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Now, the attention turned from Taehyung and Jungkook, to Jin and Namjoon. "Wait, what?" Hoseok asked, his face turning in to confusion. Jin bit on his bottom lip nervously. "Joonie and I...we j-just started dating, we're taking things slow...I don't know what exactly I am, but, I love Namjoon-ah." He explained, looking at Namjoon and the younger one smiled softly at him. "Yeah, we're kinda taking things slow..."

"No, I'm- glad, I'm happy for you guys. It's, just, I thought you both were straight- Jungkook and Taehyung-ah too." Hoseok turned to the two youngest ones of the group. "I think I'm bisexual..." Jungkook mumbled to him. "Don't ask me." Taehyung put his hands up in defense. "Me neither." Jin and Namjoon said at the same time.

"So, Jungkook likes Taehyungie but Taehyungie likes Jin hyung, but he's dating Namjoonie. Is that right?" Hoseok asked. "Yeah-" "Why not just be in one big relationship?" Yoongi returned to the kitchen from the darkness, startling everyone. "There you are~" Hoseok smiled at Yoongi.

"I've never dated more than one person before." Jungkook's eyes widened at the thought. But, his own surprise was that...he was totally up for the idea. Being in a relationship with three people seemed interesting to him.

"Me neither-" "It could be fun, you never know. And it isn't like you don't love each other anyway." Yoongi told Jin, shrugging his shoulders. Jimin awkwardly fiddled with his pajama shirt. "So we're all not-straight?" Hoseok changed the subject again. "Yes, Hoseok-ah! Quit changing the subject." Yoongi huffed, causing Taehyung and Jin to giggle.

"Jiminie?" Namjoon asked. Jimin blushed when everyone turned to him. "W-what?" He asked. He heard his own voice tremble like he was scared. "Do you like guys?" His leader asked.

Jimin wasn't going to lie to himself. He had thought of being used like a ragdoll to cum multiple times, and double penetration and frankly, things that are maybe a bit too kinky for him; things his body might not even be able to physically take. So, the only question was: would he have sex with a girl? Well yes, but no at the same time.

He realized he was taking too long in responding to Namjoon, because Hoseok had playfully snapped in attempt to get an answer. "I like guys, but, I don't know if that makes me homosexual or not..I don't know what to call it..." Jimin finally answered, feeling the stares of his members increase.

Suddenly, Hoseok smirked. "What if we were all in a polyamorous relationship?"

Namjoon laughed. "This is so weird, I have no idea what's going on right now." He brushed his hair back, dimples appearing across his face.

"Alright, let me talk this time." Yoongi leaned back on the kitchen counter, and everyone turned to him. "A polyamorous relationship is basically an open relationship, where a person can have multiple relationships going on at once and everyone is included. For example, if I wanted to date Jiminie and he wanted to date me and/or Hoseok, technically it could be a poly relationship. So we would each have two boyfriends. Does that make sense?" He explained, looking at each member for a response.

"So, it's consensually dating more than one person and everyone knows...?" Taehyung asked with a raised eyebrow. "Basically, yeah. It's a romantic relationship, mostly- polyamorous is a whole thing that's different for a lot of people, so it's hard to explain sometimes." Yoongi nodded his head. "It, sounds kinda fun." Jungkook hesitated in the beginning, nervous of what his members would think of him. Was it wrong to say that?

"I-I don't know~ I just got in my first relationship with a guy, I don't know how I'd feel with more than one at the same time." Jin chuckled nervously, wondering what Namjoon was going to say. "Jungkookie, Hoseok-ah and I have already talked about being in a poly relationship and we're both fine with it," Hoseok agreed with Yoongi. "If you want to date the both of us." Yoongi led on, giving a little shrug. "Oh," Jungkook's cheeks blushed pink. "I don't- I wouldn't want to- I mean, I-" "Do you want to?" Yoongi laughed at the maknae's reaction, to his straight forward-ness.

"Yes." Jungkook finally got out without studdering, licking his lips. Hoseok hugged him. "You're so cute." He giggled, leaning his head on his shoulder.

"I have something I want to say as a side note." Taehyung raised his hand. "Oh?" Namjoon's interest sparked. "I have a crush on Jin hyung but also, J-Jiminie too..." Taehyung glanced nervously at Jimin, who was taken back as his eyebrows raised a bit. He didn't say anything but everyone knew he was just surprised; he had heard him.

"Taehyung-ah, maybe we can do this whole poly relationship later down the line- but for now, since Jin hyung isn't ready, don't go flirting with what's mine, yeah?" Namjoon chuckled and Taehyung blushed with a small nod. He smiled and his eyes fell to the floor, and Jin was blushing too.

Meanwhile, Yoongi had gotten very close with Jungkook and his left hand held his chin up gently. "Can I kiss you?" He asked, locking eyes with Jungkook. Hoseok rubbed his shoulder causing a whimper, and felt Jungkook's muscles relax. The youngest one nodded his head, but he couldn't help feeling that he was doing something he shouldn't. He just needed to get used to it, he thought.

Jimin watched as Yoongi and Jungkook kissed on the lips, how relaxed Jungkook looked and how cautious yet bold Yoongi was. Hoseok kissed Jungkook's cheek- quickly, as to not make Jungkook feel overwhelmed with the attention. Jimin's throat ran dry, but not in a disgusted way. He found himself thinking, 'I kinda want to be a part of that too.'

"So, back to our original topic: Taehyungie and Jungkook-ah still need to apologize." Namjoon spoke up, clearing his throat. At that Yoongi and Hoseok pulled back from Jungkook, revealing Jungkook's blushed cheeks and half-open eyes. He was dazed, definately and completely.

"I don't think we need to apologize." Taehyung shook his head, giggling at Jungkook's flustered expression. "We can just forget about it." Jungkook voted, leaning on Yoongi's left shoulder. Yoongi turned away from him after wincing in pain, sparking concern throughout the room. "Hyungie-" "Are you okay?" Jimin asked over Jungkook. "Yeah, just..." Yoongi massaged his left shoulder. "I think I overworked it the other day, it's sore, is all." He shook his head.

"Jiminie, are you okay?" Hoseok asked, watching as Jimin started to softly tug on his hoodie sleeves. "Hm?" Jimin snapped his head up, his train of thought pausing. "Are you alright over there?" Hoseok asked again, a nervous smile appearing on his bright face.

Jimin nodded his head. "I'm going to go to bed, good night everyone." He concluded, receiving multiple 'good night's as he disappeared back in to his room.

He closed his bedroom door and looked at himself in the mirror, again. Well, parts that weren't broken, anyway.

He couldn't see his face without being interrupted by cracks, so he grumbled and flopped down on his bed. He would need to remember to get a new mirror.

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