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Shoes shuffled throughout the dorm, catching Taehyung's attention on the couch. He turned around and saw Namjoon and Jimin getting ready to leave through the front door.

"Where are you guys going?" He asked, and Jimin looked up at him. Namjoon grabbed a jacket and spoke up first. "We're going clothes shopping for Jimin-ah. We should be back within a few hours." He explained to him. "I wanna come!" Jungkook sprang up from the floor, and Jimin laughed. "I didn't even know you were out here." He told him. "Yep, I'm here~ Can I come with? Please~" Jungkook asked, batting his eyelashes at Jimin as if he would say no.

"I guess..." Jimin nervously rubbed the back of his neck and looked at Namjoon. He shrugged as he nodded. "Me too! I wanna come!" Taehyung raced Jungkook to the front door, and when he won they almost plowed over Jimin and Namjoon. "Where are you kids off to?" Jin asked as he entered from his bedroom, and he stood by the couch. "Clothes shopping..." Jimin answered, looking down at his feet. He pushed his foot in to the carpet, cancelling out the giggly conversation beside him.

"I call shotgun!" Taehyung suddenly yelled, and Jungkook gasped dramatically before they both dashed out the front door to Jimin's car. He followed, and Namjoon gave a goodbye kiss to Jin before he left.

Taehyung and Jungkook playfully squabbled over the passenger seat, as Jimin got in the driver's. "But I'm younger!" Jungkook teased him. "Yeah, so you belong in the back!" Taehyung giggled, grabbing the top of the door to slip inside. Namjoon squeezed bahind Taehyung and got in the passenger seat, and was quick to click his seatbelt across his chest.

"That's totally not fair!" Jungkook and Taehyung complained instantly. "Never get distracted from your enemy. You left the door open for me, literally." Namjoon smiled cheekily at the two younger ones. "Just get in the car, please." Jimin grumbled to them as he pushed his key into the engine, starting the car with a soft roar.

Taehyung and Jungkook got quiet. Jungkook sat behind Jimin and Taehyung on the opposite side of him. After everyone had their seatbelts on, Jimin drove to the closest mall, which wasn't very far. It was a quiet ride, and Jimin was going to apologize but he didn't feel like it. His stomach started to hurt, and he originally wanted to go alone to avoid feeling embarrassed or shy. Now, he had three people going to judge him.

As they walked into a clothing store, with Taehyung and Jungkook still playfully fighting, Jimin felt cramps in his stomach that made his head feel light, and fuzzy. 'I took my medicine this morning, right?' He questioned himself. He remembered vividly popping open the white container and taking the small pill with two gulps of water; he woke up thirsty.

They entered the woman's section, and Jungkook admired the sweater dresses set on display, on white mannequins. Some had heeled boots and others were just the dresses, as fall was approaching slowly. Jimin led them through the underwear and bra section, his speed quickening randomly with a pink tint on his cheeks. If he had gone by himself, he would be here for about an hour finding something pretty. Again, just for himself.

"How come we're over here? I'm just curious." Taehyung asked first, hands in his jean pockets. "He's-" "I'm looking for pretty things, for myself. You didn't have to come." Jimin told him, and just then, a pink and black section caught his eye.

Clothing he was exactly looking for.

"Oh, okay. I wanted to, I like shopping." Taehyung said, but it was mainly to himself as they followed Jimin over a few tight asile's. He instantly reached for a red skirt, and felt the fabric in his hands. It was silk, not exactly the texture he wanted but the maroon stripes along the side added a better look for it.

"What exactly are we looking for, Jimin hyung?" Jungkook asked him, looking around their surroundings. "I want something pretty, to make myself feel pretty, when I feel feminine. Maybe heeled boots, or a skirt, a few crop-tops, things like that. Specifically," Jimin turned around, to see if there were any near by. "I want an oversized pink hoodie, preferably with a cute bear on it- or a dinosaur.  A cute one, not a mean one." With fall on the way, he could see a section of long-sleeve shirts and sweatshirts. Most likely it would be over there.

"I'll look for a cute hoodie!" Taehyung raised his hand, and scrambled off to find a cute one for his best friend. Jimin playfully rolled his eyes, let go of the red skirt and continued to look. "Do you want boots with a noticable heel, or just a little?" Namjoon asked him. "I can go look for some." Jimin nodded his head as he turned the corner, and a row full of skirts and leggings were waiting just for him. "A little heel is fine." He told Namjoon quickly.

Blacks and whites were always very cute, and a pink one with a purple bow on the waist caught his eye. It was a cute style, but not exactly his.

Jungkook stood behind him and admired the row of clothing behind him. Jimin heard him gasp quietly so he turned around. "This is cute~ I think it goes-" "On your thigh, they're thigh garter's." Jimin smiled wide at the black strips of leather in his hands. He didn't want ones with hearts yet, and the one Jungkook found was beautiful. It was a normal garter that wrapped around the upper thigh and had a piece going down to an inch or so above the knee, and connected to another garter.

"I love them, I'm definitely getting these with a pair of thigh-high socks- ooh, or fishnets if they have any." Jimin looked around, and weren't surprised when lace lingerie was down two short asile's. Jungkook followed him down the asile of lustful outfits, until Jimin grabbed a box of black fishnets. They were classic, just intertwined thread and weren't very expensive. The price tag read
8,653 Won {about six dollars and fifty cents in U.S. Dollars}.

"Hyung-ah, would this hurt?"

"Woah," Jimin's eyes widened as he looked at the clothing Jungkook was holding. It was a one-piece red piece of lingerie, with lace around the two holes in the bottom part. There was no front and no back, it was cut open, leaving a thin stripe of fabric that would more than likely go between the person's ass and pussy. There were bundles of fabric surrounding where nipples would rest, and wrap around the torso.

"Uhh," Jimin gulped harshly, and imagined himself wearing it. "Well, first of all, you can hardly call it clothing, it's hardly anything at all..." He started off. "It might hurt, but I bet it would feel amazing if you- if, um- like you rolled your hips, I guess." Jimin told him, eyes wandering more over the clothing again. He didn't want to speak the rest of his sentence, too afraid to reveal how dirty his mind was to Jungkook.

"I think it would look pretty on you." Jungkook walked forward and placed the outfit in front of Jimin's clothes. The image of Jimin without clothes was odd, but with a mental image of Jimin wearing lingerie, that was okay to Jungkook.

Jimin looked down at the outfit. He didn't want to buy something sexual, however Jungkook was right; he would more than likely look insanely hot in the thong. "I don't know..." He tilted his head and looked up at Jungkook for an answer.

"I wanna see you in it."

'Woah, holy fuck.' Jimin gasped softly, eyes locked with Jungkook's. Jungkook just smirked, and ushered the outfit closer to Jimin. "You can wear this over it." He whispered to the younger one, and handed him the skirt they found earlier. "K-ookie, you...aren't for real, are you?" Jimin asked, voice trembling. Jungkook nodded his head, suddenly falling in love with the scared deer-look in Jimin's big brown eyes.

"I'm completely serious, I wanna see it on you. The changing room is right over there." Jungkook backed up and pointed just a few asile's down to the changing rooms. Jimin gulped nervously.

"Come on, it'll be fun." Jungkook lifted his voice and pulled Jimin over to the changing rooms. Jimin whined and entered a changing room, oddly finding the pressure...pleasurable.

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