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Jimin let go of Jin and started to make his way to the changing room. Jin was grabbing a few of his things, when he saw something red on the leather couch. His heart dropped when he saw it was blood, right under where Jimin was laying.

Jin rushed to where the makeup crew was cleaning up, and he swiped a few cleaning wipes and cleaned up the couch. It wasn't a lot, but it was definitely worth telling Jimin- and possibly the other members.

He tossed away the evidence, and met Jimin in the changing room. He knew which stall he was in, because of the irregular, panicked breathing and desperate whimpers.

"Jiminie, what's happening?" Jin asked, leaning against the door. It was unlocked and Jimin had gotten his pants off, and noticed the blood that went through them. Jin panicked on the inside, but he knew if he let it out of control, it wouldn't help Jimin- that was already having a panic attack.

Jin got closer to Jimin after he closed the plastic door behind him. "Hey, it's okay. We're going to get you checked out soon, okay? I don't-" "H-hyung," Jimin gasped, unable to get his breathing under control, and he gripped Jin's hands. "It's, I'm-" "Jimin-ah, listen to me." Jin told him in a calm voice, trying to get him under control as well. Jimin's eyes were filled with tears, again.

"Breathe with me, focus on my breaths, okay?" Jin rubbed Jimin's hand with his thumb, but Jimin shook his head. "I can-'t-" "Yes, you can. You're going to be okay, just focus on me." Jin hushed him, looking intently into Jimin's eyes. Jimin tried to hold his breath to match Jin's slow breathing, and after a few tries, he was getting better. "That's it, you've got it." Jin encouraged, noticing how Jimin's frantic grip was loosening on his hands. They inhaled together, and Jimin exhaled shakily while Jin's was smooth. Ten minutes past before Jimin was taking smooth, slow breaths; in through his nose, out through his mouth.

"Okay- see, you're alright. Now, do you know where you're bleeding from?" Jin asked Jimin, still holding on to his smaller hands. Jimin nodded. "Between my legs, hyung, I'm so scared-" Jimin's breath staggered, and Jin gripped his hands. "Hey, don't. I've got you, and everyone else too. Let's just get you changed, so we can get to a doctor faster, yeah?" Jin suggested, trying to keep Jimin from spiraling out again. Jimin let out a short sob, and took a deep breath while he nodded.

"Alright, I've got your shirt," Jin slid Jimin's shirt off and grabbed his gray sweater he was wearing earlier. He helped it on him, ignoring the multiple scars and red marks all along his chest.

It suddenly reminded him that Jimin wasn't like the other members, and it could be something very obvious happening.

While Jimin got his pants up, Jin asked, "Jiminie, could it be a period? Do you think?" Jimin whined and buttoned his jeans, not bothering with the belt because that would hurt more. "I don't know, honestly. My doctor said the chances were extremely low, but I guess he never said it couldn't ever happe- ah, shit!" He was hit with a hard cramp in his stomach mid-sentence, and Jin instinctively grabbed Jimin around his waist to keep him from falling. "Damnit, it hurts so-" "I know- you're dressed, let's go, I've got you." Jin dismissed the conversation, and helped Jimin out to the van.

Everyone was ready by then, and the ride to the hospital was less than ten minutes. Jimin had his head on Yoongi's left shoulder, crying softly but it was controlled. Jungkook was driving.

Once they arrived, more blood had appeared on Jimin's pants and it was difficult to walk with the mass amount of pain he was in.

Jin began to talk to the front desk, and Jungkook and Taehyung had gone to find somewhere for everyone to wait together. Hoseok held Jimin's hand.

"Let me go with him," Hoseok asked Jin while two nurses were on their way with a bed. "Please...if I did something, I have to know." He looked deep in Jin's eyes, worry present all over. Jin agreed, and Hoseok went back with Jimin and their manager.

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