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After explaining the situation, the members and manager waited anxiously for the surgery to be over- and successful. Five hours later, Jungkook was asleep with Namjoon, when a doctor in a white lab coat approached the group. Hoseok and Taehyung stood immediately, and the doctor stopped in front of them.

"Is Jimin alright?" Hoseok immediately asked. Jin gently woke up Namjoon and Jungkook, then turned back to the doctor. "Yes, the surgery went well and we were able to stop the bleeding. He's still out from the anesthesia, and might be uncomfortable for a few hours, but he should fully recover in a few weeks." The doctor nodded, and while everyone was relieved that their Jiminie was finally okay, they wondered why it would take so long for a recovery.

They followed the doctor back to Jimin's established room, and Jimin was awake, talking with a nurse. His eyebrows scrunched like he was in pain.

"Just giving him some more pain meds, he's still in some pain." The nurse explained to the doctor, while she pushed in some liquid through his IV. "Okay- you might feel some discomfort for a while, Jimin-ah." The doctor nodded at Jimin. "Oh yeah..." Jimin agreed. His stomach still felt tight, but the feeling between his legs was so awkward, that he didn't want to move anything lower than his arms.

A few moments later, the female surgeon that performed the surgery entered, to explain everything in ways Jimin would understand. "So we went in through the vagina with a scope, and were able to clamp the tears along your walls, that were causing the bleeding. It was a good thing that you came in, but we don't want this happening again. Now, you don't have to answer, but have you thought of transitioning over to the other sex, due to your condition?" The surgeon asked, awkwardly pushing her hands into the deep pockets of her white lab coat.

Jimin took a moment to process the surgery. The thought of doctors going in through him made him sick to his stomach, and squeamish. He tried to get out of that uncomfortable feeling to answer the doctors question, but all he could think about was how the surgery appeared to the surgeons...

"Uhh," He cleared his throat, staring at his feet while trying to process everything. He also felt uncomfortable with the amount of people in the room. "My, doctor and I have talked about it a few times, but, it wasn't really something we were planning on...if that makes sense..." He explained to the doctor.

"Hyung-ah, let's go get something to eat, I'm hungry." Namjoon grabbed Jin's hand and turned away. Jin squeaked, not wanting to leave. "But I-" Namjoon tugged him and Jin followed, immediately understanding. "Kook, you wanna come with?" Jungkook nodded and Taehyung followed along, as well.

"It might be something to think more about. See, it's very difficult for the body to adapt to a 'system' that doesn't function the way it should. Your body and brain are trying to keep the reproductive system moving along by forcing menstrual cycles, but it's harming you the more it goes on. It will not be healthy- or safe, for you, if we try to do this procedure every month, or so." The female surgeon went on to explain, and it was finally making sense to Jimin. The constant stomach pains he would get every few weeks, was his body trying to work normally. Like the way it was designed to...

"Okay...what if you just took out my ovaries, since they hardly do what they're supposed to do anyway...?" He asked, a feeling of anxiety and worry washing over him. "It would be better to transition to a different reproductive system than to try and alter this one, any more. If you don't want to transition, we can inject donated eggs and go through hormone therapy to help regulate the menstrual cycles, so you won't have this exact problem much more." The surgeon declined, to Jimin, but he already knew all of this since he was old enough to understand how he worked.

"We don't need an answer now, it's something to think about and discuss with your doctor. However, it is also a decision that needs to be made. I understand it's a lot to take in, so we'll leave you for a bit, to also rest." The doctors bowed and left, leaving Jimin feeling a feeling he hadn't ever felt before. He wondered, mainly about how his decision would impact the others, and his occupation.

Yoongi got to Jimin's left side and squeezed next to him in the small hospital bed. He kept Jimin close and Jimin whined into his chest, feeling embarrassed and confused- even if he knew there was nothing to be embarrassed about. It wasn't something he could've controlled, and he continued telling himself that.

"I don't wanna deal with any of this stuff anymore, but, I don't want to switch either..." Jimin told Yoongi, while Hoseok began rubbing his back. "I can't say I understand, but I know we're gonna be here for you, no matter what you decide. We love you." Hoseok chimed in. He wondered what exactly was happening in Jimin's head.

"Is there anything you want, Jimin-ssi? Like, to eat?" Bang-PD asked, shifting his weight on Jimin's right side. "Not really...actually, maybe some water." Jimin answered, and he ventured off to get him some water.

He cuddled close to Yoongi, happy he was in his arms. It was his comfort place; not just with Yoongi, but with anyone.

"We're going to figure everything out together, okay? You don't have to do anything alone." Yoongi kissed Jimin's head and Jimin took a deep breath, finding more comfort in Yoongi's words than a soft blanket ever could.

He tried not to dwell on the fact that he was different, or the fact of the future; his self image would change very soon. He felt as he had started to find himself (with the help of his overly sexual brain and Jungkook), however the possibility of switching his sex would most likely switch his state of mind. He didn't want to switch his mind in a negative way, and of most things, he was scared of returning to a dangerous mindset.

But, even if Jimin did, in the back of his head, he knew he would have his six other members to fall back on to.

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