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"The most beautiful moment in life."

Everyone at the table turned to Hoseok. "What?" Namjoon asked. "The name of our next album. We should name it, the most beautiful moment in life. I think we should start doing things not so hip-hop-y." Hoseok explained as he grabbed his water bottle. "That's a long title." Jungkook commented. "Yeah, it is. But I like it." Jin smiled at Hoseok, fond of the idea. "Me too." Yoongi gave Hoseok a smile from beside of Jimin.

"I'm hungry for dumplings." Taehyung thought out loud, pouting at his water bottle. "We should go get some, now that practice is over." Jungkook agreed, standing up. Jimin tisked. "It's not over yet, we still have to practice the chorus a few more times. We can have food after." He shook his head and stood up to start dancing again. "But I'm hungry now, I've been acting for the past seven hours and I never got a break." Taehyung stood up with the rest of his members. "Then maybe you shouldn't have been so focused. Now we have to practice, we can get food when we're done." Jimin told him as he set his phone down.

"Why after? Why not now?" Taehyung huffed. "I just said, if you were listening. We'll get unmotivated if we eat now, plus be more tired." Jimin turned to Taehyung. "I'm not going to argue about it." He shook his head but Yoongi could tell they were about to start arguing.

"You never talk about it, you always put it to the side. Jungkookie and I are hungry now-" "Don't bring me into this." Jungkook put his hands up in surrender. "And you'll still be hungry once we are done practicing. Come on, the faster we get started, the sooner we can eat." Jimin told him with a bit of sass in his voice. "No, we should go eat-" "Come on, guys, don't argue now." Namjoon sighed and threw away his empty water bottle. "I'm not arguing, I'm explaining what we're doing: eating after we're done like we always have." Jimin looked back at Taehyung. "We can break the routine once." Taehyung crossed his arms, not agreeing with what Jimin was saying.

"Ugh just take it outside, for gods sake!" Jin complained, which reached the ninety-five liners. "We're all too tired to hear this." Hoseok agreed, handing Namjoon a fresh bottle of water for once they were done practicing. Jimin glared at Taehyung and they took the argument out in to the hallway.

"They always argue over the most simple things." Yoongi giggled and brushed his hair back. "They really do. I'm really hungry too, but it makes sense to eat after we're done practicing." Namjoon solved the argument, as his other members nodded in agreement.

A few moments later Taehyung and Jimin returned, their argument settled. They would eat after practice.

"Alright everyone, this is a very rough album so there's going to be hip thrusts and ab-reveals so make sure you are in appropriate shape." Their choreographer explained. Jimin gulped, hip thrusts were his worst fear. When his other members performed hip thrusts there were obvious bulges in their pants- not that Jimin was staring, it was a simple observation. But of course, when Jimin did one it was nothing special. He was worried he wouldn't be able to excite his fans in the way his other members could.

"Jimin-ssi you keep forgetting the hip thrusts." Their choreographer stopped the group. "Sorry..." Jimin mumbled and looked down at his feet. "Are you doing it on purpose?" Taehyung grumbled angrily. "No, I'm not meaning to." Jimin shook his head, trying to catch his breath.

Yoongi found himself watching Jimin's light hair fall in front of his face, and the sweat drip slowly down his tan neck. His muscles bulged and his lips shone as he previously had licked them.

'Fuck don't stare, don't stare.' Yoongi told himself and looked away. He made eye-contact with Jin and felt hest rise to his face. Luckily he helped turn himself away before Jin could say anything.

"Alright, again everyone!"

Jimin was purposefully not doing hip thrusts. He felt uncomfortable doing it but he couldn't bring himself to say anything. Their choreographer let it slide for this practice, but Jimin didn't know how longer he could keep his secret. Maybe he should say something.

After practice was over the members arrived back at the dorm. Jimin's stomach was tight, but not in a nauseating way. In a sort-of painful pleasure way. After the choreographer had them practice the new hip thrusts Jimin has been wet ever since.

"Hyung-ah that's mine." Jungkook huffed in the dorm kitchen. He had finally caught who had been stealing fruit from his fruit basket sent from a fan. "Oh." Hoseok placed the banana back in the basket with a pink blush on his cheeks. He hadn't realized it was one person's, he thought it was everyone's to share.

Jimin sat down next to Taehyung and crossed his legs, but regretted it as his thigh put pressure on his clit and he felt slick pour out from his hole into his underwear. He felt his cheeks go red and he hid his face in his phone, hoping Taehyung wouldn't ask.

"No, you can have it." Jungkook rolled his eyes and brushed his hair back while he went to the refrigerator for a drink. "It's yours, I'm sorry-" "Well you've taken over half of it anyways, just have the rest of it while you're at it." Jungkook snapped at him. "No, I thought it was for everyone I didn't mean to-" "It's fine." Jungkook cut off Hoseok again. Hoseok flattened his lips. "Fine, you have it then." He pushed a fruit in to Jungkook's chest and stormed off to the laundry room.

Jungkook held back a scoff as he sat down next to Taehyung, drinking some of his banana milk Namjoon always tried extra hard to get for him. "Jiminie hyung, are you uncomfortable with the hip thrusts? You didn't even try..." Jungkook asked, switching his mind to another topic.

Jimin turned his phone off and swallowed sharply. Jungkook's muscles were looking extra big- but Jimin didn't see him anything more than a younger brother. "Yeah, about that..." Taehyung trailed off. "Um...y-yeah- sort of? I mean it's fine I guess with you guys, but...I don't really want to do that in front of a crowd, our fans...most of them are young..." Jimin mumbled nervously.

"Oh that's okay, I get it...you should tell the choreographer so he doesn't have us do them as often." Taehyung suggested. "Yeah...I'm going to go to bed." Jimin put his phone away and stood up. "Good night, hyung." Jungkook chirped, and Jimin went to his bedroom.

He closed the door behind him.

Jimin nibbled on his lip as he looked around his room. After a short moment he decided to sit down on the edge of his bed. His heartbeat thumped in his ears as he removed his pants. His cheeks blushed pink when he saw the mass amount of slick on the fabric of his underwear. Whining he grabbed a pillow and shoved his face in to it. "Ughhh~" He groaned in frustration and huffed as he moved his head away. Jimin climbed up and flopped down on his back, staring at the ceiling.

His left hand came up to hide his face, as if someone was watching him while his right hand laid on top of his stomach. He felt the small scar from a surgery when he was younger, about an inch, maybe two below his belly button. "Ugh, stop thinking..." Jimin groaned and pushed down his underwear, biting on his lip.

He heard someone go to bed, and assumed it was Jungkook. He always had difficulty of getting his head in the mood, more so than his body. He never knew...well, never really knew even how his own body worked.

In middle school he was put with the boys, and explained puberty...for males. And when Jimin's mother tried to make the school educate him in the opposite gender, well...the entire staff hated him and some probably thought he was a pervert at nine years old.

"Hmm..." Jimin whined in to his left hand while his right hand removed his panties. The air didn't seem cold until it slammed against the hottest part of his body. His legs shifted, closing for a moment then opening back up. Jimin got an idea.

He sat up and placed his back against the wall and bent his knees up, then spreading them. He had a clear view.

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