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Jimin's heavy eyes fluttered open when he heard his bedroom door close. "Hm?" He sat up and looked around, but nothing had changed. A yawn forced him to close his eyes, and when he opened them he blushed. "Crap." He reached down and grabbed his pajama pants, that he planned to change in to after masturbating the previous night- but he realized he had passed out right after.

"Damn..." Jimin's cheeks felt hot when he stood up and saw a wide dark patch on his bedsheets. He grabbed the end of his blanket and covered it up- for now, anyway. He didn't bother to do anything else, all he wanted was something sweet, ice water or maybe even to just go back to sleep. His mind felt foggy as he left his bedroom, from the relief of last night's events.

His muscles felt lose and his body felt good for once. Masturbating has never really been one of his favorite things, but the aftermath of an orgasm definitely was.

"You're up early." Yoongi noted from the kitchen as Jimin entered. "Yeah; thirsty." Jimin opened the small refrigerator in search of a bottle of water. Yoongi was leaning against the counter as he watched a pot of coffee brew.

"Are you going back to bed?" The elder one asked as Jimin drank half of the water and turned his back to him. "Something like that." Jimin flashed him a smile and shuffled back to his bedroom- but he didn't enter. He heard Jin talking to Namjoon and he sounded worried.

"Hyung, what is this all about?" "Namjoon-ah, it's really serious."

Jimin had to eavesdrop. But he couldn't let Yoongi know he was doing it. So he went in his room and closed the door, placing his ear to the wall.

"Okay, just calm down. It's still early."

"I know, that's why I went to go wake everyone up but I couldn't wake Jimin up." "What do you mean?" "I-I don't know, I...I think I was too- surprised? Aish I don't know what to say!"

Jimin's heart leaped in his chest when he heard his name.

"Surprised? About what?"

"Did you know that Jimin is, like...he's that thing- aish I forgot! Where some people don't want to be the gender they were born with because they don't feel comfortable?"

There was a long pause, and Jimin felt every individual cell in his body freeze. He had slept completely naked...and forgot to lock his door.

"Transgender?" "Yeah- did you know Jimin-ah is transgender? Because I certainly did not until just now." "What? Hyung are you sure you aren't dreaming?" Namjoon's husky laugh echoed in the room next door. "Namjoon, I'm serious!" Jin whisper-yelled. "He didn't sleep with any clothes on, I didn't look on purpose but Jimin is one-hundred percent transgender."

'Fuck.' was the only word in Jimin's mind right now. He felt he might throw up; the good fuzzy feeling in his head was long gone.

Jimin heard Jin and Namjoon talking but it was too quiet to hear- the only time it mattered. "Fuck, fuck." He muttered and grabbed his phone...which was completely dead. He forgot to charge it last night.

"Fuck," Jimin looked out of the window in his bedroom and thoughts of being kicked from the band swirled in his head. He could see it now, Namjoon would bust in any moment and yell at him. The other members would be weirded out and never talk to him again. He realized he was having an anxiety attack when he found himself pacing in his small room, biting on the nail of his left thumb.

Jimin's heart raced in his chest, his skin started to sweat and his hands were shaking. He didn't want his members to find out like this- he didn't want them finding out at all.

The sound of knocking caused Jimin's knees to lock. His eyes glued themselves to the door, that was probably the only thing keeping him in the band right now.

"Jimin-ah, are you awake?" Of course it was Namjoon. "D-don't come in!" Jimin yelled and pushed his back against the door, his breathing picking up. "Okay...I was just wondering if you were awake." Namjoon mumbled awkwardly. Jimin clutched his chest and felt his knees buckle. "Fuck." He whispered and let himself slide down the door.

"Are you okay?" Namjoon asked. Jimin whined. "Yes!" He lied, his weight resting against the door. Namjoon heard him curse and wondered if he was lying. "Are you sure? Can I please come in?" He asked and his hand gripped the door knob. Jimin choked on a breath. "No!"

"No as in...you're not okay, or, no, I can't come in?" Namjoon asked. "I'm sorry..." Jimin whimpered and closed his eyes tightly. "So sorry..." His chest tightened and tears gushed from his eyes- yet he still remained quiet.

Namjoon heard his whimpers and tried to push open the door. "Jiminie, let me in. Please." He pushed a little harder and the door opened. "Jiminie," He found Jimin sitting next to his bed with his face hidden in his knees. He reached out to touch him but Jimin flinched away. "No!"

Namjoon wondered what was suddenly so wrong with Jimin. He awkwardly bit on his lip and looked around Jimin's room. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, except maybe the pile of clothes next to his bed. They were the clothes he was wearing yesterday, and normally, Jimin didn't leave his room messy- if anything, his clothes never laid on the floor for long periods of time.

"Jiminie, why are you so upset? What's wrong?" Namjoon decided to ask. He shuffled closer and put an arm around Jimin's shoulders. Jimin shook his head and squeezed his knees closer to his chest, like he didn't want to speak at all. "Did you, maybe, have a bad dream?" Namjoon kept asking but Jimin refused to explain. All he was doing was crying. It didn't last a long time but it felt like it. Jimin occasionally tried to squirm away but Namjoon wasn't letting him. He wanted to know what was wrong and he would figure it out no matter what.

"Jiminie, please talk to me." Namjoon sighed. "No, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have- should have locked my door, I'm sorry..." Jimin shook his head and turned it away from Namjoon.

Just then, Jin walked in to the room and stood by the doorway. "Oh. Jiminie, are you okay?" He asked and walked over, sitting in front of the younger one. Hoseok happened to hear Jin's question and he too was curious on the situation. Yoongi and Jungkook watched from the doorway while Hoseok and Jungkook went inside Jimin's room to comfort him.

Jimin used his shirt and wiped the tears from his face, still keeping it hidden. "Jin hyungie, I'm sorry." He mumbled quietly. "For what?" Jin asked curiously. "Jimin, you don't have to apologize." Namjoon comforted him, rubbing his right shoulder carefully. Jimin wasn't looking so he wasn't aware of his other members. He tensed his thighs together and his arms started to ache.

Hoseok reached forward and gently rubbed Jimin's shin, wondering what had him so sad. He seemed just fine last night to him. Jimin looked up and around, realizing everyone was there. He wasn't ready for this, how could he be?

He was feeling sick from the nerves and anxiety rushing through him. His stomach felt tight and his head was spinning. He couldn't find the words to speak. So, Jimin moved Hoseok and Namjoon's hands off of him and rushed out of his room, in to the bathroom.

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