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The food smelled spicy but was really quite sweet, Namjoon was feeding Jin as he was half-sleep. Jin was sat up against his chest so he wouldn't choke. Jungkook and Taehyung hadn't let go of each other since his panic attack, but it made sense to Jimin.

Hoseok was enjoying the drama on the television, leaning against Yoongi as they all ate together. Jungkook and Jimin were struggling to eat, more so Jimin than Jungkook.

Jimin picked at the spicy chicken on his lap, turning it over to only see the same thing on all sides. Yoongi noticed, however he knew Jimin wouldn't appreciate him asking, nor commenting. Over months of living with him, they all already were greeted with Jimin randomly being unable to eat- it could be a physical reason, or maybe a mental one. It was hard to read Jimin sometimes.

Jimin's stomach hurt, like a cramp that never released. A heavy pit in his abdomen. It was his previous pain returning, from 'being intersex'. He knew what it was, and how to fix it. He was just too scared to start. The lamp next to Hoseok made Jimin appear sadder than he was, even though it wasn't sadness he was feeling.

Without another moment to waste, wishing he could do better, Jimin reached for the lid of his container, snapped it close forcefully, and slammed the container on the coffee table. Jin opened his eyes in time for Jimin to get up and leave the living room. He looked around, and everyone shared the same confused glances.

"Is he okay?" Jin asked. Namjoon placed some green beans in front of him and Jin gladly took them in to his mouth. "He seems to do this a lot..." Hoseok said. "Do what?" Taehyung asked, petting Jungkook's hair. "Have these sudden drops in attitude. He's happy, confident...then he gets stuck in his own head, and can't do amything- not in a mean way." Hoseok explained more, looking down at his food. "I knew I wasn't the only one who noticed...isn't he talking to a therapist? I think it's got something to do with his dysphoria, of his head and body." Namjoon agreed with Hoseok, his voice lowering.

The house went quiet, except for the show on the television.

"I don't know if he is or not...I'm going to go check on him." Taehyung gave Jungkook a peck on the side of his neck, prompting him to get up. Jungkook turned shy as he moved away from Taehyung, and Taehyung went down to Jimin's room quietly.

"...I want to go with as well." Hoseok placed his food down carefully on the table in front of him, and followed Taehyung. "Me too." Jungkook hurried in following, and Yoongi and Namjoon agreed. Jin stated he would be on the way, after he stood up; making Namjoon more prideful.

By the time the other members had cautiously entered Jimin's room, he was already in Taehyung's smooth arms. His head was buried in his chest, and Taehyung had his head on top of his.

"Jiminie~" Jungkook called out, and he was the first to sit down next to Jimin. He grunted in response. Jungkook leaned his head on Jimin's shoulder, unsure of what to do. It seemed Taehyung had him under control, however as Namjoon and Hoseok started to rub on his shoulders for comfort, Jimin started to cry quietly. The members made an open circle around Jimin, as to not make him feel clustered around.

"We're here for you, Jimin." Namjoon told him quietly, giving a soft smile even though he knew Jimin couldn't see. Jimin could feel it; Namjoon's smile, and everyone's support from around him.

"I know," Jimin sniffled and tried to stop crying. "I just want to get over this- my head...I don't know why, but I keep l-looking at hate comments and-" "I'll sign you out of our social media and change the password." Jungkook cut him off, half-joking. Jimin whined, and Taehyung looked over at him like a mother when their kid makes a not-so-funny joke. Not a hard, authoritative glare, but not not a glare either.

"What I don't understand, is how people can hate on an angel, like our Jimin." Jimin whined and indirectly told Taehyung to stop, but he ignored. "There's nothing wrong with you, Jiminie. You're beautiful, no matter what. I love you." Taehyung continued on, trying to bring Jimin some enlightenment.

Jimin sat up, and wiped tears from his face. He looked over at Jungkook that was on his shoulder.

Jungkook's heart pounded hard in his chest. Jimin was looking at him like he wanted a kiss, on the lips. His eyes constantly shifted down to Jungkook's lips.

Taehyung guessed it would happen eventually, and as Jimin connected lips with Jungkook, he found himself smiling. As they parted, Jungkook first looked at Yoongi and Hoseok, and Jimin turned back to Taehyung.

"Thanks..." He schooched up and kissed Taehyung, relaxing in to him. Taehyung kept his hands on Jimin's sides, keeping him close until Jimin separated them.

"Taehyungie's right, you're beautiful, Jimin. We all love you, so much. I'm happy you're here." Hoseok hugged him from behind, switching places with Jungkook. The younger was blushing between Yoongi's legs, finding comfort in him yet happy from finally tasting Jimin.

"I'm happy you're here, too." Jimin smiled softly, sitting with Hoseok for a moment. Taehyung let go of him so he had more room. Jimin looked over at Yoongi and Jungkook for a moment, and before he could even lean forward for Hoseok, the main dancer was already on him, kissing Jimin passionately. His heart leaped when he felt Hoseok's tongue on his bottom lip, and he pulled away, unsure if he could continue.

"Ah, hot." Jin commented, making Jimin blush more as he broke, via wiping, the string of salvia connecting Hoseok and his lips after they separated. Hoseok pecked his left cherry cheek.

Without any words, of explanation, Jimin was just in front of Namjoon's lap, next to Jin. They both knew what he wanted, so Jin went first in praising him and giving him kisses around his face. Jimin giggled quietly, getting a little bit ticklish. Finally, Jin captured his lips.

Then, Jimin understood why Namjoon and Jin were the first's to fuck, because Jin's lips were just as good as they were pretty.

After calming down from that, Jimin licked his lips and turned to Namjoon. He appeared incredibly inpatient, and the two of Jin and Jimin made fun of him in their heads. Jimin chuckled as he kissed his leader on his pale, soft lips. Namjoon, out of instinct, wanted to hold him at the waist. However, he knew Jimin was emotional and he didn't want to make it worse.

"Damn, I want another one." Namjoon mumbled as Jimin moved over to Yoongi. "Me too-" "Me three." Hoseok and Jin followed Namjoon. Jungkook and Taehyung didn't need to say anything, after Jimin glanced at them, he knew.

"See, Jiminie," Yoongi sighed, and Jimin turned to smile weakly. "My thing is, that, I don't 'just kiss'. So, out of respect, I'll-" Jimin rolled his eyes and kissed Yoongi anyway. Yoongi fought the incredible urge to run his hand on Jimin's back, mainly because he knew Jimin wasn't ready for it, yet.

Taehyung heard a little moan while Jimin readjusted after pulling away. Only Taehyung knew, as he was more than likely the only one who has heard him truely enjoy pleasure.

Jin chuckled audibly. "What?" Namjoon asked him, catching everyone's attention. "I was just wondering how soon round two would be."

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