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After a while, the doctor came and called Taehyung over. Only one person was allowed back. Namjoon and Jin arrived a few moments after he left.

“Are they alright?” Taehyung asked the doctor as they approached Jimin's room. He didn't say anything, which rose anxiety for Taehyung. He sat in a chair across from Jimin's hospital bed.

“We had to perform an emergency procedure after receiving the blood tests. Do you know who Jimin would be in a relationship with at this time?” The doctor asked. He wrote a few things down on a clipboard as he talked. “That would be me. Why?” Taehyung asked again. He wasn't liking these doctors, not doing their jobs and ignoring their questions.

“Unfortunately, Jimin-ssi miscarried. I'm sorry.” The doctor said in a quiet tone. Taehyung shook his head in shock. “What?” He asked quickly. “Were you or Jimin-ssi aware they were pregnant?” The doctor asked, bringing out more papers and writing more down. Taehyung couldn't believe what he was hearing. This was a mixup, right? Jimin couldn't get pregnant, it's been like this since they were born.

“Um, I don't think that's right. Jimin-ah can't get pregnant, they aren't able to carry.” Taehyung told the doctor. His heart was speeding in his chest; if it was running around outside of his body, Taehyung would be too slow to catch it. “Well, Jimin-ssi was very much pregnant. We told them during the ultrasound, then the blood tests confirmed. The bleeding was the miscarriage.” The doctor explained. “No, you're wrong. Just because they're sexually active doesn't mean they're pregnant. Do more tests, don't jump to conclusions.” Taehyung demanded. The doctor pulled out a thin slip of paper from his pocket in his white lab coat. “I'll leave you for a bit.” He said after Taehyung examined the paper. It was a picture of the ultrasound, Taehyung knew what that looked like.

There was a fuzzy spot of something, not very large at all. Taehyung felt tears building up in his eyes. It couldn't be, right? Maybe this was someone else's picture, or maybe it was a mass of some sort. It couldn't be a baby, it was way too small anyway, according to Taehyung's young mind. He's heard Jimin when they came back from the doctors, they could not make nor carry children, their body physically was not able to. That was done and done. It was black and white. There was never a slim chance, it was a one-hundred-percent fact that it wasn't possible for Jimin.

Taehyung cried for a while - out of frustration, it had to be. Maybe Taehyung didn't know why he was crying, nor what he was feeling. How was he supposed to tell Jimin all of this, especially after losing their partners that neither of them have talked about yet? Everything was still a mess, and now it was more complicated.

For thirty minutes Taehyung cried quietly, then after a while he calmed down. He wasn't sure if he should tell the others. They deserved to know at least that Jimin was okay. Well, what if they weren't? Maybe it wasn't all over yet. It was also Jimin's decision on who they wanted to tell about this. Taehyung honestly didn't know Jimin well enough for things like this. He was scared, too.

Suddenly, Jimin whined. Taehyung practically jumped up and rushed to their side. “Jiminie? Are you awake?” He asked. Jimin opened their eyes for a short moment before they closed them again. “Tae, what happened? It still hurts.” Jimin groaned out. Taehyung held their hand tightly. “Oh I'm so happy you're awake, I was so scared and worried…” Taehyung leaned over a bit and pushed his face in to the hospital bed. It took conscious effort to hold himself up. “Tae, what happened?” Jimin asked again. They were slowly adjusting to the light.

“I don't know,” He spat out. “You passed out when they were taking the ultrasound, and took you away from us. They wouldn't let us see you for a long while.” Taehyung added on. “Then call the doctor for me, would you? I'm scared too.” Jimin squirmed out of discomfort. Taehyung reached and pressed the nurses button. After a few minutes, a different nurse came in and gave Jimin pain reliever. Then, after about twenty minutes, the male doctor entered the room, and closed the door behind him.

As he walked in, Taehyung grabbed the picture of the ultrasound and hid it behind him. He didn't want Jimin to see it, not yet.

“How are you feeling, Jimin-ssi? We had to perform an emergency procedure.” The doctor asked. “Not great, what happened?” Jimin told him. “Were you aware that you were pregnant, Jimin-ssi?” The doctor asked. Jimin's hand relaxed on Taehyung's, but Taehyung only gripped theirs harder. Jimin didn't speak for a while. “Pregnant? I-I can't, doctor,” Jimin couldn't help but laugh a little. “I can't…no, I can't.” They repeated. “You were, Jimin-ssi. I would congratulate you, however, this afternoon you miscarried. Your body is going through a lot, so now that we're awake we can continue with some steps to take for after.” The doctor went on and explained. “Do you still have the picture?” He asked Taehyung. “What picture?” Jimin quickly took their hand away from Taehyung.

“I'm telling you, Jimin, it isn't -” “Give it.” Jimin interrupted. Taehyung slowly handed it to Jimin, and the slighty older one held it for a while, looking closely. “That…isn't me.” They said after a while. “I don't have…I shouldn't have to fucking explain to you that this isn't mine!” Jimin suddenly shouted, throwing the picture at the doctor. “It should f-fucking say on a medical record - or something, that I don't have fucking ovaries, or something, I forgot - and that's why it's fucking documented!” Taehyung reached to hold Jimin's hand, trying to calm them down. “Jimin-ssi, I understand you're upset; you're going through a lot at the moment -” “No, you listen here. I cannot get pregnant, I don't have those parts, so get me a fucking doctor who will look at my medical history, and will do their fucking job!” Jimin interrupted, quickly growing angry. “Jimin, please -” “So go get me another fucking doctor!” They ignored Taehyung. The male doctor left after a moment.

“Taehyung, don't tell me you believe this shit!” Jimin cried out. “Jimin, please, I'm also going through it with you -” “It wouldn't be fucking yours anyway, so I don't want to hear it!” Their heartrate was rising quickly, visible change on the monitor next to them. “You said you were going to be with me through whatever happened - this can't be happening, Taehyung, it physically cannot.” Jimin explained more, jerking away from him. “It's right there, Jimin!” Taehyung suddenly found himself shouting. He went to the other side of the bed, and picked up the picture. “It's right here, with your name on it. You were bleeding everywhere, they wouldn't answer any of our questions -they stole you right away from me! It was happening, a-and I couldn't do anything but hope and pray to a greater power than me that you were going to be okay, that it wasn't me who hurt you so much, that everything was going to be alright, and you'd be alive.” He started crying again, and Jimin wasn't sure what they were going to do. “You can't possibly believe I'm pregnant, Taehyung, I told you it can't fucking happen!” They yelled.

Suddenly, a nurse entered the room. “Is everything alright?” She asked in a deeper voice. She seemed like she meant business. “No, because you people don't know how to do your job.” Jimin snapped at her. “What can we help with?” The nurse asked, coming in the room fully. “Jimin, stop.” Taehyung grabbed Jimin's wrists, feeling the slight indents from the rope from three days ago. “Please, just stop. Please, Jiminie, I can't fucking take this anymore, I can't take all of this arguing anymore.” Taehyung pleaded, shaking Jimin's hands. Jimin tried tugging away, and after Taehyung didn't let go, the nurse got between them. “I'm going to have to ask you to leave.” She told Taehyung. He dropped the picture on Jimin's lap. “Fine.” He said. The nurse escorted him back to the emergency room.

His mind spun the entire way. How could Jimin believe these people, who hardly knew them? And how did Jimin have energy to argue? Taehyung couldn't wrap his mind around anything. He felt dizzy. He felt lightheaded. His legs were getting weak; he could feel it in every step he took. When he saw his members, he fell apart.

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