed up in his chest.

"I...Can we do tomorrow night? I really want to talk to everyone, as soon as possible." Jimin decided. Maybe by tomorrow he wouldn't be so anxious. "Okay- yeah, that's totally fine, I totally get it. No rush, it's fine. Tomorrow would be alright with me."

"Alright, I'll see you when I get there, then..." Jimin wondered why Taehyung was talking weirdly. "Alright, bye Jiminie." Taehyung hung up quickly after that, and Jimin started the drive back to the dorm.

When he got there, he assumed Taehyung had told the other members what he wanted to do, because everyone was in the living room. He locked eyes with Yoongi. "Oh, hi..." He closed the front door and took his shoes off, trying to hide his bandaged hand.

"Hi, Jiminie hyung." Jungkook waved happily. Jimin went over and sat down next to the maknae, but then Hoseok pulled him on to his lap by his waist. He flinched and turned around, only to see Hoseok smiling warmly at him. He supposed it was fine...

He turned back to the group, trying not to think about the sudden close contact.

"I think I just wanted to apologize, for the past few days...I kind of shut everyone out, and threw a little temper tantrum." He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. "I didn't mean to curse at you, Joon hyung. I just get really uncomfortable when I talk about it; being intersex. It's personal, you know? It isn't that I think you guys would do something, it's just a personal thing that I haven't really had to explain to anyone before. Like I said, my parents and siblings automatically knew and my doctor's and things, and in school my friends and teachers didn't need to know so I never said anything." He explained.

"I get it Jiminie, you're right; it is personal. I know you didn't mean to come off rude, it's okay." Namjoon gave him a dimpled smile, and Jimin nodded his head. "Joonie hyung came to me earlier today, and asked what my pronouns were, and it got me thinking that there were still some stuff I didn't say, so I'm just going to be honest with all of you...sometimes, I don't feel like a boy but I don't feel like a, girl, either. Or sometimes I feel one gender and not the other, and it's really complicated to me, even. For now, though, I'm going to use he/him pronouns, and, identify as male..." Jimin told his members, and it didn't even take a second to receive reassuring words and nods.

It wasn't the reaction he was expecting. However, Jimin was happy with what he got; acceptance. Maybe things wouldn't be like he thought: full of hiding, and masking his feelings and ideas. He looked over at Taehyung and he was smiling.

'Maybe you'll be okay, Jimin.'

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