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Jimin didn't open his door all night, nor until everyone was up and getting ready to record at the industry.

He spent the entire night crying, suffering three anxiety attacks- and his self-image hadn't gotten any better. He scratched his face, his arms and thighs, and his stomach wasn't any better. One look in the mirror at four seventeen in the morning, and he felt like he was being suffocated, like he was wearing a bear costume that was scratchy and the fur was spikey.

At eight o'seven, two knocks on Jimin's bedroom door woke him up. He was laying beside his bed, his pillow between his thighs and arms since his breakdown caused the pain to last hours. Sitting up, Jimin saw his stomach was covered in dark red scratches, like a stray cat had thought he was a pack of food. Even some skin on his left forearm had broken, and there was now a small puddle of blood on his bedsheets. It looked like it hadn't been bleeding long.

"Jimin, it's Jin hyung. Are you okay?" Jin voiced, knocking twice more. Jimin stood up, his long pajama shirt and pants hiding everything he had done. He unlocked the door and opened it just enough to see Jin.

"Are you not feeling well again?" Jin asked, reaching up to feel Jimin's forehead. "No, I feel fine." Jimin lied, brushing Jin's hand away. "Okay...we all need to talk to you, so...get changed and meet us in the living room in ten, okay?" Jin decided to be straight up after Jimin ignored his offer. "I don't want to talk to anyone right now." Jimin started to close the door but Jin stopped it. "Please..." Jin looked in Jimin's eyes. "If not for me, or anyone else, do it for Jungkook. He was sleeping and you scared him, you have to apologize."

Jimin rolled his eyes and Jin let the door close. He went back to the living room and sat next to Taehyung.

Nothing was said until Jimin walked in to the living room, sitting next to Yoongi. Everyone looked up. He was wearing plain black jeans and a black hoodie. "What do you need?" Jimin asked, ignoring Taehyung and Namjoon.

"First," Namjoon cleared his throat. "I want to apologize. I truly didn't know you- that the door was unlocked. I didn't mean to stare, I should've left- I know that. And, I'm sorry for making you feel...watched, or anything like that..." He looked at Jimin, but he was looking at the floor. "Me too." Taehyung fixed his posture.

Jimin didn't say anything. He couldn't say it was okay, because it wasn't.

"What aren't you telling us, Jimin hyung?" Jungkook changed the subject, bent over a little. His hands were folded between his legs as if he were interviewing Jimin for a high-paying job.

"What do you mean? I don't want to talk." Jimin kept his gaze on the floor, his hands in his lap. "We aren't upset or angry with you, Jiminie, not at all." Jin assured him, not wanting this to go down badly. "We just want to know if you're a girl or not." Yoongi blurted out, and Jimin's head immediately jerked up. "Hey!" Jungkook hit Yoongi in the chest. "It's true, I'm being straight forward." Yoongi rubbed where Jungkook had hit him, huffing.

"What Yoongi hyung means-" "I know what the fuck he means, Namjoon." Jimin snapped at his leader, glaring hard at him. Namjoon had never been so scared of Jimin, and he found himself looking down at his lap in silence.

Jimin sighed and leaned back in the couch, feeling waves of stress cause his chest and stomach to tighten and twist. "I'm...look, I don't know if I'm ready to tell you guys, it's really stressful for me right now." Jimin started off, groaning. "Does manager-nim know?" Namjoon asked. "Yes, he knows! He kind of has to!" Jimin realized he was freaking out, so he stopped and took a slow, deep breath.

"Manager Bang knows that I'm intersex." He announced, not making eye contact with anyone. "Intersex means a lot of different things, for different people. But for me, it means I was born with female genitalia, even when I have male chromosomes and stuff like that- even I don't know exactly what it is scientifically, but that's what it is." Jimin explained, brushing his hair back away from his face. "It isn't, like, a disease or anything. It is rare but nothing bad, per-say. I get sick a lot because I don't have a uterus, but I do have ovaries and my body just gets confused, basically." He added on, wondering if anyone was going to ask him about his chest or if he had a period, or some weird ass questions.

"It's also why our first manager favorited me, and never got angry with anything that I did. He knew I was intersex, he was told before I even met him in person. It's probably because he-" "Is a fucked up dude." Hoseok leaned back on the floor, his arms supporting his weight behind him.

Jimin nodded his head. "It's why I have my own room, because if the public ever found out, our manager didn't want anyone thinking we were doing stuff. Also, the reason I have lots of doctors appointments and all of that stuff. Do you have any questions?" He asked. It was obvious he wanted to go back to his room, either because he was tired or just wanted to leave the awkward situation.

"Do you have periods?" Taehyung asked. "No. I don't have a uterus- which also means I can't carry children. On that side note, I have a significantly low count of eggs so the chances of me even getting pregnant is like, 0.003 out of a trillion." Jimin rolled his eyes after Taehyung's question. "Are we done now?" He asked.

"How come you didn't tell us? You were born with it, right? So, there isn't anything to be-" "Yeah, let me tell six people with dicks about the fact I'm an imposter with a vagina." Jimin cut off Namjoon, and instantly all of the members laughed. After a moment, Hoseok was the first to speak. "If you didn't call yourself an imposter, I wouldn't have just died laughing." Hoseok was still giggling as he spoke.

"I have another question." Taehyung raised his hand, as if he was back in school. Jimin looked at him, waiting for him to ask. "So, if someone- a guy, asked you out to date, and you were like really good friends, what would you say?" Taehyung asked, lowering his hand in to his lap. "Why do you ask? That seems very specific." Jimin raised a brow at him. Did Taehyung like him, maybe?

"I'm just curious." Taehyung shrugged. "It depends."

"What do you think about poly relationships?" Yoongi asked out loud. Everyone turned to him. "I don't know, it all depends on who it is and a lot of other stuff..." "Like what?" Yoongi questioned him.

"I'm going back to my room. No one talk to me."

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