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Park Jimin slept for two days in a row.

"Should we be worried?" Hoseok asked Taehyung and Jungkook one evening, after Jungkook returned back to them after checking in on Jimin, and stated they were still asleep. "I mean, they have to get up to eat, right? Go to the bathroom?" Hoseok proposed. "I think I saw them in the bathroom yesterday, and they've changed into softer pajamas, but I don't think they've eaten any." Jungkook told the two. "They have to get up eventually, how long do we let them rest for?" Hoseok asked again. "It's the third day, they're getting behind on projects, I assume. They won't be happy if we let them get behind." Jungkook explained. "But they'll be upset we woke them up." Taehyung sighed.

"Do you guys know what's wrong with Jimin?" Yoongi asked as he entered the lower basement. The three were working out, lightly. "Uh..." Taehyung glanced at Hoseok and Jungkook. "Y-you should know, hyung." Jungkook told Taehyung. "I'm just worried, is all. I'm still worried about you, Kook-ah..." Yoongi explained, eyeing the youngest one. "I'm fine, really." Jungkook said. He removed his bandage yesterday, hoping it would heal faster now.

"I'm not sure what's going on with Jimin..." Taehyung lied, returning to his equipment and inspecting it. "Well, how rude. I know you know what's wrong." Yoongi grumbled, leaning against the doorway. Taehyung felt small under Yoongi's affirmative stare. "I really don't know, maybe they're just really burnt out. We did break up suddenly, and got another new manager." Taehyung explained. "Namjoon-ah is talking about disbanding, and he needs to talk with Jimin, to see what they think." Yoongi said, which caused all three other members to freeze in their tracks. "Why?" Jungkook immediately asked. "Look around, Kook-ah. Our manager who stood up for us before, threatened to fire us over a small mistake, and Jin hyung hasn't spoken much since we broke up. Jimin-ah's clearly struggling with their body image, and so am I, and you, Jungkook-ah." Yoongi explained with a sigh. "But it's just hardship, I think we can get through it." Hoseok jumped in. "Then go tell that to Namjoon-ssi." Yoongi stopped leaning, and left.

The three glanced at each other. It couldn't all be their fault, right?

"Let's go wake up Jiminie." Taehyung decided. Jungkook and Hoseok quickly followed Taehyung up to their room, and slowly and carefully opened the door. Jimin was hiding under blankets, only the top of their head visible. Their hair was messy and the sheets of the bed weren't too far from popping off of the corners. Taehyung went in for it first, sitting up near Jimin's upper half, with Jungkook behind them and Hoseok by their legs.

"Jiminie..." Taehyung gently shook Jimin's shoulder. They didn't wake up. "Jimin-ah~" Taehyung started peeling the covers off, and Jimin finally awoke with a groan. "Jimin-ah, you've been sleeping for two days. It's time to get up." Taehyung told them. Jimin whined. "No..." They grumbled, trying to hide their face in their pillow that had wet spots on it from drool. "Yes, come on~" Hoseok and Taehyung took the covers off, and Jimin shivered. "Come on, Jiminie~" Taehyung leaned down and kissed their lips. Jimin tugged away. "Neither of you guys are fucking me ever again," They slowly started to sit up. "I'm so tired and my cunt is on fucking fire, still." They grumbled, but Jungkook and Taehyung chuckled a bit. "We will make you a wonderful breakfast, darling." Taehyung offered. "No, and don't call me darling. I don't think I can physically get fucked again and survive for the next four months." Jimin interrupted. They all laughed. "It'll be alright~" Hoseok told them, picking them up and sitting them against the wall by their bed. "My lower back hurts like shit, and I'm pretty sure I have nerve damage in my legs because they still feel very unstable." Jimin counter-argued.

"Okay, we'll go easier next time. Promise." Taehyung leaned and softly kissed Jimin's forehead. "What can we do to make you feel better?" Jungkook offered. "Get me hospitalized, damnit." Jimin huffed. "You're just grumpy we woke you up, right? You aren't actually angry, or in too much pain?" Hoseok asked, wanting to be sure. He was getting nervous. "Yeah, I'm alright." Jimin nodded.

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